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The Smoking Conspiracy - A Plot to Rape & Kill the Masses?

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posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 10:35 AM
Smoking... Hmmmmmm even as I type this I'm smoking a roll-up of the finest blend of tobaccos. It is not unusual to be a smoker nowadays. Infact I would even dare to say that it is unusual not to smoke if you are young in this day and age, regardless of the well known bad side-effects. However this thread is not to discuss what smoking does or doesn't do to you health wise. If your not too sure on that then please check out the following links:

What this thread is for however is discussing the possibility that smoking may have been glamorized by the government as an attempt to kill and/or profit from the masses. When smoking tobacco was first introduced into western culture it was glamorised by media as cool and sometimes healthy. We can see this in early films and adverts before it was commonly accepted that smoking was bad for you. For more information regarding the glamorisation of smoking please visit the following link:

I will start off with my speculation regarding the profit to be made on mass amounts of people smoking tobacco. Think of how strongly tobacco is taxed compared to other commodities? And this tax is constantly rising year after year. Where is this tax going to? The Government of course. More and more taxation with little sign of decreasing. Secondly I shall talk about how MORE money can be made from mass amounts of people smoking. What happens when you smoke over a long period of time? You get unhealthy. You get disease. What do you need when you get unhealthy and disease ridden? That's right you need healthcare, and we all know who profits from healthcare. Regardless of whether or not you get healthcare for "Free" in your country you still have to pay MORE tax for that healthcare. So that's just two ways in which the government can profit from smokers.

Now to move onto how tobacco actually causes cancer and why this may have been premeditated.

Cannabis is often compared to tobacco, with the damage caused by smoking tobacco given as a reason to prohibit use of cannabis. Yet most of the harms caused by tobacco use are due not to tar, but to the use of radioactive fertilizers. Surprisingly, radiation seems to be the most dangerous and important factor behind tobacco lung damage.

Radioactive fertilizer It's a well established but little known fact that commercially grown tobacco is contaminated with radiation. The major source of this radiation is phosphate fertilizer.1 The big tobacco companies all use chemical phosphate fertilizer, which is high in radioactive metals, year after year on the same soil. These metals build up in the soil, attach themselves to the resinous tobacco leaf and ride tobacco trichomes in tobacco smoke, gathering in small "hot spots" in the small-air passageways of the lungs.2 Tobacco is especially effective at absorbing radioactive elements from phosphate fertilizers, and also from naturally occurring radiation in the soil, air, and water.3 To grow what the tobacco industry calls "more flavorful" tobacco, US farmers use high-phosphate fertilizers. The phosphate is taken from a rock mineral, apatite, that is ground into powder, dissolved in acid and further processed. Apatite rock also contains radium, and the radioactive elements lead 210 and polonium 210. The radioactivity of common chemical fertilizer can be verified with a Geiger-Mueller counter and an open sack of everyday 13-13-13 type of fertilizer (or any other chemical fertilizer high in phosphate content).

So what do you guys think? Is it possible that tobacco has been used by the government as a strategy to rape and kill the masses? Some of you might mention how the government has anti-smoking campaigns but isn't it too late for that? And doesn't it just glamorise smoking as a "Cool" thing to do amongst the youth, while adults are already addicted? After all nicotine is meant to be the most addictive substance on earth:

Am I crazy or am I onto something?

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 11:27 AM
Excellent thread, seems entirely plausible! Concidering all the conspiracies to do with health it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 11:32 AM
Rape and kill the masses? A little extreme don't you think?

Tobacco makes them A LOT of money in more ways than one. They are stupid not to know how bad it is for you, yet their greed sets in and they only care about what they will get out of it in the end.

Sad but then again nobody holds a gun to your head to smoke. People know what is bad for them and they still choose to do it and then blame everyone else for it. I smoke when I drink and I know it's bad and I can stop if I wanted but for some reason it's a sick comfort thing when I am drinking. I don't get it but I only hold myself accountable. I know it's bad in many ways. I mean my cigarette glows in the black light, that can't be good!

I think good old fashioned hand rolled cigs are better than their mass produced ones with all the "additives."

S&F for this

You are not crazy
edit on 10/8/2010 by mblahnikluver because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by mblahnikluver

Maybe true but I thought this topic was in need of a catchy title

I think the fact that people know it is bad for you and the fact that most parents hound at kids that it is wrong just glamorises smoking even more, no need for glamorisation in the media anymore!

I should probably use a filter when I roll my cigarettes but the sad thing is that I see filters as more wasted money. Perhaps if there wasn't so much tax on tobacco to start with I would buy filters. Aren't the "Stay alight" Chemicals supposed to be REALLY bad for you? Cheers for your input.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 11:45 AM
In the USA it has become a major source of much needed revenue, and is more of a plot to tax a highly addictive drug, heavily.

Imagine if the states could legalize other highly addictive drugs and heavily tax and control sales of those products?

Most of the states could wipe out their debt and deficits in weeks!

Several US states with state taxes a single pack of cigarettes can cost between $6 and $10 now most of which is tax.

They should consider lifting the bans on tobacco advertising, it would help them get more people addicted and raise more tax revenues.

edit on 8-10-2010 by Fractured.Facade because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

I didn't realise the tax was as bad over in the states as it is over here

Yep, its a bit of a coincidence that Nicotine is supposedly the most addictive substance known to man and tobacco is so deadly yet its legal and taxed like hell! Or is it?

And they still leave other substances illegal... ones that have proven health benefits.
edit on 8-10-2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:02 PM
Slightly off topic, my apologies, but to anyone who's addicted to cigarettes and wants to quit, try niacin.

Seriously, nicotine is a stimulant, but is readily oxidized in the body and turned into nicotinic acid, aka niacin.

Niacin, nicotinic acid, was the nutrient used to derive all the synthetic benzo's like valium and xanox. They all hit the same receptors in your brain.

So, it seems many who are addicted to cigarettes may have developed a niacin dependency issue. The easiest remedy is to take high doses of niacin.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

Federal tax is I believe $1.01 per pack now, up from about 31 cents, and the rest is state taxes, they claim it is meant to discourage people from smoking... But that is pure BS, addicts don't care how much their drug costs, only that it is available, and since a lot of addicted smokers are poor, and we are in a recession many people are are having to spend money they can't afford to satisfy their addictions now.

The government is now officially no better than the cartels and the local pushers of illicit drugs... In fact it can be argued that what they are doing is even worse.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

Not off topic at all, thanks I'll bear that in mind!

Do you know of any possible side effects of this?

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

Wow what an extortion. I agree with you especially considering the fact that tobacco is worse for you than a lot of illegal substances and MUCH MORE addictive.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Fractured.Facade

My google chrome lagged sorry for the double post

edit on 8-10-2010 by TechUnique because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

Sure do, I've been taking high doses of niacin for over two years.

If you take megadoses, then you have >1% chance of developing hepatitis. It does tax your liver but less than the average toxic exposure from cosmetics the average women takes in daily.

Also, depending on the dosage, the individuals genetics, & diet you may or may not experience a flushing effect. This is when your body releases too much histamine at once. It usually goes away after a few doses and the body normalizes. I take the version= inositol-hexanicotinate and this kind is niacin bounded to a molecule of inositol. It slowly breaks away the bond over hours and doesn't cause a flush effect in most ppl.

You could try a simple 50mg dose to start with. If that doesn't get you through the hump, then you could try as I do. I take 500mg pills of INH. Actually take a megadose, 1gm 3 times daily, but do so for several other reasons.

It's very beneficial for alzheimer's, psychosis, and atherosclerosis as well. I developed slight psychosis a few years back, alzheimer's runs on my moms side, and atherosclerosis on my dads side, so it was treatment and preventative maintenance as well.

You can google niacin + alz, + psy, + athero to find more information.. If anything, it will improve the memory even in healthy people in most cases!

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

That's amazing, I had no idea of this

The problem is I think I would probably miss the whole physical act of smoking itself. (I blow some killer smoke hoops... yeah I know sad

I could see this being an extremely effective method of cutting down and then eventually giving up though. I'll have to see if there is any chance of getting this stuff prescribed on the NHS. I doubt it though. Is it expensive down at your end?

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:33 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

No. Not at all. I go down the street to the local pharmacy store, CVS, and they have 500mg pills for $11.79 for 200 of them. I swallow 6 a day, so that lasts me over a month. I also take ascorbic acid with bioflavinoids along with it, same 1gm 3x daily, and that costs about $15 a month. Do you not have local stores that stock vitamins? If not, try online. I'm not sure how that would work in the U.K. but I know here you can just go through amazon or similar. Just be careful to pick a reputable brand, and look for possible allergens. I've tried a few different kinds of vit-c and a couple made me break out in hives!

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

They seem pretty cheap over here, £7.50 for 100. I'll definitely have to look further into that, cheers for sharing! I've been meaning to give up smoking tobacco for a while now.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

Not really...

You see, big wigs in a tobacco company had this wonderful idea to glamorise the use of a toxic weed that for millenia had been used in one form or another by tribal people even before societies began.

Then they thought, hey the big wigs over at the other company have the same idea, whats we gonna do?

SO they made the image that it was cool and sheik to have a durry hanging out of your gob, or twindleing between your fingers as you swagger around the room to the leddies...

Yeah thats the deal, big stashes to make with that one boss, good idea.

Government? Ha. they did nothing but say Give Us Taxes or we'lll make you illegal.
edit on 8/10/2010 by
edit on 8/10/2010 by badw0lf because: Im on a roll today with typos
extra DIV

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:54 PM
I dont think the govt wants us to die, especially if we can pay. As a former pack-a-day smoker, I always pondered how/why the govt could sell something harmful and addictive. You are right, TAXES, CAPITALISM, HEALTH CARE. They benefit from every aspect. You buy a pack (tobacco tax + money to company who in turn pays an income tax ), you become hooked and feed the machine, then likely get sick and enter the Healthcare system. that's a whole other thread in itself. but bottom line is tax.

Then you look into it deeper and look at who owns the tobacco companies and who they are tied to. It's a long and interesting trail. This thread can branch into so many things.

Ive been using SNUS, since I do enjoy Camel tobacco. Ill look into the Niacin thing, I used to take it with B6 to try and flush certain cannabinoids but that didnt work, Ill see how it works for the Nicotine addiction
edit on 8-10-2010 by Vespucci because: forgot to add

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