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Are most people Genetically and/or Karmically programmed to be Sheeple?

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posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 09:22 PM
I just want to say I dont want to start this thread off by self-agrandising - so let me just say: I would still consider myself to be on the sheep end of the scale for the most part. okay, now thats out of the way.

I had a thought.

Are some people genetically and/or karmically programmed to be Sheeple?

Are they perhaps to remain sheeple for their current life? -or- Are they supposed to "wake-up"?

Are the White-Hats supposed to take over sheparding the Sheeple from the Black-Hats?

IMO, its safe to say that in 90% of cases the Black-Hats are running tings, and in Supreme Mathematics (see signature) / The Nation of the Gods and Earths, they say: 85% of people are dumb, deaf and blind (the Sheeple), 10% of people are purposefully keeping those dumb, deaf and blind. And 5% of people are trying to liberate all others.

It seems obvious to say leaders are important - so -

Should it be up to the benevolent white-hats to wipe out the malevolent black-hats and take over, even if only in a transitionary period?

IMO they have to play a bigger role than they are currently in anycase - and making the alternative to what we have currently, and what the Black-Hats are trying to achieve, seem alot more attractive and viable (which it is anyway).

Looking forward to your thoughts.

edit on 7/10/10 by ghostsoldier because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 09:49 PM
Yes its true. some people are as dull as doorknobs.

But! They consume! And that has been the "General Business Plan" for decades.

The more they consume, the more profits we will make!!!! Tally Ho!

Keep them stupid and spending!!!! Here here. I second that.

You know the mentality. But I do not think that they planned for "Critical Mass."

Most unfortunate. Get Ready.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by Wildmanimal

I agree the Black-Hats want brain-dead consumers.

But there is also a good kind of consumption, localised, re-usable, recyclable, high quality, long-life, fair-trade, renewable, bio-dynamic/organic, animal friendly, chemical free, grass-roots etc. That is the good kind of consumables.

So therefor, I think its the job of the White-Hats and those who are following the White-Hats to consume that way, and get others to do the same - to make that the norm.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 09:58 PM

I'm not sure about karmically, but there's a pretty strong correlation between genetics and intelligence.

Not that I think intelligence is the only requirement to see through the bs, but it's certainly one main component.

I think it's basically intelligence and the moral courage, else control-freak factor of having to know for survival.

If you look into the Myers-briggs personality typology which spawned from Jungian's original theories, you'll find that most people aren't intuitive orientied, nor are they introverts.

Most of the people on this site are somewhat intelligent at least, and are intuitive/introverted.

I've got friends who are highly intelligent, but still don't see through the veil.

There's a kind of intelligence that doesn't really show up on the tests that people have here.

You could call it insight, high intuition, or maybe even an (un)common-sense.

I find what the average person here calls common sense isn't what the majority would really be thinking.

It seems we've got a lot of naive people here as well.

Damned, so recapping:

Average ATS junkie:

Strong Willed/Moral Courage

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by ghostsoldier

Yes............the majority are by mind programming.

Second line.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by unityemissions


I guess I haven't made my point clear.

IMO, some people are born to be lead, The Sheeple.

And the quality and direction humanity heads in is a battle between White-Hats and Black-Hats, and either one of them will lead the Sheeple.

So rather than telling people to "wake up" "fight the power" etc, which is important - is it merely a case of getting them to follow the White-Hats instead.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by ghostsoldier

Oh my bad. I assumed the title explained the thread sufficiently enough. My apologies.

Yes, I think you're entirely correct. I do think that a few are versatile, and can go from being a sheep to a hatter, but this seems to be quite rare.

I think most are pretty much as you say, pre-programmed to follow. Which of course it would be as you say again, the best we (white hatters) can do is seize the correct moment to lead the people. When their is a glitch in the matrix (financial collapse, etc..), we must do everything within our means to lead the people in a better direction.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:11 PM
yes ... they are programmed by DNA probably ... since birth

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

You have hit the nail on the head. Some folks are "intellegent" yet stupid.

Somethings going on............yet most chose to ignore it or don't see it.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by unityemissions

Originally posted by unityemissions
reply to post by ghostsoldier

Yes, I think you're entirely correct. I do think that a few are versatile, and can go from being a sheep to a hatter, but this seems to be quite rare.

Yes! I should of said that also, I do think that it is possible - some people are further in their souls evolutionary journey IMO, and may only need to learn a handful or so lessons to reach the next plateau. But alot are further back in the trail.

Originally posted by unityemissions
I think most are pretty much, pre-programmed to follow. Which of course it would be the best we (white hatters) can do is seize the correct moment to lead the people. When their is a glitch in the matrix (financial collapse, etc..), we must do everything within our means to lead the people in a better direction.

Indeed, environmental stressors and the suns radiation is what causes biological evolution - so by logical extention stressors in the human environment and gods light should be all we need to trancend the current state of affairs.

For anyone interested
My avatar and signature should provide some insight to where I would like to see things go... lulz

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:25 PM
We should just split the world into two main side for people who want to perpetuate the current system and be led by current leaders or similar ones (black hats)...and the other side not led, but "overseen" by white hats, because I think the promotion of independent thinking should be a big thing, we've become too dependent on our "leaders", people need clear guidance and instructions or they have no idea what they should do, that's why they are sheeple. They don't have the ability to question the system, or are a afraid to. And when they get told what to do or what to think, it becomes "programmed" into them. For instance, no matter what you can say or show people about 9/11, they just wont ignore their programming. Same thing goes with religion. In fact, religion is like the ultimate HQ of sheeple IMO. These people are compelled to submit their entire being and way of life to an all knowing, all powerful being whose existence can't be verified. Next they usually get a text of some description which basically explains everything, why we are here, where we came from etc. Not just that, but it dictates how to view and live life. What a precious tool this must be for the black hats. That reminds me, no religion allowed on the "white side".

edit on 7/10/10 by CHA0S because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by ghostsoldier

Humans always have been separated in three groups the leaders, the followers and some in between the anarchists (the ones that do not conform with rules and be ruled).

Yes is always those that have the power of persuasion and those that rather like to be persuade, just look at how religion is able to have so many followers. . .

Genetically born to belong in any group, I personally don't think so, as many people that began as followers become anarchist so they have the ability to think for themselves eventually.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:35 PM
I don't believe that people are genetically or kharmically programmed to be sheeple.

However, I do believe that the brain is very easily influenced, and that TPTB know how to easily manipulate the masses to get what they want.

This is easily demonstrated by the over 1 billion people brainwashed by "Christianity", the second over 1 billion people brainwashed by "Islam" and the hundreds of millions of others that have been brainwashed by any religious leader of a multitude of minor sects (yes, I count Judaism as a minor sect - only about 13 million followers worldwide). These sheeple will defend their misplaced faith despite ANY actions that their religious leaders take, no matter how vile or contrary to the general good of humanity or the religion that they are trying to represent.

When people are defending their religion, they will not accept ANY other position, or even consider any other position, other than the lies they have been led to believe in as the Gospel Truth. This is a sure sign of brainwashing.

It's the same with many, many people around the world now, which is deeply divided in just about every instance of position people take on any subject, not just religion. People defend their irrational positions on things, despite not having any evidence of their position other than ";well, it was online;, or 'well, my priest told me that this was bad so it must be true', or 'FOX News or CNN told me that a plane crashing into the building caused it to fall down', so it must be true".

The sad part is that most people don't even realize that they're just one of the flock. Religious leaders even have the GALL to call their followers "sheep" and to tell them TO THEIR FACES that they are their "flock" (nearly every priest I've ever heard uses these expressions) and people STILL DON"T GET IT.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:37 PM

Originally posted by Wildmanimal
Yes its true. some people are as dull as doorknobs.

But! They consume! And that has been the "General Business Plan" for decades.

The more they consume, the more profits we will make!!!! Tally Ho!

Keep them stupid and spending!!!! Here here. I second that.

You know the mentality. But I do not think that they planned for "Critical Mass."

Most unfortunate. Get Ready.

You got it. So long as people keep going into debt so that they can continue to spend on consumer items that they don't need, they will continue to be enslaved. Only with modern slavery, they don't actually realize that they are being enslaved.

At least 150 years ago, people were actually told "you're a slave". Now the sheeple are just told "you live in the land of the free" and they actually believe it.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 10:42 PM
reply to post by ghostsoldier

no one is programed through genetics or karma to be sheeple .they are all taught from day one that all others and all elders know from experience that all that they know is true and they all teach this to us from day 1.
example , were all told that we do not kill by our churches -our governments and millitary`s say we have to kill and make war so we all follow . why because it is for god and for country .or so they tell us ,but god said not to do these acts and yet we do . so why is it that the same churches that preach this fallacy to us are all sitting on the fence and not doing anything to end this madness and insanity.op`s that's right they are all in their own way preaching that it is okay to kill especially if the others are not of our chosen faiths ,and this religious war mongering has been going on for centuries -take a look at the trouble in the middle east.

welcome to the MATRIX that was constructed for us and by all of us and we the human species believe that we are at the top of the heap, what a joke .
so who made this MATRIX for us to live in and act like sheeple, it would not happen to be the CHURCHES,GOVERNMENTS AND THE MILLITARY`S. AND ALL OF THEIR MINDLESS LITTLE SUBSERVIENT. did`t the christ say that he would destroy the chuches ,millitary`s and governments when he came back ---aka. the true 3 anti -Christs.
consider whom we all followed like little sheeple ,and yet they continue to lead us down a path of self destruction . destroy it all and we will survive or as they claim money makes the world go round and nothing else matters ,even the preservation of our own species.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 06:48 AM
isopraxic, preservative, re-enactment, tropistic, and deceptive
isopraxic, preservative, re-enactment, tropistic, and deceptive
isopraxic, preservative, re-enactment, tropistic, and deceptive
isopraxic, preservative, re-enactment, tropistic, and deceptive
isopraxic, preservative, re-enactment, tropistic, and deceptive

Read up

I will respond better tomz

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 07:47 AM
Take it from the wolf.
There is no lack of sheep.

Humans are so diverse, it seems as if we are different species in the same skin.
I particularly despise the closed minded attitudes of our American peasants when presented with truth.

Sometimes I think this is due to genetics, and other times I think it is peer programming.
Whatever causes one to stop questioning the status quo, is like living blindfolded.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:47 AM
I do believe that a great many are prone to following blindly. In my opinion this goes for both debunkers and truthers.

According to some psychologists, a person who believes in one conspiracy theory tends to believe in others; a person who does not believe in one conspiracy theory tends not to believe another.[25] This may be caused by differences in the information upon which parties rely in formulating their conclusions.
Yeah I know, wikipedia. Still there is some interesting info.

I don't know if there is a genetic factor in someone deciding to blindly follow (my way of saying 'sheeple') but it seems reasonable. I also believe that how a person is brought up will have a lot to do with this.
edit on 8-10-2010 by abrowning because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:13 PM

^Extremely relevant.

And when I say "Karmically Programmed" - that could mean a whole bunch of things, and is made up of infinite variables - but IMIO (intuitive opinion) the parents you are born to are a major part of the Karmic cards you got dealt.
edit on 17/10/10 by ghostsoldier because: thankyou asala

posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by ghostsoldier

An argument could be made that some people are genetically "destined" to be followers. Since the days when the first primitive humans gathered into family units, I am sure that there were the strong few who led, and the rest who trusted the strong to protect and lead them.

One must remember that we, as physical beings, are not far removed from those first humans. Evolution is a slow process. This is why we instinctively fear snakes and spiders, on sight, and with great emotion, while seeing a car, which is much more likely to kill us, gives us no such reaction.

In a sense we are very much like children who have been thrust into an advanced world that we are not emotionally or instinctively prepared to effectively navigate.

This concept, though, has some loopholes. Followers can become leaders. The weak can become the strong. In fact it is normal, for primate cultures, to rely upon this practice. Todays alpha is destined to be tomorrows outcast. Show me a silverback who is in total control of his troupe or tribe and I will show you a leader living out numbered days.

So, to my reckoning, the idea of a predisposition towards being a follower is a real thing, but one which has a system of checks in balances to it. So, that brings to mind the question, why do humans so easily fall to the trap of suggestion and manipulation? Why are we so easily fooled and led?

Ultimately I think that this is less a genetic or spiritual thing. In fact it isn't even a function of conditioned response. I think it's that we, as beings, have a desire to trust and to believe that the world is a good place. We don't like to admit that we've been manipulated. We don't like it because it shows us that we are vulnerable to being victimized. But it also shows us that others, in our tribe, are capable of evil. Neither of these are pleasant things to accept. Being taken advantage of or manipulated violates or egos and our expectation sets.

In short, people are "sheeple" because of karma, or genetics. They allow themselves to be made into "sheeple" because it's the least unpleasant option available.

Or at least that's how I see it.


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