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I'm Making a Documentary

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posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 03:59 AM

Originally posted by PonyoSon
The 2.3 trillion dollars that was announced missing on September 10th 2001, that we never heard about again.

Other than the fact that they announced they had recovered 2/3 of the "missing" money, which weren't really missing in the first place?

What is the reason for not releasing any of the footage of the 3rd attack? They could easily clear up allot of questions.

Because they've release all there is?

also someone mentioned that NORAD has test/drills every year? so does this mean we have no defenses at least one day every year? that doesn't seem like something the most advanced military in the world would do. I'm pretty sure our soldiers have the competence to protect us all year round provided they have competent leadership. so who f'ed up? who is in charge if god forbid something like this were to happen again?

I don't know where you get the idea that the US were without defenses on 9/11. On the contrary, the 4 fighters on alert duty on 9/11 would have been there, drills or not.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by roboe

Originally posted by PonyoSon
The 2.3 trillion dollars that was announced missing on September 10th 2001, that we never heard about again.

Other than the fact that they announced they had recovered 2/3 of the "missing" money, which weren't really missing in the first place?

What is the reason for not releasing any of the footage of the 3rd attack? They could easily clear up allot of questions.

Because they've release all there is?

also someone mentioned that NORAD has test/drills every year? so does this mean we have no defenses at least one day every year? that doesn't seem like something the most advanced military in the world would do. I'm pretty sure our soldiers have the competence to protect us all year round provided they have competent leadership. so who f'ed up? who is in charge if god forbid something like this were to happen again?

I don't know where you get the idea that the US were without defenses on 9/11. On the contrary, the 4 fighters on alert duty on 9/11 would have been there, drills or not.

well i don't know about any of the money being recovered, so maybe, maybe not...i'd like to know

as for the footage, are you trying to tell me the pentagon has one awful camera on it? the awful convenience store down the street from me has at least 5.

your statement isnt really clear but
sure seemed like we had no defenses, I mean some losers with box cutters stole a plane flew around for an hour, and dived into one of the most important/protected building in the US. how is this possible? who is in charge of stopping these kind of things?

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 04:41 AM
reply to post by PonyoSon

The money weren't missing in the first place, it was a problem with accounting. Read the link I provided, it tells you what the problem was in the first place.

Second, the Pentagon relies on security personnel to keep unwanted persons out. There is no need for a security camera, when you have an armed security force keeping their eyes on it. And even if there had been a camera, would it not have been pointed at whatever it was protecting, instead of facing out from the building? Which it would have had to do in order to capture AA77 on film.

And third, ancient technology, paired with general confusion, meant that NORAD (via NEADS, who in turn got their information from the FAA) were only ever aware of one single aircraft being a hijack (AA11).

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by PonyoSon
I mean some losers with box cutters stole a plane flew around for an hour, and dived into one of the most important/protected building in the US

Why do truthers lie, when their lies are so easy to spot?

Flight 77 was hijacked between 08:51 and 08:54, and crashed at 09:37, so it was hijacked between 43 and 46 minutes....

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:01 AM
reply to post by dereks

Check this link out as far as resources go for your film. Please keep us up to date on your efforts. I for one would like to see this pieced togeather.

I cant take credit for this link. Another member posted it but I thought you could use it.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 10:39 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by PonyoSon
I mean some losers with box cutters stole a plane flew around for an hour, and dived into one of the most important/protected building in the US

Why do truthers lie, when their lies are so easy to spot?

Flight 77 was hijacked between 08:51 and 08:54, and crashed at 09:37, so it was hijacked between 43 and 46 minutes....

Truther??? what is that anyway is their a definition or do you just clump everyone who disagrees with that label? so many people believe so many different things, I mean who knows what to believe. Calling me a truther though is like calling all Asian looking people Chinese. ignorant and inaccurate.

but anyway let me fix my statement "I mean some losers with box cutters stole a plane flew around for 45 minutes, and dived into one of the most important/protected building in the US" how is this possible?

So if a country decides to attacks us it takes 45 minutes for us to react? that doesn't sound like something the most advanced military in the world would do.

and to be accurate at 8:25am the first sign of caution went out and at 9:37am the 3rd plane hit. that's over an hour planes were flying around an not responding. Not to mention they had prior knowledge that something like this might happen. am i wrong?

edit on 8-10-2010 by PonyoSon because: left something out

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by nick112

You're never going to get through to OS-believers or the uninformed by jumping straight into the 9/11 conspiracy.

This doesn't sound like you intend to present your documentary in a 'neutral' or unbiased manner .

Nor , does this :

I am making this film to point out flaws/inconsistencies in the OS.

If you truly intend to present it in a nuetral fashion , you should also include all of the flaws/inconsistences that are found in the myriad of conspiracy theories surrounding 9/11 .

edit on 8-10-2010 by okbmd because: ETA

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