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!!!!!!NEW 9/11 Truth: Evidence that the U.S. Government Planned & Executed 9/11 youtube keep deletin

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posted on Oct, 11 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

I am ready to be convinced that the gov't was in fact behind the 9/11attack, but the manner that you people have been presenting your case so far is as unrepentently unscrupulous as a three card monty peddler.

I see you are giving stand-up comedy a go.

You have already been convinced of the government's involvement, GoodOlDave, otherwise they would have no reason to pay you to lurk on ATS day in and day out waiting for 9/11 threads so you can try to salvage the ever-dwindling shred of hope there is of keeping the nonsense OS alive.

I don't know, Dave, I prefer a three card monty peddler over a snake oil peddler myself.

posted on Oct, 13 2010 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by knowneedtoknow
reply to post by GoodOlDave

This is of course nothing but more ill-informed rubbish being put out by those damned fool conspiracy lol

Ok so if you don't like those damn fool of conspiracy theories WTF are you doing here goodoldave are you trying to fix the mistakes you did in the OS of the gouvernment and they force you to fix it
if you don't like conspiracy sorry its not the place 4 u go to fox news its 4 u. You always attack anybody who brings some news and you always reply whit the BS of OS from the news so for me you are a agent a work. And because i did search your name on ats goodoldave for somebody who dosent like conspiracy you only post in the 9/11 conspiracy board leave the board if you don't like those conspiracy but no you work for an agancy thats 4 sure

All right, let's recap this conversation. I posted proof...not speculation, but PROOF...that the gov't did in fact save WTC steel and I even posted photos proving...not speculating but PROVING...the steel was subjected to severe mechanical stresses causing bending and snapping like a twig. You asked for evidence showing there wasn't any signs of sabotage from explosives and I gave it to you.

Your response to counter the information I posted? "It's BS of OS" and "I'm an agent at work". Riiiiiiiight.

I'm sorry but this is as close to weaseling out of having to answer the question as weaseling out of having to answer a question gets. If you're under some delusion that I work for some secret gov't agency, that I'm a part of some secret cult of Satan worshipping numerologists, or that I'm a space alien from the 56th dimension, go right ahead, but at the end of the day it's still your responsibility as a truther attempting to prove conspiracy to show why anything I'm posting is incorrect. Simply saying that I'm lying before running away giggling like a little girl doesn't make my credibility suffer. It makes your credibility suffer.

So I'll ask again- how will explosives cause a giant girder like that to twist and bend like it was a stick of gum?

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by NightGypsy

You have already been convinced of the government's involvement, GoodOlDave, otherwise they would have no reason to pay you to lurk on ATS day in and day out waiting for 9/11 threads so you can try to salvage the ever-dwindling shred of hope there is of keeping the nonsense OS alive.

tl;dr - I have no evidence to prove an inside job, so I'll use the fact that you disagree with me as evidence of you being a paid operative. I win.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:29 AM
One thing that I notice is missing here. Where are the videos of professional individuals willing to stand up and defend the OS? Yes, I know about Popular Mechanics Benjamin Cheroff, the guy with the same last name as Michael Chertoff, the Jewish Homeland Security chief with dual Israeli/American citizenship tied to 911.
I don't see too many other independent professionals sticking with the O.S., or anything close to it.
Where are they?
Wait we have some celebrities!
Bill Clinton.

Come on Obama, get on the television and say with a straight face that the O.S is essentially the truth! Even he couldn't pull it off without a smirk. Bush couldn't.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Stewie
One thing that I notice is missing here. Where are the videos of professional individuals willing to stand up and defend the OS? Yes, I know about Popular Mechanics Benjamin Cheroff, the guy with the same last name as Michael Chertoff, the Jewish Homeland Security chief with dual Israeli/American citizenship tied to 911.
I don't see too many other independent professionals sticking with the O.S., or anything close to it.
Where are they?

This is the exact same fallacy that the "NASA faked the moon landing" conspiracy people use to foist their conspiracy claims- NASA refuses to stand up and defend the OS that apollo astronauts actually landed on the moon. The problem is, NASA knows full flipping well they send manned missions to the moon so they're not going to respond to the doubters like they were an actual credible source they needed to address. Rather, they're going to ignore these accusations becuase they're just too ridiculous to waste their time on.

Similarly, although there is almost certainly more to the 9/11 attacks than we know about, the convoluted claim that faked hijackings and staged suicide attacks were covering up secretly planted controlled demolitions is equally outrageous and absurd, so true professional individuals aren't going to dignify this with a comment any more than they're going to respond to that lunatic who started the idea that the 9/11 attack was staged by shape shifting alien lizards as a science experiment to see how humans would react.

In short, you conspiracy people aren't as important a force as you think you are.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Um, hum.

"An Indian leader Saturday said that the US, and Zionists were the prime suspects of 9/11 attacks. In an exclusive interview with IRNA Asif Mohd Khan, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Delhi said: “US should respond those hundreds of unanswered questions which indicated that the September 11 attacks in 2001 were either intentionally allowed to happen or were orchestrated by the US and Zionists”.

From: feed&utm_medium=twitter

Your on the wrong side of the "intelligence" on 911, Good Ole D.

posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 03:20 PM
"In short, you conspiracy people aren't as important a force as you think you are."

Conspiracy people? How about ''you people who question the events of 9/11 and find the OS full of holes''?

Your condescending writing style sure paints a ''pretty'' picture. Hey, look everybody - Good ol' Davey boy here likes to collectively throw all of the ''conspiracy people'' into the same melting pot that is apparently summed up as ''delusional 9/11 truther idiots who subscribe to insane outer-space laser-beam and Reptilian connection 9/11 theories''.

In short, you ''debunker people'' should be commended for showing those with even half a brain that the more you lump all of the sadly labelled ''9/11 Truthers'' into one category by repeatedly bringing up the most unbelieveable & completely out to lunch 9/11 theories, the more you are blatantly showcasing that you are ''one trick ponies'' in the sense that each time someone brings up a legitimate point/question, you come back with the same ol' ''Aww geez, not this crap again, just another case of a conspiracy freak fueling their imagination with the help of all those damned fool conspiracy websites.''

Typical. Really, really typical.

And it's sad. Really, really sad.

Sure, there's bunch of whack-job crack-pot 9/11 theories out there that are completely out to lunch - but why always bring them up time & time again, as if everybody posting in this forum are immediately tightly connected to these mentioned theories?

This whole lumping ''conspiracy people'' into one specific category is pathetic. Really, really pathetic.

Just out of general curiousity Dave, do you keep a personal tally sheet at your computer desk by any chance? You know, each time you ''successfully'' convince a lost & delusional ''truther'' that they're completely wrong about everything, you chalk up another ''point'' on the sheet? Is that how it works?

People have every God-given right to question the events of 9/11. By the nature of your posts (and I've read tons of them), it sounds like you're essentially saying ''Everybody posting in this forum who is a ''Truther'' should shut up, because I'm here to show you that you're all wrong about 9/11, and I'm right.''

The only ''damned fools'' around here are the ones that are actually naive enough to fall for your little ''ploy'' that the reason why you're here on such a consistent basis is to provide a kind public service within ATS out of your own free time by ''helping'' people that are apparently getting false information about 9/11, almost always with the ''damned fool conspiracy website'' phrase thrown into the mix for good measure.

Oh, and by the way, whenever I read the ''damned fool'' catch-phrase that you seem to over-use to the point where it should be on a coffee mug by now, I picture an 80-something year old grandpa getting all riled up in the nursing home after slammin' back a few cold ones. Just sayin'.


posted on Oct, 14 2010 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Stewie
"An Indian leader Saturday said that the US, and Zionists were the prime suspects of 9/11 attacks. In an exclusive interview with IRNA Asif Mohd Khan, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Delhi said: “US should respond those hundreds of unanswered questions which indicated that the September 11 attacks in 2001 were either intentionally allowed to happen or were orchestrated by the US and Zionists”.

The only thing this proves is that the truthers are doing a hell of a lot more damage than they comprehend. It's already been shown time and time again that the 9/11 conspiracy movement is based entirely upon deliberate manipulation (I.E. Silverstein's "Pull it"), facts intentionally out of context (I.E. "all the bomb dogs were withdrawn from the WTC"), unproven and unprovable internet rumors (I.E. Bin Laden's kidney issues) and outright lies (I.E. no interceptors were scrambled") so when unsuspecting people casually look at this disinformation they accept it at face value and get hoodwinked into believing something suspicious is going on. You seem to believe this Asif Mohd Khan is some credible source of new information, but if you look at what he's saying, all he's doing is repeating the exact same drivel you people are. This crap isn't originating from him. This crap is originating from you truthers.

Lenin supposedly once said there were useful fools in the capitalist west who believed they were working for a better future but in reality the were naive dreamers that could be used to help sell out their own countries. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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