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!!!!!!NEW 9/11 Truth: Evidence that the U.S. Government Planned & Executed 9/11 youtube keep deletin

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posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 04:36 PM
This is a great interview but like live and youtube all off them keep on deleting this video watch

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 04:45 PM
Sorry, had to stop at the four minute mark. Just could not take any more of the falsehoods and assumptions coming out of their mouths.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
Sorry, had to stop at the four minute mark. Just could not take any more of the falsehoods and assumptions coming out of their mouths.

exactly, can't take the falsehood of the OS anymore...its all fabricated assumptions and lies

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:24 AM
we all know that something really bizarre happened that day

but really, who knows what happened, who knows the real truth, and thats the whole point

we should know by now, since more people died after 911, because of it, instead, no one freaking cares, since, well, the us troops are killing terrorists zombies, so, who cares ...

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by vipertech0596
Sorry, had to stop at the four minute mark. Just could not take any more of the falsehoods and assumptions coming out of their mouths.

Yep, I don't get how a flick that's essentially one nonstop string of uncorroborated accusations and personal opinion is "evidence". Youtube is so choke full of, "the gov't is out to murder us all" videos that the only reason they would delete this is if it was copyrighted material and the authors asked Youtube to remove it. I know for a fact this is what Dylan Avery did with his interviews with Barry Jennings.

On a side note, doesn't it seem strange that all these self styled Paul Reveres trying to reveal the gov't was behind the 9/11 attacks would be so jealously protective of their work? If they genuinely thought the gov't was committing mass murder I'd have thought they'd be screaming it at the tops of their lungs by any venue possible to get the message out, not clamping down on it for copyright violations. Heck, Paul Revere told everyone the redcoats were coming for free. He didn't yell "something dreadfull is coming and I'll tell you what it is for $19.95".

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

No, actually there are a few PhD physics scientists in this video that examined evidence, and studied the official stories and present their findings, They find the official explanations for things laughable...

edit on 8-10-2010 by alienreality because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:47 AM
The Bush family and Cheney will do anything and every thing possible to continue to hide the facts. For those who think the official story is true, try to explain the presence of thermite and the shape of the main columns. Or do they believe jet fuel will melt structural steel? This has been debated a thousand times, and the only way the truth will come out, is a review of the evidence by independent experts. Oh wait, that's already been done several times and has shown the U.S. govt to be lying through their teeth. Even the 911 committee said the evidence did not back up the official story. Justice may be blind, it's also been kidnapped, hogtied and hidden in the White House.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:58 AM
regardless, 911 was messed up. I remember that day well, waking up before college class and watching the news as I always did- at that time (now I go to certain blogs) eating some breakfast, and then WTF? BREAKING NEWS plane hits world trade center, right away they said Osama Bin Laden, then live another plane hits tower 2. Buildings collapse out of nowhere, they get a phone call from a plane???? Has anyone ever used a cell phone from a plane??? Yeah this was 01' (side note) "Man I miss bringing a bottle of rum on plane flights"
To live that day from the get go was surreal, and nothing added up, but it was so... easy to believe the OS at the time as the brain needed an answer.
so much we don't know. I'm glad people still remember and hopefully one day the "real" truth will come out. Whatever that is.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 02:27 AM
I was more than 3 years into my 11 year service in the USAF as a firefighter, and stationed at Nellis AFB that day.

How many standard operating procedures were not followed or adhered to on that day, and the days, and weeks, after that day?

How many laws were not followed or were broken, or were not enforced that day?

How many laws were written due to justification of that days events?

Why not just follow and enforce the laws that existed, and enforce them accordingly, instead of using tax dollars to create new agencies, hand out no bid contracts to corporate entities with direct ties to the highest offices in the nation, and create new laws when the previous laws were not enforced or followed?

Why weren't fire investigators permitted to do their job, and do their job according to the NFPA standards that had been in place for many years and recognized as fire fighter standard BASIC operating procedures in dozens of countries worldwide? why? why? why?

Why weren't firefighters permitted to do their job?

Why weren't firefighters permitted to do their job?

Why weren't firefighters permitted to do their job according to their job description?

Why weren't fire investigators permitted to do their jobs according to their job description, and according to the book?

How many laws were not adhered to on that day, and the days that followed?

How many new laws were made with justification being relative to the events of 9-11?

How many new laws were made?

Why weren't existing laws enforced?

Do I have questions?

Do I still have the "right" to ask and pursue the answers?

Why weren't fire investigators permitted to do their jobs according to their job description?

G.O.D. .... Government Of Dollars

My brother worked at the pentagon from 2001 to 2007.

I worked for the government from 1998 to 2009.

Do I think there was a conspiracy concerning 9-11?

No, I don't "think" there was a conspiracy.
edit on 8-10-2010 by Esoteric Teacher because: Damn it, I can.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 04:24 AM
So it was holograms?


or watch..

I really wish somehow either the truth was told, or ACKNOWLEDGED. either way I dont care.

If it was arabs hijacking the plane, nothing will EVER persuade the CS to think otherwise.....



So lets dance s'more around the whole thing...


posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 04:41 AM
The mi5 woman seemed interesting, I think that as time goes on we really will get more people talking about it, i can't wait for the doco's to come rolling in

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Ohh so you believe the governement doesnt lie, cheat, rob, spy, kill and destroy things? There is nothing more true about the current state of every western and European governement. There is nothing else but corruption.

And yes the governement does kill it's own people. Yes they do try and seek retribution. I think your mind is very shallow to not grasp what is needed to retain and to yield power.

Even in the Kennedy days, Politicians had to hide behind organised crime. So you go ahead and believe whatever you want.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by knowneedtoknow

Don't get me wrong, it's great that this is reaching people who for whatever reason, weren't aware before but this is hardly anything new. And why would they keep deleting this when this is nothing more than a compilation of the thousands of other videos that inundate the Internet?
Nothing new on this video at all. It's nothing but the same old and reminding us that nothing has been done!

I'm personally awaiting the video that reveals Bush secretly thanking bin Laden for participating in the 'oil, poppy and PNAC project'!

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by knowneedtoknow
This is a great interview but like live and youtube all off them keep on deleting this video watch

this will stay covered up. there will not be any official independant investigation. why? because some wealthy and powerful people said so.
after 9 years, and after thousands of reliable people have come forward, there isn't anyone in government that'll touch this. don't you people get it, this is over, done, end of story.
now, marginalized individuals labeled "conspirecy nuts" will make a few bucks, giving lectures, and writing books.
the professional engineers, pilots, and scientists who have tried to convince politicians, have grown tired and discouraged, and eventually will or have already moved on with their lives.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Wild accusations and conspiracy theories.

What else can you do when the government destroys all the evidence and gags all the witnesses?
Why hide the evidence if the government was not involved?
Giuliani should be in prison for destruction of a crime scene.
Christine Todd Whitman should too for knowingly lying about the air quality at ground zero and the subsequent illnesses suffered by rescue workers at the site.
GWB should have been censored by Congress for abandoning the nation on 9/11 and hiding out at Barksdale and Offut AF bases instead of returning to Washington and leading the country like a real President would do.

I'm a certified whacko,. I believe in "wild conspiracy theories"!
Ah, get these bugs out of my head! Get em off!
I'm being monitored,
Spaceships headed to earth - landing next week - need to finish my tinfoil suit. bye!

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Nothing wild about governement coverups really. Each and every time something weird happens. There is a coverup. Each time an event changes from one day to the next. It is a coverup. When things go quiet. You can be sure there is a coverup.

Try and tell me that standard Oil has not been backing every war since a long time ago. Good Ol Dave, if im a conspiracy freak, then your a complete nut bag. You know why? because I do not trust blindly people with power and money. In fact nope...

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by Human_Alien

I know man
it like the vietnam war it was all about the yayo blow coc aine to introduce to the us general public like any other drugs that is made by the gouvernment like '___'

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by knowneedtoknow
reply to post by Human_Alien

I know man
it like the vietnam war it was all about the yayo blow coc aine to introduce to the us general public like any other drugs that is made by the gouvernment like '___'

Oh....if people only KNEW what these effin wars are REALLY all about.
You think it's for our freedom and to ward off the terrorists? If you do then, I just don't know who I'm more upset with: you or 'them'.
Wake up people.
And please, stop applauding these soldiers. Not because they're doing a bad thing (which, they are) but it enables and supports the PTB to keep killing!!!

If we stop enlisting (and people WOULD resist a draft) then it would be harder for innocent soldiers to keep killing their innocent brothers all for the sake of greed, oil and drugs that...... support the Elite!
And ironically it spells out g.o.d.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Wild accusations and conspiracy theories.

What else can you do when the government destroys all the evidence and gags all the witnesses?
Why hide the evidence if the government was not involved?

This is of course nothing but more ill-informed rubbish being put out by those damned fool conspiracy web sites. The fact is, there's a gigantic collection of myriad steel from the WTC towers being stored in a hanger at JFK even now. They're storing specific examples of the steel that showed evidence of how the towers collapsed, like THIS piece:


and THESE pieces:


Now, I can explain how the monumental forces of the collapsing wreckage falling down would overcome the structural supports and cause the steel beam in the first photo to bend like taffy, as well as snapping like a twig in the second photo. I keep asking the truthers just how controlled demolitions/super thermite/lasers from outer space/whatever would cause steel to bend like taffy and snap like a twig, and to a man they run away the same way vampires run away from sunlight. Prhaps you can be the first.

This is neither here nor there. The fact is, the 9/11 conspiracy moment needs to rely on 100% distortions, facts taken out of context or omitted altogether, and as the claim that "all the steel was shipped overseas", illustrates, even outright lies. Even the title of this thread claiming that "Youtube keeps deleting the evidence" is nothing but innuendo dropping, to imply there's a coverup rather than over legal issues from copyright violations. I am ready to be convinced that the gov't was in fact behind the 9/11 attack, but the manner that you people have been presenting your case so far is as unrepentently unscrupulous as a three card monty peddler. Pull my other leg, why don't you.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

This is of course nothing but more ill-informed rubbish being put out by those damned fool conspiracy lol

Ok so if you don't like those damn fool of conspiracy theories WTF are you doing here goodoldave are you trying to fix the mistakes you did in the OS of the gouvernment and they force you to fix it
if you don't like conspiracy sorry its not the place 4 u go to fox news its 4 u. You always attack anybody who brings some news and you always reply whit the BS of OS from the news so for me you are a agent a work. And because i did search your name on ats goodoldave for somebody who dosent like conspiracy you only post in the 9/11 conspiracy board leave the board if you don't like those conspiracy but no you work for an agancy thats 4 sure

I love ATS search tools. by name thats a good tool you have all the post and all of the attack conspiracy theories so you work for an agency

Can't make nothing constructive whit people like that

Sorry if i did broke some term Mods
edit on 8-10-2010 by knowneedtoknow because: (no reason given)

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