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Pelosi on Food Stamps

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posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:53 AM
reply to post by neo96

Lets see, I Need Food Stamps because ..........I either have NO Job , Work only Part Time , or are Currently Unemployable . I need Extended Unemployment Benifits because I Still cannot find a Job, or have giving up trying to find one . How are these situations considered helping the over all U.S. Economy ? Poor Nancy dosen't seem to have a Clue here, and it is a Wonder to me how this Woman ever got Elected to Public Office in the first place .

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 12:08 PM
replNot one y to post by Zanti Misfit

We really can't blame the politicians for their incompetence nor can we blame them for being liars. We can blame the voters who put these incompetent liars into office. How can we blame them? We can blame them for failure to do research on people who run for office. The people who run for office, on the most part, are people who have the desire for power and control over our money.

America hasn't gone through any tough times yet. You think it's tough now? Oh, you haven't seen anything yet. It won't surprise me one bit if she's re-elected next month. Not one bit.

Nancy Pelosi makes Hilary Clinton look good though and I hate Hilary Clinton.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:40 PM
I'm close to speechless, I can't help but wonder what thoughts go through her mind on a daily basis? Seriously, wtf.

1. Collect taxpayers money
2. Distribute it via social programs
3. Stimulate the economy

I'll be the first to admit, I'm not an economic scholar, so I guess I'm just not going to get it.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 02:47 PM
53 million americans on social security
48 million americans on welfare
17 million americans who are drawing unemployment
120 million americans who are actually working

118,000,000 americans are some form of government subsidies

120,000,000 americans are paying those subsidies......

and pelosi says lets put more food stamps out there lets just forget creating jobs or anything.....

not those are guesstimates feel free to check those figures yourself.....

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by ldyserenity

Think my neighbors would mind if I keep a couple cows in my back yard also...
oh and pigs, along with to have my ham!!

the cities, at least mine does... have a ton of empty abandoned house around, some of them in the city's possession for default on taxes, and some of them in such shape that all they can do is bulldoze them down...
it would be nice to have them to use that land as public gardening space....unfortunately I think it would take alot of garden space to produce enough for a family of four, and well, some meat would be nice also!!!

so, I guess we would need some public animal farmland also? or well, accept that our neighbors has a bunch of roosters crowing in the morning, or cows, or pigs....

or hey, teach them what is edible out in the wild....acorns are edible, if they are processed right, if not they are slightly poisonous....stinging nettle is one of the most nutritious plants there is, but again, it's poisonous if it's not processed right, and well...if you can't identify the various plants to know what is okay and what isn't, you might poison yourself also! And, well, we can do away with the rent subsidies also.....let the people lose on the public national forests, teach them how easy it is to build themselves a shelter out of leaves, branches, and a little twine! what the heck, I'd probably be one of the first ones to sign up for the classes, and I don't recieve any assistance from the gov't.....I've just gotten sick of supporting the gov't, and putting up with society...
I just want out of this crazy civilization....

but well....they ain't never gonna endorse something like that are they?? If people knew that their daily bread was growing in the back yard....literally, the acrorns, cat tails, and others, can be made into a flour that can be used for bread....well....they wouldn't have as many drones working their tails off just to make someone else rich!
there was a reason that people chose to move into the cities and become civilized in the first place. part of the glue that holds these civilizations together is the idea that once you con that great baker into coming to your village and baking his goodies for all of ya, well, you will all work also, so that the rest of his needs can be easily provided to him and his family... and that you all would work to protect one another!!
that glue has broken down to the point where the baker is working his tail off, then going and standing in a line humiliated, and begging because he needs more than his labor has provided, just to be told he doesn't qualify for help, while the lady with no job andfour kids and no husband working at all is given plenty, then on his way home, he can be mugged at gunpoint, beaten to a pulp, and in at least a few neighborhoods in my city, it will take hours for the police to come to take a report from him!! as the glue breaks down,so isn't the civilization...
sooner or later the baker is gonna realize, he is safer, and better provided for if he just buys a couple hundred dollars of gear and heads for some of that public land called national forest....and mother nature will more than likely be much kinder to him than civilization has been to him! then well, guess the village can bake their own bread again! even the rich banker who was counting on that poor sap who just split to pay for the bailout that gave him his great bonuses over the past year or so!

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 01:40 PM
someone check these numbers

did a little calcuator work and came up with these

53,000,000*800= $42,400,000,000(monthly) = $508,800,000,000(yearly)
48,000,000*200= $ 9,600,000,000(monthly) = $115,200,000,000(yearly)
17,000,000*1200=$20,400,000,000(monthly) = $244,800,000,000(yearly)

this is what the government spends per month and per year

this does not count other government subsidies
for agriculture etc.. doesnt include government agencies,education etc this is just on entitlements

i based this one $800 bucks a month on social security note this figure is lower that what some people acutally draw
i based $200 bucks a month on foodstamps

i took a guess since i never had received unemployements beneifts i figured that at $300/week for 1 month....


feel free to correct my errors this is a low ball estimate i got sick and tire when people say we spend more on defense but thats not true we spend more on social programs and subsisdies that most people arent aware of...

**45 million people are on medicare**
**53 million people are on medicaid**

i wouldnt even know how to find out the real healthcare costs associated with these to..

obama and pelosi just added to it.........
edit on 9-10-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by neo96

"(CNN) - House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Wednesday strongly defended her party's support of the federal food stamp program - a day after former Republican Speaker Newt Gingrich argued that GOP candidates should use the growing number of people on food stamps against Democrats on the campaign trail."

ok people this woman makes me look like a rocket scientist...........

defend this please!!!!

< br />

edit on 7-10-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)


I would like to see what will happen when we get rid of food stamps - I'd like to see it would produce the goodness you guys expect... consumable luxury

I am ready, lets do it, spice life up

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

aint never going to happen so we will never see if theres one things liberals fight for is free weed and free food

and they wont until they get them give then enough time and space and you will get weedstamps...

thats suppose to be a joke but its a sad reality they would if they could
edit on 9-10-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by Janky Red

aint never going to happen so we will never see if theres one things liberals fight for is free weed and free food

and they wont until they get them

Free weed

You are right on the food though, I think feeding hungry people is the most basic good thing society can do.
So ya I would fight for it as much as a conservative would fight for a tax cut...

The weed, not so much

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

there isnt any such thing as a free lunch your taking something away from someone else.

rob from the rich to give to the more all the while making more people to feed

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by Janky Red

there isnt any such thing as a free lunch your taking something away from someone else.

rob from the rich to give to the more all the while making more people to feed

Sorry man, I don't think the ultimate goal in life is to adhere to these rules to the detriment of the actual life
of the living. I have been bilked by enough business's to see that TAKING is perfectly legal for those rich people you morn for.

Last I saw, most of us eat fine, have a place to live, car to drive... I also suspect you have never been hungry,
most people WILL kill for food eventually, FACT. Hungry people will eat other people too -

I think it is a far worse crime to let people go hungry

I wish we could ask Jesus who is right in this case, what do you think?

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

keeping what you earn is a detriment to life ? really now... property rights and the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness......

a property right is the exclusive authority to use any resource that one owns to how they see fit not what someone else sees fit.

private property rights have these attributes it has the sole exclusive right to determine the usage of said property

in this case im talking about money..........noone gave them money earned and they earned it in accordance to all laws set forth in this country....they worked they earned so it is their right to have the say where the money goes that in itself is the life the earners life and the pursuit of his happiness the amount of money he or she earns is the fruits of their labor the money they earn gives themselves a better quality of life.

hence it is not legal it is not moral either...........

last time i saw yeah most people are eating well having a place to live all on the governments dime....those same people also have a 60 inch plasma tv xbox 360s, internet etc all paid for those who are working and those people arent working.......

most people will kill for a pair of sneakers or a new ipod or iphone so meh........

really what would jesus do????? "give a man a fish and you fed him for a day....teach a man how to fish and you've fed him for a lifetime.........

jesus would side with me cause of all people who knows the selfishness inherent in all men souls.

most people are fine when things are taking away from someone else but when they start taking away for you you sing a different tune....
edit on 9-10-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by Janky Red

keeping what you earn is a detriment to life ? really now... property rights and the right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness......

a property right is the exclusive authority to use any resource that one owns to how they see fit not what someone else sees fit.

private property rights have these attributes it has the sole exclusive right to determine the usage of said property

in this case im talking about money..........noone gave them money earned and they earned it in accordance to all laws set forth in this country....they worked they earned so it is their right to have the say where the money goes that in itself is the life the earners life and the pursuit of his happiness the amount of money he or she earns is the fruits of their labor the money they earn gives themselves a better quality of life.

hence it is not legal it is not moral either...........

last time i saw yeah most people are eating well having a place to live all on the governments dime....those same people also have a 60 inch plasma tv xbox 360s, internet etc all paid for those who are working and those people arent working.......

most people will kill for a pair of sneakers or a new ipod or iphone so meh........

really what would jesus do????? "give a man a fish and you fed him for a day....teach a man how to fish and you've fed him for a lifetime.........

jesus would side with me cause of all people who knows the selfishness inherent in all men souls.

most people are fine when things are taking away from someone else but when they start taking away for you you sing a different tune....
edit on 9-10-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

I don't agree with you, I think sustaining a person with food is more important than just about anything -

I am not going to try to change your perspective, you don't really understand the manifestation of hunger or you wouldn't not hold 18th century French elite position as your logic -

IT is socialism to use MY MONEY on the military, the guns, bombs and technology - MY MONEY - do I have a choice?

It is steeling from me to kill people and pay people for something I do not agree with...

Yet this manner of theft is fine in your eyes, I prefer food to bombs

JESUS sacrificed himself FOR OTHERS - pure Altruism - PHYSICALLY HIS DEMISE EMBODIED EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE of LIBERTARIAN doctrine. His life was dedicated to GIVING - again the opposite of what you preach...

Eliminate the military and them you have a leg to stand on

edit on 9-10-2010 by Janky Red because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

i dont expect you to agree with me and im not trying to change your outlook on the current state of union

if they didnt use that money on the military you wouldnt be speaking to me right now........

everything that that military has done has given you and me the right to sit here and run our mouths are we both see fit.....

without that this world and this country would be undenialbly different if this country existed at all.......

what people like you seem to miss that if people like me didnt exist in this country you wouldnt exist....

simple fact a nuke or a bomb or a bullet would have already killed you off..............thats the reality...

without that miltiary there is nothing else....... i wouldnt exist you wouldnt exist and the conversation wouldnt exist............

eliminate the military and 5 minutes later this country would be wiped off the face of this planet.....think not? ponder that awhile......

so jesus was the first real socialist of the world is what your saying? hmmmmmmm...... gonna disagree but meh

neither one of is going to see each other we can move and or continue to argue a bit opinion no sense beating a dead horse..
edit on 9-10-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by neo96

yes....and this is how much the rich value your property rights....

ya see, when the homes are chopped up and made into securities and bought and sold...each time they are sold...each time a mortgage is sold, well, certain PAPERWORK...not bits and bits in a computer has to be filed...attached to the note, ect....
this is why the foreclosures have been halted....they never did the actual paperwork on over 90% of the mortgages that were made during the height of the housing boom....
no, there wasn't time for it, the rich wanted more of the securities, couldn't have enough of them to play with, and make money from!

think about it a minute...
they can't figure out the ownerships of the foreclosures, this is why they are having trouble foreclosing, this is why congress recently passes a law trying to negate the liability of the companies trying to foreclose for all the fraud they have done to fake the paperwork!! why title companies are refusing to insure the titles of the foreclosed homes...
okay, I have a few hundred thousand dollars here that I would be more than happy to pay my mortgage off with...
if the can't figure out and prove who owns the mortgage when they want to foreclose, well, do they need to find them to sign off the title when I pay them off?? or is that gonna be just another forged document???

it's seems to me that the game that they've been playing on wall street may have just made what to most of us is the biggest property investment we will ever make, the one of the greatest value, into something that is next to worthless!!

it seems that depending on who you can get away with taking the property of whoever you want....and heck, congress with help you!!

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by dawnstar

one point to clarify here.............

when you take out a car loan or a home loan you are making a contract and pay a certain amount of money until the day you will finally get to own said property......

YOU DONT OWN THE PROPERTY the bank does ok!

when you take out those loans they dont give you the title or deed right? yes thats right.....

those banks are taking a risk on you that you will do what you said you were going to do by signing that document...

that is a legal and binding contract and when you fail to make 1 payment YOU ARE BREAKING THE CONTRACT......

the bank OWNS THEM YOU DONT the day that you finally get to own it when when they hand you the title and deed.......THEN IT BECOMES YOUR PROPERTY...............

read the damn documents first and if you dont know what they mean get help from someone to dumb it down for you(not you personally man just in general)....

secondly DONT TAKE OUT loans you know you cant afford in the first place.............

problem solved and it doesnt need a new agency or an new branch of the federal reserve.....

lastly lets get one thing perfectly clear for those who are confused..............

banks exist to make money they make money off of you so they can give you loans and other people loans

if they arent making money they cant loan you money so you can go out and buy all those cool little things you want............

banks do not exist to give interest free loans or loans that never have to be paid back......

if banks arent making money were are you going to go get a loan...................

banks are not evil the system is not evil they are what they are and they function how they function if they didnt function they way they did they wouldnt exist..........

and there you are living in a cave without a tv,car,home,clothes,computer,internet just sitting there with the woes its me attitude playing with sticks because there is simply no place togo to get what you want.
edit on 9-10-2010 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by neo96

and....I suppose that it's just too much to ask that they protect the integrity of that title, while I pay the loan off, and be able to deliver a clear title in the end???

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by dawnstar

is it too much too ask you to make your payments on time in the first place?

you want protection from the bank im telling you this the bank needs protection from you....

they have every right to protect their interest as you do.

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by neo96
reply to post by dawnstar

is it too much too ask you to make your payments on time in the first place?

you want protection from the bank im telling you this the bank needs protection from you....

they have every right to protect their interest as you do.

I wonder... what makes you side with the "big guy" authority figures so often?

IT is an alien concept to me, from what I can tell you always are on the side of the powerful socially speaking...

posted on Oct, 9 2010 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by Janky Red

because we are all americans large and small what happens to one will happen to the other

and if noone stand before them and draws the line in the sand saying you will yeild you will stop and you will go no further................sooner or later they will come after you.....either we all one country and one people or we are nothing............

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