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Cause of Mass Honeybee Die-Off Found by team of Army and Entomologists

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posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:21 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
As scary as it is, most bee colonies are not native to the North America. Now what was used exactly before these bees were hiked in for farming purposes?

Blue orchard bees, bumblebees, wasps, butterflies, moths, beetles, midges, ants, many species of flies and other insects (that aren't given as much credit as they should) are all pollenators. Also, bats, hummingbirds and other small vertebrates.

Honeybees were brought over in the 1500's by Europeans. There were no native members of the honey bee family in the western hemisphere before then.

The fact that one of the CCD causes is a fungus is actually good news.
Well kept hives, hygenic bee strains (yes, they have them) and proper enviroment low moisture/humidity along with anti fungals should allow them to keep bees going until they get a cure for the virus or breed in immunity.

At least they are aware causes that they can target.

edit on 8-10-2010 by badgerprints because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-10-2010 by badgerprints because: spelling

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by new_here

Sounds Great,,,,talk to your family first. if it is O.K. I would consider it. Either way U2U me
when you have time. I would appreciate it.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by orbitbaby
Wow! I wonder what it really is? This past June scientists were saying it's the radiation from cell phones that is causing bee colonies to collapse.

What's going on here? Another cover-up? Here are some links to articles that talk about cell phone radiation being the cause.

Yahoo News

Colony Collapse Disorder Recent Studies

I live where cell phone users whine about getting poor reception, and there ARE honeybees, bumblebees, wasps etc all around pollinating, building nests, doing their thing. Even hummingbirds drop in. Closer to the towers are gardens which seem to be bee free zones. Personally, I fault the towers, but who cares? It's not as though they are going to go away anytime soon~the towers I mean. It's a conspiracy.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by new_here

Originally posted by Wildmanimal

I have everything I need to get started except the Bee's, which I will order soon. I am having difficulty choosing a
Supplier. The most durable appear to be possibly "Africanized." Unfortunately, they are hostile as well.

A relative of mine has been a beekeeper 'forever' and has NEVER inoculated his bees against anything (doesn't believe in it.) He had minor issues some years back with bees disappearing, when the colony colapse issue was coming to the forefront. Now the count is back up, and they're just as hardy as they ought to be. I really don't want to post any identifiable info on him or me, but if you'd like info, we'll figure something out. He's never mentioned being a "supplier" before, but he is passionate about bees, and shares info on keeping them healthy in natural ways. (Also, beezwax candles, honey, and 'beauty products' they give me for Xmas are simply awesome!!!

Use a supplier that has genetically varied strain.
there is evidence that commercial strains(genetic stocks) in the US have been inbred so much that they are more likely to get CCD

Any beekeeper selling queens should be mixing feral or other bees in with his own hives to stop inbreeding as long as he is careful not to introduce Africanized bees.

Many in the queen breeding (queen producers)industry have been using the same hives for breeding for years and sometime generations with no outside stock introduced for improvement or to build resistance to disease. A few bee breeders (queen breeders) are always trying to improve there stock. These are the people you want to get your stock from.
also CCD seams to affect European honey bees (Apis mellifera) more then oriental honeybee (Apis cerana)or the italian honey bee (Apis mellifera ligustica)

There are a few people in the US that have Japanese honeybees
they are very resistant to Varroa mites.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Freedom of Thought

I couldn't have said it better myself. We know so little about what GMO crops are doing to our ecosystems and Monsanto is doing everything they can to pump GMO crops on us. A recent report that I'll try to find later stated that GMO cross polination to other plants is widespread in the North American ecosystems. More and more plants are found to be round up ready.

For those not familiar with Monsanto here's a good Vid

We are ingesting a pesticide that does not occur naturally thus our bodies haven't evolved to handle. If you live in North America chances are you ingest GMO crops or fragment of it every day. Corn and Soybean production in the USA and Canada is like 90% of each of those crops that come from GMO seeds.

These GMO crops have to be having an effect on the Bees as I imagine it's a reaction from ingesting the RoundUp Ready spores. And I think the bees leaving the hive to die is a last order of protection of the hive from the illness. The Hive is the most important thing to a bee and they'll die to protect it and the Queen. Such Nobility for such a small critter.

I heard on a show not long ago that if workers had to pollinate plants manually and do the work that bees do for free, that it would cost the US economy around $1.7 TRILLION. Imagine how much food would cost if those figures were added in to the price.




posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:33 AM
This is paid for corporate science, Bayer is killing the bees with their neonictinoid pesticides, I've done only a little research in this area and it is by far the most compelling cause, In fact I'm certain of it.

Neonictanoids are deadly to bees the EPA knew it and had to be dragged to court to release the information.

There is plenty of evidence to support this, please have a look into it.

This paper makes me even more convinced that Bayer is to blame, the team leader Jerry Bromenshenk has run meet and greets for beekeepers alongside bayer.scientists regarding the issue. Looks to me he has sold his soul.

This is a previous statement of his.

"The problem is that imidacloprid and similar chemicals were supposed to have been used in controlled, specific situations," he said. "Now we have people drenching it into the soil and applying in by air as a foliar application. In those situations, absolutely, you're laying yourself open for a bee poisoning event."

Not only that but it has been found that seeds treated with the pesticides will sweat out the toxic substance from the seedlings some time after germination. Anywhere you have colony collapse you'll find these pesticides in use.

This is nothing but a cover story, yes the viruses can kill them, especially once thier immune system has been decimated by the neonictanoids.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by ANNED

Now that is more along the the lines of intelligence that I not only appreciate, but respect.

Thanks ANNED for your time and effort.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by squiz

This is a multi redundant event, and only one chapter of a even larger multi redundant event to
reduce the population of the ever growing mouths of the planet.

Rightly so, as the truth is, we are evermore consuming day by day all that is left of the garden.

Eventually Earth will look like Mars......forever.

Unless we reduce our consumption to sustainable levels. Subsequently , the industrialization and
rapid growth of Asia is Not in balance with the procedure.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 03:37 AM
I heard that the bee's were dying because of cell phone towers and signals etc?

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 04:14 AM
Interesting, we go from blaming mankind's use of technology to now pointing the finger at some random fungus cocktail.....which one do you think is more convenient??

A few points we should keep in mind:

Seeing the govt is involved does not make me feel warm and fuzzy, we all know how they distort and filter information, then present it to us as they see fit.

What if it wasn't cell phones from the start, but something more along the lines of chemtrails or even HAARP. Do we really think they would ever admit that to us? (Just had to throw it in there, I've noticed ATS likes to blame almost everything on those two)

Bee populations have declined drastically in the past (mysteriously), and that was before cell phones, so maybe it is just a natural thing. Who knows....

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by WhiteDevil013

Actually you should look into that just for the benefit of research and accuracy.

If you could find a video or even chart showing the growth of cell towers say since 1990 to 2020.

Then research the initial reports of Bee Colony Collapse Disorder(or other names to basically describe
the loss of bees by beekeepers) you may be able to create a graph to prove or disprove the significance.

In this manner studies could be conducted concerning the sales and marketing of pesticides during that time frame.

As well as the introduction, marketing,sales, and farming of GM Corn during that timeframe.
I think you will find that graph to be particularly interesting.

Then to be truly scientific, one could map (if they could find truthful data) the Ozone Hole.
Remember That? Yeah that was the issue of chemical propellants that cause a chain reaction in
the upper atmosphere. The results caused a destruction of the Ozone layer which allowed ultra violet
rays of the sun (and then some) to penetrate earths natural shield. Do you understand what that means? That means mutation of cells and sterilization and then some.

That whole terrifying concept has been swept under the rug as we now confront Greenhouse gasses.

At any rate, I am confident the data will show that ALL of the above mentioned sources will prove
to be interference. Particularly Microwave radiation. Secondly,Genetically modified Corn. Third,
Nicotine based pesticides. One should look into the changes in bee populations during the use of
organophosphates compared to the more exotic pesticides in recent years.

This would be an excellent thesis, dissertation, and maybe more for those of you who are smarter than
the rest. Or at least have the time and training to do the research and put the puzzle pieces together.
You may be alarmed when you finally chart the data. It Happens
edit on 8-10-2010 by Wildmanimal because: Typo

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 05:19 AM
I call BS...

I would like to hear the Navy's report on how sonar has effected Whales and Dolphins...and other marine life.

This report is crap in my opinion...

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 05:21 AM
Its all speculation and assumption.
I personally believe its merely an excuse to point this to natural means, I don't see this as natural. The bee decline has just one culprit...human beings.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 07:05 AM

Originally posted by Frogs
reply to post by Illegal Alien

No known cure for the combo as of yet. However, the article indicates they hope to find success in tackling 1/2 the cause.

Neither the virus or the fungus appear to be fatal if they act alone. Acting together they seem to be 100% deadly to the bees.

Viruses are notoriously hard to combat - and this one is a newly discovered DNA based one that may make fighting it that much more tricky.

However, the fungus involved is controllable with anti-fungal agents. For now, this provides the best hope of stopping the collapse in the least amount of time. If the fungus can be controlled then that takes away 1/2 of the two punch combo that is killing the bees.

Frogs, thank you for bringing this info to us! Lets hope that an antifungal agent can be introduced effectively in domesticated and wild hives as well and quickly. I think a lot of people have no idea just how important bees are to people for the food supply. Again thanks!

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 07:37 AM
I too am very interested in this situation. I wrote a paper not long ago about CCD. It looks like to date there are about half a dozen theories out there as to what is going on. While I was doing my research none of them grabbed me as this could be the one. Its almost like they have AIDS. The situation varies from area to area as far as cause of death goes. And then I was reading something at a later date about the topic and someone who was a beekeeper chimed in and gave his opinion. He said; " I have been a beekeeper for about 40 years, back in the day during the winter we used to give the bees sugar water to feed them. And then in the late 80's everyone switched to high fructose corn syrup made from GM corn and shortly thereafter the problems started." I am in the food industry and Gm foods are the scourge of the earth, they are trash. this answer given by this man made more sense to me than any of the others. because of the lack of nutrition in their diet they have no natural abilities to fight off infections and what not. look around you, even the human race is starting to have health problems of epic proportions, diseases are popping up every other year, more and more. Most of these foods are "patented"- what? patenting food? Empty nutrition, nothing but filler.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by nixie_nox
As scary as it is, most bee colonies are not native to the North America. Now what was used exactly before these bees were hiked in for farming purposes?

The wind.
(2nd line.)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:28 AM

Originally posted by theuhstuf
lies and bull****! the reason the bee's are dying is CELL PHONES.

Well if it is cell phones the bees are going to lose.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 08:30 AM
i thought this was interesting..

There is new evidence that high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) may be a culprit in what is known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), or the disappearance of honeybees.

Colony Collapse Disorder has killed off more than one-third of the bees in the United States.

Beekeepers know that when there isn’t nectar readily available to their hives, as in the winter months, some turn to supplements. Traditionally it was (guess what) honey. But that’s what you want to harvest, so many turn to cheaper substitutions. Cane or beet sugar, mixed with water, was seen as acceptable as long as you removed the part of the comb containing the sugar once bees started producing again. It was important to keep the bees fed so they’d keep brooding and ready to produce honey.

Except it hasn’t only been the occasional sugar-water substitution. We’ve substituted the substitute. People have also turned to high fructose corn syrup.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:04 AM
I don't get it. When this story broke a few years ago, it referred to the mass DISAPPEARANCE of bees, not necessarily deaths. Has that changed? Have they recently found evidence of colonies of DEAD bees? Sorry if the answer is yes. I haven't read any recent material on the subject.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:29 AM
Oh my gosh I am so blasted sick of these honeybee threads. Where I live in Indiana the honey bees are terrible. They are everywhere and no pest company will touch them. I've killed over 10 nests built on my house/gutters/shutters/lamp post/swingset this summer alone. People I work with have also expressed annoyance at the mass number of bees and nests everywhere.

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