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Still trying to understand the "Big Picture"

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posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 07:06 AM
I posted for years on the FreeRepublic website, trying to make sense of American politics. Eventually I left there over a dispute involving 9/11 (I'm a "truther", they aren't.)

More recently I've posted on iTulip, trying to make sense of American (and world) economics. I'm still active there, but their focus is on "sensible economic" analysis, not on wide ranging "conspiracy theories" and TEOTWAWKI, or other wide ranging human affairs.

In parallel, I'm becoming increasingly distrustful of official medicine and nutrition. I eat almost no processed food and avoid doctors, hospitals and prescription drugs. Main stream media and public education garner respect either.

For the last year I've scanned ATS as one of several sites I visit daily. The recent (now apparently closed) Gray Area thread predicting a stock market crash on October 20 happened to tweak my interest, so I decided to sign up here as a member. An October 20 crash would not surprise me. I would suspect Chinese involvement if it happened, and I would also lighten up my gold holdings if that crash occurred, on the possibility that the poster of that thread was correct in predicting that China would like to depress gold, so that they could get more and so that the U.S. gold would be worth less.

The extend and degree of the fraud, deceit, and downright evil that I find in almost every large scale institution is mind boggling. I keep a list of Firefox bookmark folders for each past event in recent U.S. and world history that seems to have been a false flag, conspiracy or otherwise fraudulently presented. The list is getting depressingly long.

Surely something has to give. I hope most humans survive if and when things go kablooey, and that we find our way to a healthier civilization on the other side.

One particular question mystifies me at present. Is the increasing talk of aliens and disclosure yet another scam perpetrated by a few powerful humans on the rest of us, or is it actual alien contact? I suspect the former, but remain quite unconvinced either way. For example, the Oct 20 market crash prediction could be based on alien super-knowledge, or it could be based on actual Chinese (a few powerful humans acting through China) planned actions. Or it could just be a poster having some fun, as several on that thread suspected.

I suspect that the world elite are moving their power center from the U.S. to China over the next decade or two, and I doubt that this move can or will be done peacefully. I would not want to be living in the region between Israel and India this coming decade.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 07:59 AM
Welcome to the site.

Lord knows I have been wrong so, so many times but I'm satisfied with this as my current conspiracy "hypothesis" if you are into seeing the big picture . I'm on the side of "aliens are fake".

About the gold question, have you seen this incredible article from ZeroHedge about how the NWO would implement their one world currency? It seems to me that this could be pertinent to gold prices.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by jcrash
About the gold question, have you seen this incredible article from ZeroHedge about how the NWO would implement their one world currency? It seems to me that this could be pertinent to gold prices.

Thanks for the welcome.

That ZeroHedge post was interesting. One part of it doesn't seem right to me however. It reads as if it is the Fed that is calling the shots here. An absolutely key question in all this is "who is the top dog?" Which people, families or institutions will dominate, which push comes to shove?

I doubt that the Federal Reserve is that top dog. I suspect that it's some elite families and associates, including the Rothschild's. The events may transpire somewhat as ZH speculates, but if the Fed ends up with an IMF charter to provide dollars, that would be part of a larger re-ordering of the world's nations and corporations, intended to provide yet more control to those elite families and associates. Whether or not the Fed survived, and if so in what form, would be a secondary matter.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 08:35 AM
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