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First Public Contact "They will arrive in three huge ships in April or May 2011

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posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by v3_exceed

Starred your rational post.

As for all these people tearing at Smoking Man, if you don't like this post, go play somewhere else. Nobody made you read this post. Why did you come to this thread then? If your answer is "to have a good laugh" than you are immature and that quite frankly is more bothersome to me than the prediction posts.

If your answer to my question is "because I feel something is up, something is going on and I am trying to figure that something out" than you should not be ripping into the OP but just quietly assessing the message and not shooting the messanger.

Another post mentioned, "crying wolf". Very asute reasoning.

It is possible that some of the people predicting are being given a vision or dream. For what purpose? To throw the rest of us off guard for when the real visions, dreams or communications come?

Possibly we are all being manipulated or prepared but by who and for what purpose?

As stated before, I'm tired of people being so mean and spiteful...........please if you don't have anything constructive to say, quietly go elsewhere.

Sometimes silence speaks more than talk.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Spiro
My friend,

NOT shoot the OP with your own narrow minded thoughts and accusations.

Why is calling BS for what it is always called narrow minded on ATS?
Can't people be responsible for their posts, be it Gray Area or Predictions?
Or should we lobby ATS to hire Miss Cleo?
edit on 8-10-2010 by OldDragger because: spelling

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by Beamish
reply to post by Mr Mask

Since when has a failed prediction stopped any alien contactee from doin’ it again?

Yah, but those contactees are all fakes!

We are talking about the OP here...not those guys!

Besides, it’s a stone cold fact that “believers” will happily ignore failure. In fact, it has been shown that failure only strengthens the belief:

Damn shame right there...



No, no, no; the objects were, if memory serves, stolen by…Men In Black.

Well...I hear that "some" MIBs are actually aliens...

and/or Will Smith...

Well, there’s the thing, Mr Mask: is he lying, or is he mistaken?

I'm not sure yet...I need something to REALLY HIT ME that gives me everything I need to call this guy a liar.

And as to the imperfect allegation; our OP is French, and I once asked him as to why he doesn’t post accounts of his visits on French conspiracy sites.

My reasoning for this was that as he was posting in a foreign language, and as his English is passable, wouldn’t it also make sense to post on sites in his native tongue to make sure that nothing of importance was lost in translation, so to speak.

His response was, again as memory serves (I can find the exact quote if necessary), that French didn’t have the necessary nuances to convey the message correctly.

YUP! That will do me!

This guy is 100% lying and should be outed for it as soon as possible.

Thank you very much sir, you are a wealth of knowledge and a damn super-power.

I really, really, REALLY hope I never rub you the wrong way cus I've posted some off the wall crap in my shrt time here and I would hate to see you delivering it at the wrong time...ha!

Seriously...this guy isn't bening honest and is knowingly taking people for a ride.

For shame!

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:22 AM
I cant post threads yet, I can only reply. But when I am able I wont waste my time with preditions unelss of course i really am visited by some being etc. And if that happens then clearly it will be the truth.
Anyhow, ill just a make a note in my diary for this latest prediction.

P.S will they still visit afterall we are having WW3 begin in November.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:22 AM
More aliens comeing,now you people are argueing on when.At this pace the earth will be over run with aliens and at the very least it proves SOMEONE is a TROLL!!!!!

This is embarrassing as an ATS member to keep reading this "notice me notice me please notice me"crap.I haven't payed any mind to this stuff tell now,reason being there are three posts and two are closed and I have no doubt I missed a few..

Is this really what you need ATS to pay the bills.I thought you had rules about posting with NO!! proof of anything or not a damn thing to back up what you say except "I am in touch with the giant head".

edit on 8-10-2010 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:22 AM
My friend,

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
Well smokingman2006, I'm pretty sure we all know exactly what it is you've been smoking.

And you've given yourself a nice big six month window..clever.

Heres my prediction..EPIC FAIL... HOAX.

edit on 7-10-2010 by Cosmic4life because: (no reason given)

What makes you "presume" the OP is smoking something? Just because it doesnt fit within your thought pattern doesnt mean you have to accuse the OP for smoking something which is non exsisting in your realm of reality.

A 6 month window, and why not, do you think this meesage could get to enough people in 24 hours or a few weeks. 6 months seems a good enough time to get this message out to the masses, with there beng a chance of other people being channeld the same info.

Be safe be well


posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by v3_exceed

if you don't like this post, go play somewhere else. Nobody made you read this post. Why did you come to this thread then? If your answer is "to have a good laugh" than you are immature and that quite frankly is more bothersome to me than the prediction posts.

I find nothing funny about a guy misleading gullible types and ill folks with made-up stories that can do them harm or give him an advantage over their minds for whatever sick reason.

I agree I am immature...but at least I'm honest.

As for being more of a bother then this guy's "predictions/stories"...I'm very sure that is not the case.

The people ripping his stories down to its rusty, dishonest bolts, piece by piece, are the only people defending this site's integrity and the community here.

You want to applaud or encourage this obvious my guest.

I can only think of a few reasons anyone would defend this sort of blatant dishonesty...

All of them are bad...

edit on 8-10-2010 by Mr Mask because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:28 AM

Originally posted by Battleline

Is this really what you need ATS to pay the bills.I thought you had rules about posting with NO!! proof of anything or not a damn thing to back up what you say except "I am in touch with the giant head".

edit on 8-10-2010 by Battleline because: (no reason given)

The Grey Area has certain rules that allow posters to post things without proof.

I must admit to not fully understanding how one is supposed to "disagree/deny" or "accuse/debunk" in this part of the forums...but I doubt the Grey area was intended to be a place for lies, more like a place for "conspiracies one can not prove or readily provide evidence for"


posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by Beamish

That is either the most well thought out, complicated line of B.S. I've read in quite awhile, OR you been smokin' the same stuff as the OP and I am very upset 'cause you guys ain't sharing.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:39 AM
I think these people that make the predictions are like cannibals,
But they are feeding off of one another,.
A story gets posted about about disclosure and another puts their own spin on it.
It just keeps on rollin.
Really they are not predictions but simple mind opinions

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

As for all these people tearing at Smoking Man, if you don't like this post, go play somewhere else. Nobody made you read this post.

And who are you to tell ATS members to not post on a thread?

As to why I am posting on this thread; the subject matter interests me greatly. And if I heed your call to “go play somewhere else”, does that mean as far as you’re concerned that I am not allowed to air my opinion on it because it doesn’t match yours?

If your answer to my question is "because I feel something is up, something is going on and I am trying to figure that something out" than you should not be ripping into the OP but just quietly assessing the message and not shooting the messanger.

What if the message is false?

What if it’s just a cynically compounded rehash of several, currently popular concepts that are making the headlines on ATS?

What if he’s lying?

Why just blindly accept that the OP has something constructive to say?

It is possible that some of the people predicting are being given a vision or dream. For what purpose? To throw the rest of us off guard for when the real visions, dreams or communications come?

In answer to this, see my previous post regarding the bicameral mind to benedict9:

As stated before, I'm tired of people being so mean and spiteful...........please if you don't have anything constructive to say, quietly go elsewhere.

Ever heard of constructive criticism? Ever heard of free speech? Ever heard of legitimate questions?

If you have a problem with differing viewpoints to yours, perhaps you should address the ATS Admin as to the construction of private threads.

In the meantime, let everyone have their say – including smokingman2006 (who, at time of posting this, has been on ATS and posted in other threads, by the way; doesn’t say much for the urgency of this one, does it?).

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:41 AM
If people want to believe in these daily predicitions, then so be it.

But it makes me laugh that so many people drink this nonsense up so readily. A typical, standard prediction post pops up and the usual doubters and skeptics, like me, are quick to smack it down, only to be contested by those who are "open minded" and want to give the OP a chance or the benefit of the doubt.

Now, nothing wrong with being open minded, I am as well, to a degree. But how many people actually look back at some of the posts of these people? Some of these peoples' previous posts simply do not match the "feeling" they are trying to convey in the prediction post. Some who make predictions about being an alien and sound very existential and emotionally neutral seem to have very "emotionally charged" posts about very human issues. It just doesn't match up.

To me, it seems like they [predictaposters] are simply feeding off the good hearted nature of the otherwise gullible masses. Shame really, as this tripe really doesn't help ATS' reputation.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by Mr Mask

Thank you very much sir, you are a wealth of knowledge and a damn super-power.

That’s ok citizen, just doing my job.

And in all seriousness; I am a firm believer in the existence of extraterrestrials.

I also believe whole-heartedly that Humans can just as easily self-delude as they can deliberately delude others.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:45 AM
are we taking bets?

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by ofhumandescent

As for all these people tearing at Smoking Man, if you don't like this post, go play somewhere else. Nobody made you read this post. Why did you come to this thread then? If your answer is "to have a good laugh" than you are immature and that quite frankly is more bothersome to me than the prediction posts.

I certainly do not engage in discussion on this site to "play." It does not take an epiphany to realize that people like smokingman take away from the community as a whole. How do you expect people to take a legitimate message concerning this topic seriously in the future when individuals flood ATS with complete fantasy and bullsquat. Smokingman's previous posts have failed miserably and should serve as enough evidence to verify his or her lunacy, or worse yet, child-like need for attention. I do not read these threads to have a good laugh, I read them to gain insight, and possibly learn something in the process.

What concerns me is that on a site dedicated to denying ignorance you would simply avoid logical conclusions and fact-based assumptions. What if I suggested that all the liars and those inclined to propagate further lying go PLAY on an entirely different website while rational people dedicated to open and EDUCATED discussion remain? How can you openly support this kind of malicious fantasy?

edit on 8-10-2010 by Use your brain because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:52 AM
Why do you even bother

Surely you realize your just opening yourself up toi ridicule?
Don't shoot the mesenger

I think youve done it yourself

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 09:59 AM
reply to post by DAVID64

Fear the determined mind, is all I can say.

Also, fear ships that are infallible, and whose measure of decoherence to all external forces (spatial/temporal/divine) is absolute, whose mechanisms interact with their non-environments so successfully that they are able to exhibit probabilistically additive behavior.

The Custodian ships – technically an “engine/ship” - are semi-solidconductor, nanobuilt structures that confine the motion of conduction within an artificial, quantum event band, compressing the amplitudes of wavefunctions – possessing the target’s values – to two or more values of the target’s “observable” quantity.

Therefore, they can "move" in any spatial/temporal direction.

We are watching.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by Beamish

I must say, you certainly come off as an educated, or at least well-read individual. Speaking on quantum decoherence and wave function collapse/change always adds some "pizaz" to your argument, but I must ask:

what is/are your source(s)?

It's always interesting to come across a seemingly educated man who has dipped into the kool-aid.

And if you don't mind, who are "we?"

I'm not here to try to pull down your pants in front of the whole cafeteria, merely to engage in some thought-provoking conversation. Thanks in advance.
edit on 8-10-2010 by Use your brain because: added second question

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Use your brain

Why, thank you very much.

Can I suggest you read my initial post here:

which may shed some light as to where I'm coming from.

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 10:16 AM
Now this is the definition of a hoax thread. You can tell due to the lack of details

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