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Times Square bomber sentenced to life in prison

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posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:01 PM
It just came out today...Faisal Shahzad, the Pakistani immigrant who tried to set off a car bomb in Times Square, was sentenced to life in prison. He wasn't convicted, mind you, becuase he didn't go to trial- he ADMITTED he rigged the bomb to kill innocent people, and all during the sentencing he showed to be completely unrepentent. He even compared Osama Bin Laden to a 21st century Saladin, a medieval general during the crusaders. He warned Americans to brace themselves, saying, "The war with Muslims has just begun. Defeat is imminent." He also said, "If I'm given 1,000 lives, I will sacrifice them all," referring to his willingness to kill himself 1,000 to commit terrorist acts. During his immigration hearing he swore an oath to loyalty to the US, but during his trial he admitted he didn't mean it becuase he simply wanted to come here and stage a terrorist attack.

From this, we can determine the following-

a) Islamic fundamentalism really does breed terrorism, becuase in their mind, terrorism is just another way of saying that God is giving them a license to kill

b) Yes, there really and truly are organizations out in the world who don't like us, have agendas completely separate and distinct from what the US wants, and are willing to send people here to kill innocent people. Not everything in the world is the result of some secret CIA plot.

c) These people aren't "illiterate cavemen", either. This guy was a well educated budget analyst who went to Pakistan to receive formal bomb making skills from a Islamic terrorist organization. It's blind devotion to his religion that was driving this guy, not ignorance.

If this guy, a self admitted Islamic fanatic, can receive support from foreign Islamic fundamentalists to commit a terrorist attack against innocent people in his blind devotion to his faith, then why can't the 9/11 hijackers likewise have been islamic fanatics who likewise received support from foreign Islamic fundamentalists to likewise commit a terrorist attack against innocent people likewise out of blind devotion to their faith? We have a REAL LIFE terrorist here and yet you 9/11 conspiracy theorists insist on making up all these claims of controlled demolitions, lasers from outer space, hologram planes, and other idiotic conspiracy stories that would only work in a comic book, as if you want to pretend these people really don't exist.

I would really like to know what the 9/11 truthers have to say about this. It seems to me that the real world is twisted enough as it is without your needing to embellish it all the time.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:12 PM

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:12 PM
Actually I was disappointed in the verdict.......if he had 1000 lives he'd give them all.................let him start with this one, one shot right behind the ear would do it. As an aside, for an intelligent guy who went and had bomb training, maybe he should have done his homework, his wasn't even completed.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 11:05 PM
What does this "Times Square Bomber" verdict have anything to do with 9/11 Truth?

If you want to ask my opinion on the matter, I think he sounds like a cheesy-comic book character with his dramatic lines like "If I'm given 1,000 lives, I will sacrifice them all,". That and wasn't the "bomb" just some fertilizer? Patsy.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:06 AM
reply to post by Big Trouble in Little Chi

It has to do with the fact that many 9/11 truthers claim that terrorists would not do it. They think that it is too crazy or out of their grasp, considering them to be "cave-dwellers" with no technological capacity, or something like that. And because they feel they have discredited the idea of a Muslim terrorist, they feel free to blame other people who might have the ability to pull it off, like the government (though finding people who want to blow themselves up should be hard unless you are using religion).

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by Big Trouble in Little Chi

yaa this is a point for u what 9/11 has to do whit that this goodoldave make no sence i any topic i guess Q-GROUP blablabla but no proof to support wathever he has to say

And always attack the 9/11 truthers on every topic whit no scientific fact nothing just the usual SNIP OF A SNAP
edit on 6-10-2010 by knowneedtoknow because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2010 by knowneedtoknow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by knowneedtoknow
reply to post by Big Trouble in Little Chi

yaa this is a point for u what 9/11 has to do whit that this goodoldave make no sence i any topic i guess Q-GROUP blablabla but no proof to support wathever he has to say

And always attack the 9/11 truthers on every topic whit no scientific fact nothing just the usual SNIP OF A SNAP
edit on 6-10-2010 by knowneedtoknow because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-10-2010 by knowneedtoknow because: (no reason given)

What? Sorry, but that made no sense at all.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 08:48 AM
It really is extraordinary how many truthers can turn a blind eye to islamic terrorism. Particularly when they frequently put themselves forward as being especially perceptive ; for no obvious reason.

There is of course a long history of islamic terrorist attacks against US interests and personnel but I can see how it is inconvenient to recall that when you wish to blame the US government, or the jews, for all that is wrong in the world.

Fact is there really are terrorists like the Times Square guy and these ;-

and many others. To pretend they are all CIA patsies is ludicrous.

For people who profess to be searchers after the truth, to ignore the elephant in the room is very strange. Some people would think that perversely pointing at the wrong enemy is a sort of treachery.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by knowneedtoknow
yaa this is a point for u what 9/11 has to do whit that this goodoldave make no sence i any topic i guess Q-GROUP blablabla but no proof to support wathever he has to say

I'd have thought it would be self evident how relevent it is- You truthers are accusing everyone from the gov't, the Jews, the Masons, secret cults of Satan worshipping numerologists, etc etc etc of being behind the 9/11 attack that to you, the only ones completely innocent are Bin Laden and Al Qaida. Well, here's a real life breathing Muslim terrorist who openly admits he supports Bin Laden and openly admits the only reason he came to this country was to commit a terrorist act, so Islamic fundamentalism cannot be trivialized. If THIS guy was a legitimate terrorist then it stands to reason that the 9/11 HIJACKERS were legitimate terrorists as well.

Ultimately, the main point is that your conspiracy stories only go so far before they become unacceptable in explaining what's going on around us. Not everything in the world is some sinister secret plot to take over the world, you know.

And always attack the 9/11 truthers on every topic whit no scientific fact nothing just the usual SNIP OF A SNAP

Ummm, just what scientific fact do you want me to post proving that a Pakistani terrorist was sentenced to life in prison yesterday? Sheesh, some people.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 12:55 PM

An educated Islamic terrorist... Who knew?

It does, kind of, put paid to the nonsense that Islamic fundamentalists, of any nationality, aren't capable of utilizing modern technology in nefarious, dare I say evil, ways.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

For even more evidence of a, b & c, go to Google Video and find the "Knowledge Is For Acting Upon - The Manhattan Raid" video (it's in 2 parts). It was made by Al Qaedas media arm As-Sahab, and includes Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and various extremist imams explaining why it is legitimate tactics to attack civilians - and especially americans.

I won't link it here, since it contains some pretty vile stuff.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 07:38 PM

Originally posted by Big Trouble in Little Chi
What does this "Times Square Bomber" verdict have anything to do with 9/11 Truth?

If you want to ask my opinion on the matter, I think he sounds like a cheesy-comic book character with his dramatic lines like "If I'm given 1,000 lives, I will sacrifice them all,". That and wasn't the "bomb" just some fertilizer? Patsy.

Another well informed truther. Nice job with your reading comprehension.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 07:50 PM
reply to post by Alfie1

I don't think anyone in their right mind would deny the fact of Islamic terrorism. However it is foolish to turn a blind eye to the reasons behind this terrorism. Osama bin Laden clearly explained why he was declaring war on the US. In addition to American soldiers on Saudi Arabian soil, the US has bombed, bombed, bombed Muslims for decades.

It is also important to note that the CIA funded groups like the Muslim Brotherhood.

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

lol you don't even know who created Al Qaeda the us hillary clinton tell the true not me so what do you have to say.but let me guess its not hillary its a alien right

So they founded the 9/11 because they founded al qaeda right thats what you are telling me

Hillary Clinton-US Created Al Qaeda Trained, Armed, and Funded them Too

edit on 7-10-2010 by knowneedtoknow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 04:22 AM
This is excellent news, well done Dave for opening your eyes.
Now that you've given credence to the words of a nut job I hope to see you giving equal credence to those truthers you see as nut jobs!

posted on Oct, 7 2010 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by knowneedtoknow

lol you don't even know who created Al Qaeda the us hillary clinton tell the true not me so what do you have to say.but let me guess its not hillary its a alien right

I must tell you that I am immune to the dishonest bait and switch tactics prevalent to the truth rmovement. Hillary Clinton saying they abandoned Afghanistan after they gave them all sorts of weapons and training to kick the Soviets out isn't even remotely the same thing as "creating and supporting Al Qaida". It's a small problem growing into a large problem through neglect. If anything, you're ony agreeing with me that there are Islamic fundamentalist forces in the world with agendas distinct and separate from what the US wants.

Seeing that yes, there is an Islamic fundamentalist force in the world with their own agenda, and yes, there was a real live terrorist sentenced to prison for trying to set off a car bomb, insisting the 9/11 attack was unrelated to Islamic fundamentalism seems horribly short sighted to me.

So they founded the 9/11 because they founded al qaeda right thats what you are telling me

I don't know whether you are simply repeating some rubbish you've been told or whether you're so enthralled with these conspiracies that you're actively embellishing them, but I would appreciate it if you would refrain from passing off your own opinions as fact, particularly if you're trying to present yourself as a serious researcher. The US didn't found al Qaeda- Islamic fundamentalism founded al Qaeda- so basing a position on a false statement necessarily means the position is false, regaredless of whatever pretty words you use to present it.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

and this guy who you claim is an Islamic terrorist was driving an American car. It's been proven in hundreds of tests that American cars get worse gas mileage than most Asian models. He's obviously supporting Al Qaida in more ways than one!

But, you need to keep in mind that when Jones, et al did the studies for the nano thermite in the VERY SAME CITY, several years before this, the EPA started sealing it's records, so we actually have no TRUE idea of what this guy had in his car!

so here's the deal... I know that everything I said is BS, I just wanted to show you how it feels when someone comes onto a thread with a lame attempt to derail it, as you do dave, on nearly every thread I've posted about 9/11. Hope I gave you a good laugh!

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:38 PM
reply to post by Varemia

It has to do with the fact that many 9/11 truthers claim that terrorists would not do it. They think that it is too crazy or out of their grasp, considering them to be "cave-dwellers" with no technological capacity, or something like that

First off, I have yet to hear a truther say that Islamic fundamentalist would not try to attack American targets, especially after war with Iraq. Secondly, the guy rigged a crude "explosive" device inside a Nissan, which by the way failed to do anything other than maybe fizzle. This is something that any second grader with a screwdriver and a couple dollars for readily available supplies could have mustered, far different from the logistics, training, cost and planning that was required for Islamic terrorists to pull off 9/11 alone.

If anything, this shows how Islamic terrorists don't possess either the know-how or luck to pull something like 9/11 off and succeed at it.

Do Islamic terrorists want to target the US? Absolutely, as is evident from a long history of aircraft hijackings, though which makes it also perfect for someone to do for the purposes of a false-flag attacks, seeing how the idea behind a false-flag attack is to blame in on a particular group or nation.

I don't see how anyone can try to make that argument, citing this incident for comparison, because of anything, it shows just how pathetic their attempts would be.

Let's see, a crude explosive in a Nissan Pathfinder (which took no more planning capabilities than a second-grader) that fails to even look mean and which by the way, completely fails to do it's intended job, or a highly organized and successful attempt at not only eluding the most well funded and operated intelligence network, but also bringing the greatest nation on Earth to her knees. An operation that would have taken years and the luck of someone winning the lottery over and over again (without ever buying a losing ticket), ultimately bringing an end to freedom as we know it.

You can make the comparison all that you want, though to me this only underscores the notion that Islamic terrorists who can't even rig explsoive materials to explode, probably didn't pull of the luckiest operation to ever grace the history books.

Being that the government is on the inside and has the logistical resources required for such an operation as 9/11, it wouldn't take nearly the amount of luck or planning that it would have taken Islamic radicals.


posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 05:43 PM

Originally posted by Varemia
reply to post by Big Trouble in Little Chi

It has to do with the fact that many 9/11 truthers claim that terrorists would not do it. They think that it is too crazy or out of their grasp, considering them to be "cave-dwellers" with no technological capacity, or something like that. And because they feel they have discredited the idea of a Muslim terrorist, they feel free to blame other people who might have the ability to pull it off, like the government (though finding people who want to blow themselves up should be hard unless you are using religion).

No we look at what possible gain the terrorists could have to attack america, unless they really like being smartbombed. I am not saying they do not commit acts of terror as seen in Israel. What I am really curious about is where the money comes from, who funds them and who does the recruiting for what gain? Then there is the Lavon affair and the attack on the uss liberty 12 years later. To you it seems impossible that the CIA and Mossad were unable to recruit muslims to do their bidding. Dont you think the MKULTRA program bore some fruits? Those were botched operations committed by mossad. It is reasonable to think mossad or the cia successfully committed similiar attacks to secure public support for their causes. Saying there should not be any investigation in that direction makes me really question the mindset of that person and his or her motives. Democracy, the constitution limiting power, it is all based on the idea that a person or goverment that runs unchecked can not be trusted to represent the interests of the people in the long run, along with the right to bear arms. Too many americans forgo the 2nd isnt to make you look cool on youtube or to protect your tv set.
edit on 24-11-2010 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-11-2010 by Cassius666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 05:56 PM
"c) These people aren't "illiterate cavemen"

Actually, this guy definitely wasn't an illiterate cavemen, since illiterate cavemen have the capability to bring the most powerful country down to its knees using dollar store boxcutters.

"If this guy, a self admitted Islamic fanatic, can receive support from foreign Islamic fundamentalists to commit a terrorist attack against innocent people in his blind devotion to his faith, then why can't the 9/11 hijackers likewise have been islamic fanatics who likewise received support from foreign Islamic fundamentalists to likewise commit a terrorist attack against innocent people likewise out of blind devotion to their faith?"

Yeah that makes sense. In fact, why don't we go one step and use the same explanation for every alleged crime ever committed in the history of mankind. Why just stop at these two alleged crimes?
edit on 24-11-2010 by SphinxMontreal because: (no reason given)

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