25 bucks in gold is 1.85%... it's not a massive move although anyone who knows the gold mkt at all knows that there are seldom if ever 2% and above
moves... it gets capped... gold is not in a bubble, anyone who says it is is talking out of their bottom... no one owns gold because it's rare as
hell... all the gold ever mined in the world fits into a 63ft cube... ever ever ever...
now, a lot of people own paper gold... but very few own physical... i have been an equity trader for 14 years at top houses and i only know one other
person in the business who owns physical gold....
I wrote this note to clients a week or so ago....
"This is a clunky article but the subject matter is most important. It explains
why Gold as we see it on the screens in front of us IS in a BUBBLE and indeed
the PRICE can and probably will get SMASHED at some stage soon.
HOWEVER PHYSICAL GOLD itself CAN NEVER BE IN A BUBBLE and one should buy it now
when one can. The guy has a serious point. We are one of the most bullish
houses on Gold on the street and have been for a good 2 years now... yet apart
from myself and one other here and my bullion dealer, I know no one who
actually OWNS GOLD.
The CFTC themselves have admitted that there are c. 100 paper gold ounces to
every 1 physical gold ounce... and history is full of paper promises that never
got met, especially when it comes to gold. (think USD 1971).
So, yes, Gold is massively overvalued as you see it on the screen in front of
you and that's why one day there will be two prices for Gold... paper and
physical... please take the time to read this":