posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 07:31 PM
Greetings ATS,
My journey into the realm of conspiracy theories has been a quick to descent into what I can only describe as overload madness. The information I
gathered while lurking upon the boards has been startling, engaging, mystifying, and at times complete lunacy.
For years I considered myself to be well informed, even on the more eccentric bits and pieces of information presented to me. I read newspapers,
political books, articles regaling scientific breakthroughs and achievements. I even believed most of what the media told me, though I always felt as
if things followed scripting. In cartoons and novels, journalists were always scrambling for a scoop, exposing corrupt politicians, bringing down
corporations, standing on the frontline of knowledge, guarding the public and truth against the oppression of tyranny. Slowly but surely my beliefs
were chipped away, and I started to laugh at the half truths, the 'veiled' biases, the outright propoganda...Still I thought, it's ok things
aren't that bad.
At a young age I began postulating that civilization rested upon a knifes edge, always teetering on the brink. Drawing from historical precedents
taught in school (shocker) and independent information gathering, I saw the rise and fall of empires. I thought this could happen to us. I worried, I
paid more attention, I decided to become political, maybe one person could change the world? I decided to pursue higher education, to work from the
inside and help...University was the beginning of the end...Wasn't it supposed to be a free exchange of ideas? Weren't we supposed to be discovering
facts, having epiphany's, arguing, debating, and contributing? Thats what I was told...That was a lie...
Politics I soon found was nothing more then a charade, enacted for the public. We had no control over the issues, the system was broken and we had
lost our way. I wondered how can such things be? Why can't we all decide that things are bad and change it? This is when I realized that I may
control myself but the rest of the world, they're stuck not even questioning, just lamenting the way things are... I mean, what solves the worlds
problems? I wrestled with the questions, and still the answer evaded me...frustrating.
Spiritually...I was fed up. Church lost meaning around the time puberty hit, I tried other organized religions, and though I respect everyones
beliefs, to me it was just lacking that fundamental element...the divine. Where was it? How come we needed to believe in it? If my life is predestined
then the evil or good I commit was chosen by the almighty and why should he be mad if I do what he designed me to do? They say it's unknowable the
will of everything, then I say my petty allegiance shouldn't matter and it'll love me like a parent should.
Supernaturally, I do actually believe in the unknowable. I have had psychic friends, who have indeed made me a believer. How do you react when someone
thousands of kilometers away can hear your unspoken questions, or describle the room you're sitting in down to the color of the cup in your hand?
What could you do with these individuals? It's like knowing the secret identity of a know things you don't want to, and there isn't
any one you can tell who will believe you.
So I laugh, I learn and I seek. It's because of sites like this that I things I don't know seem more within my reach. It's scary and exhilarating
and I wake up each morning with a thirst to know more. It's a pandoras box I've opened and I couldn't be more confused or happy.
(Sorry if this isn't a good way to introduce yourself, but this is me)