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Ron Paul Video - Martial Law And Anarchy When The Economy Collapses *Powerful Message*

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posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 06:55 AM
Just now on Fox and Friends Donald Trump said he is seriouly thinking about running for President in 2012 hmmmmm interesting indeed.
edit on 5-10-2010 by observe50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 06:56 AM
Ron Pauls Masonic hand
Ron Paul speaking in George Town JESUIT
edit on 5-10-2010 by Dr Cosma because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

I imagine it going something like this.

1) The economy crash's due to smaller government and the cutting of social programs which halt the middle and lower class from spending. (You do realize that when the system gets de-regulated, banks, credit card companies, insurance companies, etc will take advantage of any and everything that will increase their bottom line, just like what happened with the housing bubble, don't you?)

2) Because the middle class and lower class stop spending, the USA and other developed countries economies completely crash.

3) Almost the entire world's citizens are poor, rioting, protesting, and violence ensues. Martial Law is put in place for the safety of all.

4) World leaders meet to come up with ways to resolve the situation.

5) Countries like Iran who don't solely depend on exports to the USA have a stronger economy than the rest.

6) World leaders from most countries vote to unite all their countries under one banner and one currency. Civil war breaks out in different parts of the world but mostly the USA. The union dissenters are defeated.

7) Capitalism will be considered the cause of the collapse of the economy and the new union will be a socialistic democracy.

8) Countries like Iran will further distance and separate themselves from the new union.

9) who knows where it goes from there.

This will more than likely happen. Are you afraid? I'm not.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by observe50
Just now on Fox and Friends Donald Trump said he is seriouly thinking about running for President in 2012 hmmmmm interesting indeed.
edit on 5-10-2010 by observe50 because: (no reason given)

Nothing more than a shameless publicity stunt.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 07:18 AM
Although I suspect I would disagree with Congressman Paul on the specific degree to which social programs should be curtailed (especially when savings can be obtained elsewhere such as our enormous defense budgets,) I agree with him in principle completely. Quite a sobering statement from someone I respect more than most politicians.

Let us hope the collapse we and he fear is not as inevitable as it appears, or at least that it will not be as chaotic and destructive when it occurs as seems probable. Unfortunately, I fear that it may be too late. I always hold out hope, however.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:20 AM
To me it sounds like he has a warped view on freedom and liberty. Only good for the rich elite maybe.

Opportunity favours the rich, the more money you have the more money you can make and create influence and power.

I thought most people on here are against Eliteism.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:27 AM
I played this video for my grandpa. He's 96 years old and remembers living through the great depression. He really got a kick out of listening to Ron Paul and believes that what he says is truth. And my grandpa thinks that letting everything collapse would be better for us than bail out after bail out, but, to get ready and start planting gardens and put food away. Good luck all! They can't keep giving bail out after bail out. I know that most people laugh about this sort of thing and think it won't happen.. but I think it will. It's not a question of if, but when.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:30 AM
An America that is based on freedom and liberty for all its citizens needs to provide State run "key" services, like water, electric, gas, basic food, healthcare, education etc. These would be owned by the people, who elect their representatives through a democratic vote. Sure, them areas need to open to the private sector to create competition. But people will not be held back by such private enterprises.

Big business has too much influence on the governing body. Either through them lobbyists or the way presidents are elected. That's the way it seems to me.

Greed and the self, has gotten the economy into the way it is.
edit on 5-10-2010 by Tykonos because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:35 AM
Wow - GREAT video - thanks for the post - will be sending a link to this around.

Ron Paul saying it like it is - it's SO refreshing to see from a member of the US Government.

It's amazing to me that TPTB haven't arranged for an assassination of Dr. Paul yet.

What's not amazing is that whenever he makes a run, he gets such little air time from the MSM. They really only focus on the candidates from the two main parties, because anyone who runs as an independant usually makes too much sense, and if people knew that there were candidates with REAL common sense policies out there, they would probably vote for them and the two party stranglehold would collapse.

As far as abolishing income tax and taxes on savings, I'm right with you, Dr. Paul. I live in Canada and will gladly vote for ANY party who runs on this platform, even the Block Quebecois.

I strongly believe that there should be a flat rate sales tax on EVERYTHING for EVERYONE, and no income tax. That way, the rich would still pay more (after all, they buy more stuff), the poor would pay less, and people like corporations (after all, they need office supplies) and illegal immigrants would be forced to pay their fair share.

You would see a lot MORE revenue generated with this scheme, as every person and company out there would end up paying their fair share. It would encourage saving (hey - if you're not buying, you don't pay tax) and people would end up with MORE money.

If the government were to couple this with a tax breaks on items where CASH was paid, rather than credit, you'd boost spending and cut personal debt as people would save more for that item like they used to, instead of just borrowing for that non essential item.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by observe50
Just now on Fox and Friends Donald Trump said he is seriouly thinking about running for President in 2012 hmmmmm interesting indeed.
edit on 5-10-2010 by observe50 because: (no reason given)

Apparently a still anonymous polling group did a poll of New Hampshire voters. Mr Trump said that he wasn't considering a run (yeah, right) but will look at the results "very closely" as there were 30 questions dealing specifically with Donald Trump.

I can see Trump / Guiliani 2012 or 2016.. A strong, solid ticket built on economic recovery and tough on crime. I'd vote for them.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by GBP/JPY

On the blinking thing. I haven't read the whole thread so I don't know if anyone has addressed this. Apologies if they have.

It's a technique used by at least one very famous actor. It is supposed to get people to actually listen to what is being said.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:45 AM
only Frodo Baggins and Sam can help us now

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:52 AM
The US could probably solve fifty percent of its problems by simply turning the money tap to the military off.

The notion that there is a serious military threat to the US is comical. The only ones on the planet who routinely go mano a mano with the Americans and regularly "rag doll" them are Mexican drug smugglers. Everyone else fighting them just wants them to get "offa their lawn".

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:55 AM
Ron Paul has had to deal with two major obstacles for years, in his efforts to restore the U.S. to sound fiscal policy and a return to the principles of liberty.
Ignorance and Greed.
Unfortunately, these obstacles are still there. Ignorance prevents the common American from realizing that Ron Paul has been fighting the good fight for decades, for them. Greed prevents those that could make a difference from actually doing the right thing. They just take the money, it is easier.
Ron Paul knows who our enemies are, those that perpetuate ignorance and greed, but he cannot accomplish anything dead. He walks the line while trying to appeal to people to engage in politics so that the power of the common man is unleashed.

Wikipedia has a very good history of Ron Paul.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 09:55 AM
all this when the economy collapses?
Well I guess I should start worrying about when the sun is going to run out of fuel and implode also.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:19 AM
wow i've heard some pretty blunt things said by ron paul, but this is pretty much the jump into the deep end of the pool, or actually more like the jump off the helicopter into the middle of the ocean.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 10:37 AM
This man is as much a fear monger as the msm. What makes his theories the correct ones? He would scare the $hit out of me if he was your president.

I guess it doesn't matter WHO pulls the wool over who's eyes.

No one knows what the hell is going on. Many things CAN happen. This isn't some beautifully executed plan from some secret shadow gov't etc. This is just what happens when greed runs a society. Pretty soon, there isn't anything left for anyone. System collapses.

Change is definitely coming, keep your guns close, but keep your sense closer.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 03:15 PM
I've tried to keep my mouth shut but, I've heard enough. For one, Dr. paul will never be allowed into the executive office. Two, no matter what happens, count on state and fed taxes to continue being collected. Three, if your aware that 40% or more of your hard earned income [ for those of you who have jobs ] is going to taxes, you have'nt seen anything yet. And last [fourth] Greed , Corruption, Power and Money Gain is all that matters to our politicians, They could care less about the good of our nation. It's so bad I've just about lost all faith in the all-mighty to come back and restore order on this planet. It's now just a dumping ground for evil spirits, alive or dead. MM
edit on 5-10-2010 by mormonmike because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 03:46 PM
reply to post by ModernAcademia

Thanks M.A. for creating this thread.

Ron Paul is a really smart man, and a very caring rep who is delivering a warning. Just a few months ago i posted this thread: Ron Paul: Inside Sources Told Me Fed Is Panicking At Mass Awakening. With that warning, and this thread i would believe that this has a high probability of happening.

But that is just my opinion of both. But since he is still a politician i still cannot take his word for it. He has been right before in the 80's about the economy, and he warned us of 2008. some people said he is a social vent; letting only enough frustrations out to appease his audience's.

That is where i am flipped on this. It could be true since he has said true things before, but chaos and anarchy seem too much for people to digest. but if its true, i hope people are prepared. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
edit on 10/5/2010 by ugie1028 because: Meant to click on reply to & spelling fail.

posted on Oct, 5 2010 @ 04:14 PM
Great Speach Star and Flag!

Ron would have been a great leader for America and with him I have no doubt America would have changed for the better. To all those people skeptical of the NWO etc please listen to what Ron says about the elites (who are these elites he is refering to?), the military industrial project(I thought this was all Alex Jones nonsense! ?), the Federal Reserve (the hub of the Elite's power over America and the world). Ron has been in this game for decades.... when he talks about information I have researched for a few years then I got to tell you that makes me think that maybe I'm not as paranoid as I thought! Or am I?

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