posted on Nov, 1 2010 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by whaaa
I have to whole heartedly disagree with your whole premise on multiple factors. Foremost being the fact that children give value to survival
regardless of survival value. You can live for 3 weeks without food, 3 days without water, and 3 minutes without air. You won't survive 3 seconds
without hope.
You also seriously underestimate the survival value of children. Children learn, and adapt at an exponentially faster rate than an adult. So while
you are still trying to orient yourself in this strange new post SHTF world those kids will have beat you around the learning curve. Children in a
life or death situation will react viciously, and more rapidly without forethought or remorse. They won't hesitate like an adult. This has been
unfortunatley proven accurate many times in war torn 3rd world countries. An adult would hesitate to fire on a child, the child would not hesitate.
Mild example: My 9 year old son wanted to shoot a new gun I purchased. A rather large gun. I was hesitant to fire it the first time. It took me 2 or 3
seconds to work up the nerve to tap off the first round. My son picked it up pointed it down range, and with no hesitation let the first dog off the
chain. Then grinned like a cheshire cat for 5 minutes. He can wield a 7 shot pump with amazing acumen. He is also extremely protective of his younger
In a SHTF scenario I wouldn't hesitate to depend on him over most of the adults I know. If he knew it was life or death he wouldn't think twice
about filling a bad guy with lead, and then have a nice meal, and sleep like a baby. We go hunting, and fishing together, and he can hear better than
I, see better, and is just more naturally "in tune" than I am. His thinking isn't weighted down with old paradigms. He can intuitively find a
solution, proof it, and implement a better strategy rapidly. In a survival scenario he would be formidable indeed. With the help, and support of his
family I don't worry about his survival at all. I worry much more about his mother.
He's a very sweet child that is affectionate, and loves animals, he just likes certain ones with butter, and cornbread. He got mad when he found out
about catch and release fishing. He said "It's wrong to just hurt a fish if you aren't going to eat him." I didn't tell him that he formed the
opinion on his own, and I support him, and quit going on "sport" fishing trips, and we only fish together for food now when we go camping. He enjoys
fishing immensely, but just won't fish unless we plan to use the fish. Quite a moral compass on a 9 year old. He goes with me to the range and
practises with a full size 9mm on silhouette targets, and can put 2 to the chest, and 1 to the head as fast as any adult. He cries when innocent
people get hurt in movies or for real. He revels when the bad guy "gets it" though. His morality, and moderation are not a handicap at all. He
understands that when it's time to fight, fight dirty, fight hard, and win at all costs.