posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 10:06 PM
We live in a "Me centric" world. We worry about ourselves without consideration for those that are walking next to us in life. Respect for others is
lacking today. Why? Because we are worrying about our own lot in life. The next person thinking the same. It didn't used to be like this and society,
ourselves included, were better off because we weren't just focused on ourselves. We focused on the whole, not just our own LITTLE world back
Respect and consideration for our fellow humans is lacking. It takes little to incorporate these into our lives. I'm not talking about the Jeffery
Dahlmers. I'm talking about the regular people that we interact with on a daily basis. How much energy does it take for one to give respect to
another? How much energy does it take to give consideration to another? You really don't even have to go out of your way to give these things to
What is wrong with taking a few extra steps to give back to a person something of no value that someone dropped? What is wrong with moving a few extra
steps to make anothers place easier for them? Smokers(myself included) comes to mind. Is there an attitude that we can adopt that we see past
ourselves and create an atmosphere of respect and consideration for all? Is this a Utopia in todays society? Have we gone so far in our own small
lives that we can't reach out in little ways to make others feel more at ease, or to make them have a sense of "humanity" again?
It's got to start somewhere. Will you be part of it? It costs little and for society would gain much. I hope that we aren't so far gone into
ourselves that this is a thing of the past. Respect and consideration of others is not a thing that should be scoffed at. It should be something that
we strive for. It makes us better and HOPEFULLY would rub off on others and make society as a whole better.