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David icke wealthiest conman or not

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posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 05:11 PM
Just searching the info on David icke and found 23,450 items on david icke.His many books Sell for around the $24-$32.Can anybody really take his views seriously when he is selling so many items.All this from an average sportsman to somebody who is accumalating so much wealth.Or his he just another money making con artist.Still search info on his personnal wealth if anybody can help.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 05:13 PM
He's kinda like Michael Moore in my eyes. Want's everyone to see the truth, thinks he's better than everyone else, and is a greedy SOB. I don't buy into any of his malarky, and those who do are just packing his pockets.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 05:19 PM
i find it totally amazing how all these different people all have conficting alien stories , we have Icke , our very on kangaxx , billy meiers etc etc

now if they all got together and said the same # then ok , we could start to believe it - but no , icke says were run by lizards , meiers gets flew away in nice ufos by humans and kangaxx adds more to his story as he devours more of the net about our death in a few years when the planet goes thru an energy wave

they cant all be correct can they ?

my money is on none of them are

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 05:30 PM
I wouldnt say hes the richest con man around. But he certainly is up there. Ive actually seen conmen make more money than he, theres bigger cults.

The richest con man around would be Reverend Moon, hes a billionaire.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 05:42 PM
link to ickes books

Just been reading ickes theories on the Royal Family and how Diana was killed to stop her from reveling the truth.How come they killed her not Icke if he is so accurate.
Think l`m gonna started written some books beats a day job

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 05:46 PM
And how many have read David Icke? While he does spit a lot of propaganda, I'm not sure if its more than anyone else or not, he does have a lot of interesting information not relating to reptilians. As well, he provides many sources in his books. I've read one of his books, his latest I think, and I checked a lot of the info against the Internet and a lot of it is surprisingly true. A lot of it even comes from government reports. He's the kind of writer that you have to pick and choose what's right and what's not unless you research it, then you find how valid a lot is.
My whole idea of him was that the reptilian part was put in there to make him look less credible to avoid suspicion from higher government powers.

So, in David Icke's awareness there are people who take everything as truth, people who take everything as false (sometimes without even reading it!), and those who read between the lines to see what he really getting at like me.

BTW, you'd be surprised to see the many discrepancies in the government's own reports that they don't want to talk about. And it's not that this stuff isn't reported, a lot is reported by independent investigative journalists in newspapers all over the world.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 05:56 PM
Anybody no what started David Icke talking about these theories.I just about remember the days when he was a Footballer.Then he retired,then he started appearing on the T.V wearing purple clothes and talking about religion but l don`t remember the details as l was to interested in parties and getting laid.Any info about what had caused the change would bee most helpful

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 06:04 PM
I've got to say I've never really thought of David Icke as a con-man. He really does seem to believe what he says. If he were a con-man there would probably be more effective ways to do it without putting himself through so much ridicule..

My reading of him is that while he is on the button with some of his ideas pertaining to NWO and some of the "family politics" that goes on in the circles of power, a lot is also a bit "out-there" for me. the reptilian angle is an example. If he has discovered something important, he has also ruined his own credibility in the eyes of most.

Coincidentally enough, a family member of mine is a surgeon, and once operated on Lord Rothschild back in the eighties. He would certainly have mentioned something if there was anything odd or non-human about his insides!!

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 06:22 PM

I am always wary of people who make claims and then sell books,dvd.videos and charge for appearances.If all his money was going to charity then fine,but l bet he has a nice car,house holidays all these seem to be kept out of the limelight and if your making millions who cares what people believe about you.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 06:34 PM
you may well be right Wierdo. Did he have books out before the famous Wogan interview?

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 06:43 PM
No l don`t think so.That was the begining but l`m not 100% sure.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 06:43 PM
Weirdo, I think David Icke claimed he was Jesus after he had a nervous breakdown due to something happening in his family. After that it all went a bit weird for him.

[edit on 24-6-2004 by kode]

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 06:46 PM
Is there no end to his claims.Wonder why he spends most of his time in America.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 08:09 PM
A bunch of interviews with David Icke right here:

Everything David Icke says seems possible after he introduces you to the holographic universe theory. And who's to say what's not possible? There are so many people that you just pass by each day that could be into anything. Witchcraft, voodoo, whatever. We only come in contact with a small percentage of people and most of the people that you do come in contact with won't discuss their "spirituality" with you (if they are spiritual) unless they feel you're open to it.

I've seen some crazy things, done some crazy things, and heard some crazy stories and after a lot of research none of the things that I've done, seen done, and heard done seemed crazy anymore. In fact it seems anything is possible and I do mean anything. The only conclusion I can come to after all of the research I've done is that we do come from "infinity", we are a part of infinity (There's no way you can separate yourself from infinity. But since this Universe is one of infinite possibilities, you can create the illusion that you're not a part of infinity just by believing it), and just as you're able to manifest a thought in your mind seemingly out of nowhere or start dreaming and get caught up in it, so can the infinite mind from which we came from (and which we are).

And what have religions all over the world been saying for centuries? This is an illusion. A "crystallized dream" if you will. And the only thing that crystallizes this dream are our beliefs in it's reality. Some studies have been done where a group of believers and non-believers in psychic phenomena were separated into two groups and were given the same tests where they were supposed to guess which card was hidden out of a choice of five cards they were shown previously. Well, the believers scored significantly higher than chance would permit and the non-believers scored significantly lower than chance would permit. More evidence your experiences on Earth are dictated by your beliefs.

If you want to experience this "reality" more realistically than previously, eliminate your thoughts and beliefs about it and how it works. Go into a state of "being" (ie, meditation) and just experience the Universe the same way the Universe does; by just being. Once you eliminate all of your thoughts and beliefs about the Universe then you're no longer separating yourself from the infinite possibilities that once lay behind your mental blocks.
I don't know if any of you have ever had lucid dreams but if you have any mental blocks while you're in that dream there's no way you're going to do seemingly impossible things in the dream unless you eliminate the belief that what you're trying to do is impossible.

Anyways, you don't need to believe in anything to meditate. In fact the main purpose of true meditation is to just "be". And if any of you have a hard time just eliminating your background thoughtsr whole life have broken off and you're finally free once you're able to just be., just don't partake in those little mindgames you play with yourself where you tell yourself you can't meditate. You don't have to partake in those thoughts. Those thoughts are not you. The one that manifests those thoughts is you and one of the best ways to exercise that self control is to decide not to partake in any thoughts and just be. It truly feels like the bars that have kept you in your cell your whole life have been broken off and you're finally free.

You'll find yourself not partaking in anybody else's mindgames either. You'll see everything from the Universe's perspective which just is. You won't get yourself caught up in anything you don't want to partake in any longer. And after you've eliminated your thoughts about this universe you might want to try some "psychic" experiments.

Last year I took a trip to Sierra Nevada where I stayed at a cabin in isolation. It was only for a week but it was long enough to get into a state of "being". In fact the first day I was able to clear all of the mental chitter chatter and useless background thoughts to enter a state of being. Well after a couple of days in this state of being, I decided to try something with a deck of cards. In a state of being I shuffled the cards around a bit and after making the images in my minds eye more clear by creating new scenery for a bit, I decided to finally "guess" which card I was going to pick.

Now let me explain what "a state of being" is once more before I continue. It's a state where you're no longer thinking about what's going on around you but rather experiencing everything that's going on around you without any thoughts present in your mind about the situation. So there are no mental blocks present to keep you from what you're trying to do. You're just in a state of total mental control and instead of wasting time thinking about the outcomes of what you're going to do, you just focus on the task at hand.

So after I shuffled the deck of cards that were in my hands I decided to close my eyes, go into a state of being, and just focus my attention on what card I was about to pick. Well, after seeing it and feeling it in my mind I opened my eyes and saw that the card I saw in my mind's eye was indeed the one I saw with my physical eyes and I did this about 20 more times in a row and was right each and eveyrtime.

Now I forgot to mention that when you're in a state of being and no thoughts are just creeping around in your mind, your mind's eye becomes more activate and you're able to focus it on imaginary scenes or real life scenes. Because of the earlier exercises to eliminate unwanted thoughts you're able to focus on whatever you want without any thoughts popping up.

The mind is not a complicated thing but unwanted thoughts can make it appear so. Looking at scenes with your mind's eye is not hard when there are no longer any thoughts to prevent you from doing so. When you're in a state of being you know longer have to question how you're going to do something because you already know how to. Seeing things in your mind's eye is as easy as focusing your normal eye's on what you want. You just have to know what you want to focus your mind's eye on and do it.

You're basically using just pure unbiased focus and attention. No longer focusing on one aspect of the universe through thoughts but focusing on all of it without thoughts through "being".

If you were to just think about infinity for a little while and what it would mean if infinity existed anywhere in the entire Universe you would see that what we're experiencing right now would have to be a "dream". If infinity existed anywhere, it would have to exist everywhere and it would extend into every aspect of the universe and reality. If infinity existed anywhere it would mean that this would have to be an illusion because it would only be a small fraction of the infinite possibilities we could be experiencing.

Infinity's existence anywhere opens up the possibility to anything. Infinity is mind.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 08:39 PM

Or his he just another money making con artist.

By Joe I think you've got it.....

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 10:21 PM
Icke does not make very much money on his books.

Considering that it is all that he does these days, and considering that it costs money to publish a book and to set up seminars, he has to charge money for them.

I find it amazing and humorous that people often declare anyone who charges money for their information a 'con-man'.

Let's put it this way...

Would you work without pay?


Why not?

It's called slavery, moron.

Icke charges money for his books the same way that ANY author charges money for his books.

Even better is the fact that Alex Jones, another adamant researcher of the Illuminati, ENCOURAGES people to make copies of his tapes!

These people are not out to make money. They are clearly trying to spread the message before it is too late. And when you look at Alex Jones' information in particular, you kind of realise that you've been duped by the government.

I have yet to know someone to watch an Alex Jones video and come away trusting the government.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
i find it totally amazing how all these different people all have conficting alien stories , we have Icke , our very on kangaxx , billy meiers etc etc

now if they all got together and said the same # then ok , we could start to believe it - but no , icke says were run by lizards , meiers gets flew away in nice ufos by humans and kangaxx adds more to his story as he devours more of the net about our death in a few years when the planet goes thru an energy wave

they cant all be correct can they ?

my money is on none of them are

Actually, Icke is correct on the point of the Illluminati being shapeshifters (into a Reptilian form), and Meier is also really in contact with Pleiadeians.

If you want to understand why this fits together logically, pick up Stewart Swerdlow's book, "Blue Blood, True Blood". see

As I have said multiple times, Swerdlow has the most accurate overall inforamation that I have yet come across.

[edit on 24-6-2004 by Daelume]

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by weirdo
I don`t remember the details as l was to interested in parties and getting laid.

Three words:

Bread and Circuses

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by Faisca
He's kinda like Michael Moore in my eyes. Want's everyone to see the truth, thinks he's better than everyone else, and is a greedy SOB. I don't buy into any of his malarky, and those who do are just packing his pockets.

You are extremely misinformed about David Icke. He is an honest journalist, even if I do not agree with all of his information.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 05:09 PM

do you know what caused David Icke to change from a retired sports man, commentator to the man who has all this info.I am not trying to debunk or insult you it`s just that l cannot find an answer to this and you seem to show some knowledge of it.U2u me if you want or post please.

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