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Druidry recognised as religion in Britain

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posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by wutone
I don't know how the Vatican has anything to do with Druid records.

Yup that was my understanding as well... and since I am pretty sure the Druid actually left any written records anyway all we can really hope for is that someone... learning the tradition orally, keep some secret writings of their own... that filtered down into other esoteric societies.

Thing is even the bible was not put into writing from the beginning but is a collected works of oral tradition.

But Rome was pretty good at keeping records and Poet mentioned Nero's vendetta against druids. He also torched Rome... and the Vatican IS Rome today

So IF anything exists, I would at least want to dig around in those vaults see what I can find

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by midicon
Make no mistake, modern day druidism is precisely that.
A bit like modern day Wicca, mostly made up stuff.
I wonder what Druidic university said practitioners attended.

Well be that as it may... you have to understand that certain traditions are still in existence in many esoteric societies and the 'old ways' have never died out. Like anything else there are two sides to everything, those that are true believers and those that take on the 'religion' because its cool

Yes a lot of the old ways have mixed traditions now, but as a sign above the Potala in Tibet reads "One Thousand Monks, One Thousand Religions"

Any belief system that has the old ways as its roots... by it's very nature allows for learning at a psychic level, attuning oneself to the Akashic Record. As such the information is still there

Nothing is forgotten... Nothing is ever forgotten...

But the trick is to learn how to access that information

Personally give me a true Druid any day... With the Catholics and Protestants at each others throats, the Shi'as, Sunnis and other Islamic splinters killing each other, and the Jews and Arabic nations wanting to wipe each other out, yet ALL of them worship the same god... a revival of the old ways doesn't seem to be to bad

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
The oldest stone circles ever found, are in Anatolia.
The first structures at Göbekli Tepe were built as early as 10,000 B.C

Yes I have been following that story. I am not so sure they were done by early Neolithic people. Since the place was cleaned out and deliberately buried, its true origin is a new mystery
Here is a graphic of the circles already found and those still to be excavated. Awesome site considering the detail cut into the stone carvings, supposedly by people who had not invented pottery yet

One thing that is very interesting is that while I was looking for data on things like fusion research, I stumbles upon something interesting..

Dartmouth College
Hanover, NH 03755 USA

They teach a course in Sacred Geometry
The Golden Ratio & Squaring the Circle in the Great Pyramid

And the University of Wisconsin/Madison, the premier Fusion Research facility in the US where HH Schmiit, former senator and Apollo 17 astronaut does his work on HE3 fusion research..

They have a data base on Alchemy and Hermetic Tradition... in fact I found a full copy of the very rare Heinrich Khunrath. Amphitheatrum sapientiae aeternae - [Hamburg: s.n., 1595.] - University of Wisconsin/Madison - Special Collection. This is a very important Hermatic work in the Rosicrucian camp. If you are interested in this topic, this is a must have

For more about alchemy, University sanctioned links

Also an Ancient work that has never been identified and looks like some Alien botanist's field note book...
Voynich Manuscript Yale University

Funny how all this ancient knowledge is found at these "Good Old Boys" schools

edit on 3-10-2010 by zorgon because: because ATS linky thingy is CRAPOLA

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by zorgon


“Attuning oneself to the Akashic record”?
That’s a conversation stopper if ever I heard one!
And no, please don’t explain it, heard it all before.

“Give me a true druid any day”
You’ll have to go back a while.
Or would you take the new made up version?
There is no revival of the old ways, with regard to druids.
It was bad enough with Wicca and Gardner.
I suppose at least he had something to go on.

We don’t need any religion.
Why do we need religion?
What’s wrong with people?

Regards Midicon

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Personally give me a true Druid any day... With the Catholics and Protestants at each others throats, the Shi'as, Sunnis and other Islamic splinters killing each other, and the Jews and Arabic nations wanting to wipe each other out, yet ALL of them worship the same god... a revival of the old ways doesn't seem to be to bad

You have to understand that druids and other pagan barbarian types were very susceptible to conversion to religions like Christianity or Islam.

Contrary to Dan Brown's version of Christianity, the Christians did not stamp out beliefs of pagans in western Europe. Christianity at the time was very Roman-Greek centered. With the fall of Rome, Christianity should have died with it, but it thrived. The reason is because of pagan barbarians.

There are 2 key facts.

1. In barbarian paganism, people pretty much pick a god. If there is success in battle, of fertile times, then that god gets worshiped. If there is loss in battle or times of trouble, that god got his ass whipped and it is time to pick a new one.

2. In Christianity or Islam if times are bad, it's the worshipers' fault and God is punishing them.

During the fall of Rome and the Dark Ages, Christianity should have been wiped out with the invasions of the pagan barbarians, saxons, magyars, vikings, whatever. These people were tribal and picked gods, see fact number 1.

Some of these barbarians decided to try out the Christian god. As it turns out, some of these barbarians became successful and adapted Christianity. Whether it be sheer luck, divine influence, or the stabilizing and unifying effect of Christianity on a tribal culture, I don't know. The fact is that barbarian kingdoms, one after another, converted to Christianity. There is no way the bishop of Rome had such power or charisma to make this happen. There is no way an army-less church could have force fed Christianity.

Of course when bad times hit the new Christian barbarian cultures, instead of abandoning Christianity, they blamed themselves.

The very nature of paganism allowed for an easy entrance of the Christian divine being but Christianity is very very hard to get rid of. This is the reason why the Roman Empire became Christian as well. All it takes is one guy just happening to pick out the Christian god and something good happens.

Authentic druidism is too archaic to survive today. Today's religions are advanced enough to survive and vague enough to adapt. Even with new agers, if a spell doesn't work, it must be because some higher knowledge is trying to maintain a more perfect balance or whatever.

A revival of old ways would be like picking out Odin and when things go down, pick Thor. Just throw in battle cries, prayers, and sacrifice for good measure. Eventually, someone would pick Jesus or Mohammed.

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by wutone
A revival of old ways would be like picking out Odin and when things go down, pick Thor. Just throw in battle cries, prayers, and sacrifice for good measure.

Ah yes the Old ways... battle all day, feast and revel all night, 'LONG LIVE CAID!!! and a sacrifice a few virgins... ahhhh the life...
Funny thing, I was just out sharpening my swords.

Yes the switch to blaming the pepole and getting punished by God even when the cause is a natural disaster does tend to introduce stability and control... and in a sense its a good thing... imagine what the world would be like today if tribal gods were still in fashion. Its bad enough with the hundreds of splinter factions we see today in the three main religions that all worship the same God...

He must be rolling on the clouds laughing his ass off... and with battle cries like "God Save the Queen" from the Brits, "In God We Trust" from the Yanks and "Got Mitt Uns" (God With Us) from the NAZI... maybe we should start a new religion after all

posted on Oct, 24 2010 @ 12:14 PM
I think Christianities advantage is that it promised an afterlife, in Heaven, If you were good here on Earth. The Catholics were very good at selling their religion, and going about establishing a monopoly on religion. They learned how to use religion to conquer others. Once Catholicism established its monopoly over the masses, it was then used to establish a rigid hierarchy over Europe, which had not previously existed. Much of this was breed by ignorance. I think Islam simply copied Catholicism's technique, and one upped it. The thing is that Catholicisms rule over Christianity only lasted a few centuries before the Protestant movement began. It has been a long idealistic battle, but New Age religion seems to be making a come back, reviving the older European religions, and expanding on them with our vastly increased access to knowledge.

When you look at this concept, where others have interpreted history, looking through the clues left behind, that Mary Magdalena came to Britain during what would be the time of the druids, when the Roman nobility were sending their sons to be educated by the Druids. Could there be a connection between Christ and the teachings of the Druids? Could Christ have been educated by the Druids?

If the Mabinogion is of Druidic origin, then the concepts are much more complex, and not nearly so cleanly divided between good and evil. The concepts are also far more advanced, and fit well into the world view that has emerged over the last century.

What we see in new age Druidism and Wican is people putting together the clues left over from the past and combining them with modern knowledge and the advantages of a world view to develop a more sophisticated, far more advanced religion in which to develop faith, which I think is healthy. Atheism leaves a massive hole in people, and just doesn't seem to fit with all we know about life. Who is to say we can not reconnect to the spark of life at a much more advanced level, and why should we seek this out.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 09:07 PM
Zorgon and Wutone as well as the op thanks for this thread.

It is good that people think on these ideas that you have brought to the surface. Maybe they will learn something from the words and intent for writing them.

One will know the real truth when they listen to the voices of the ancients with their hearts. You will feel what is right in your gut. I do not believe in, nor follow any "official" or "recognized" religion and of that I have no problem in vocalizing. Those that do follow those beliefs, good for them if it is what they feel.

But, sit under a tree on a summer day and meditate...feel nature, and you will wonder how "officially recognized" could or ever would make you feel as connected spiritually to the ancestors and ancients as the gentle breeze in your face, the smells it brings and the peace.

posted on Dec, 9 2010 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by poet1b
Wow, I always thought that Druidry was recognized in Britain as an official religion. I wonder if it is recognized in the U.S.?


George Lucas could tell you, but he'd have to hire you.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by Chakotay

Thanks for the link, this isn't too far for me. I should look into joining one of these groups.

Maybe I could sell a screenplay to Lucas.

posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 08:43 AM
reply to post by poet1b

Thanks for the info! Thought Druidry was already recognized. Appalled that it wasn't. Bout time then.


posted on Dec, 11 2010 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Thanks for the great links, and your continuous high standard of posting.

I still haven't gotten a chance to look into those, but hopefully I will be able to soon.

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