Originally posted by zorgon
Personally give me a true Druid any day... With the Catholics and Protestants at each others throats, the Shi'as, Sunnis and other Islamic splinters
killing each other, and the Jews and Arabic nations wanting to wipe each other out, yet ALL of them worship the same god... a revival of the old ways
doesn't seem to be to bad
You have to understand that druids and other pagan barbarian types were very susceptible to conversion to religions like Christianity or Islam.
Contrary to Dan Brown's version of Christianity, the Christians did not stamp out beliefs of pagans in western Europe. Christianity at the time was
very Roman-Greek centered. With the fall of Rome, Christianity should have died with it, but it thrived. The reason is because of pagan barbarians.
There are 2 key facts.
1. In barbarian paganism, people pretty much pick a god. If there is success in battle, of fertile times, then that god gets worshiped. If there is
loss in battle or times of trouble, that god got his ass whipped and it is time to pick a new one.
2. In Christianity or Islam if times are bad, it's the worshipers' fault and God is punishing them.
During the fall of Rome and the Dark Ages, Christianity should have been wiped out with the invasions of the pagan barbarians, saxons, magyars,
vikings, whatever. These people were tribal and picked gods, see fact number 1.
Some of these barbarians decided to try out the
Christian god. As it turns out, some of these barbarians became successful and adapted
Christianity. Whether it be sheer luck, divine influence, or the stabilizing and unifying effect of Christianity on a tribal culture, I don't know.
The fact is that barbarian kingdoms, one after another, converted to Christianity. There is no way the bishop of Rome had such power or charisma to
make this happen. There is no way an army-less church could have force fed Christianity.
Of course when bad times hit the new Christian barbarian cultures, instead of abandoning Christianity, they blamed themselves.
The very nature of paganism allowed for an easy entrance of the Christian divine being but Christianity is very very hard to get rid of. This is the
reason why the Roman Empire became Christian as well. All it takes is one guy just happening to pick out the Christian god and something good happens.
Authentic druidism is too archaic to survive today. Today's religions are advanced enough to survive and vague enough to adapt. Even with new agers,
if a spell doesn't work, it must be because some higher knowledge is trying to maintain a more perfect balance or whatever.
A revival of old ways would be like picking out Odin and when things go down, pick Thor. Just throw in battle cries, prayers, and sacrifice for good
measure. Eventually, someone would pick Jesus or Mohammed.