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The only way we'll know the truth about aliens...

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posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 03:36 PM
Does anyone on here besides me believe the only way we'll know the truth about aliens and UFO's is if the government comes out and tells us? I do but I believe it will never happen. Time and time again we have seen how the government has continued to deny and debunk the issue concerning UFO's and aliens. It doesn't matter if you're Robert O. Dean or Dr. Steven Greer. Only the government can convince everybody what the truth is. So why won't they tell us?

More than half us out there can except the truth as proven in public opinionated poll so that can't be it. Can it? Could it be that the aliens and the government are working side by side in the New World Order as some speculate? There still is no proof of that either. Why? The government refuses to talk. I think it could be this: but it is still speculation because the government refuses to talk about aliens and UFO's.

So in conclusion IMO the only way we'll know the truth about the alien/UFO conspiracy is if the government comes out and tells what they know by presenting every document they have (secret or not) to the American public and I believe their alot of documents being withheld. Only time will tell if the government finally gives in.


posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 03:43 PM

So in conclusion IMO the only way we'll know the truth about the alien/UFO conspiracy is if the government comes out and tells what they know by presenting every document they have (secret or not) to the American public and I believe their alot of documents being withheld. Only time will tell if the government finally gives in.

I think you give the gov't a bit more credit than they are do. For me, the only way to prove alien existence is for them to land thier spacecraft on my house. It's kinda hard to doubt thier existence when they're blocking my parking spot. Otherwise, the gov't wil have to do more than just tell me they are here.


posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by mpeake

So in conclusion IMO the only way we'll know the truth about the alien/UFO conspiracy is if the government comes out and tells what they know by presenting every document they have (secret or not) to the American public and I believe their alot of documents being withheld. Only time will tell if the government finally gives in.

I think you give the gov't a bit more credit than they are do. For me, the only way to prove alien existence is for them to land thier spacecraft on my house. It's kinda hard to doubt thier existence when they're blocking my parking spot. Otherwise, the gov't wil have to do more than just tell me they are here.


Well, that's true mpeake but I was just saying if the aliens don't land in our backyards and never make their presence known. But that's the only other way we'll know the truth. Thanks for the opinion!

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 04:06 PM
I don't really know why they don't tell us or come out with their documentation. My opinion is that it is top secret and those who bring out the truth partially are killed for it. The Government, or certain clandestine organizations could have an interest in it economically, as in technology being sold to Governments etc.

I think that the most important reason why they, I don't believe The President of the United States even knows anything, will not come clean is that it is too destructive to everything our society is built upon. Perhaps it could lead into other areas: such as the hundreds of thousands of persons missing in the United States each year, crop circles, national defence technologies, history of our humanity. I think there would be too many ramifications for those who control that information, that if we found out, our society would maybe collapse.

[edit on 24-6-2004 by IMMORTAL]

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 04:14 PM
Our governments will never tell us. We will have to wait until our current governments crumble to find out. That seems to be approaching ever faster with the looming oil and economic crisis, and potential global warming, that afflicts not only the United States, but the rest of the world. Oaths of secrecy that bound our secret holders to silence will have no meaning after government collapse. I'm not sure how easy it will be to obtain the truth once our governments do collapse as all forms of communication will likely go with them, but it will get out afterwards likely as a trickle of information that streams through the remnants of society.

Of course, our governments or ETs may actually disclose the information, but I don't think thats going to be the reality of the situation. Its apparent that both groups are dead set on keeping the vast majority of the earth's population in the dark and I don't see any reason for that to change.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 04:19 PM
I agree Heelstone. You and Immortal make excellent points on the matter. It's sad though that there are alot of people out there who want to know the truth but aren't being told. Personally, I would be ready to accept the changes simply because of my beliefs in other civilizations in our universe. Furthermore I believe if they were to land and make peace with us, they could teach us something we have yet to discover. Unfortunately, there are alot of people who are confined to thier own beliefs and who believe we are unique in the universe and that it is impossible to travel from planet to planet in a short amount of time.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 12:14 AM
If you wait for the gov't to come out and tell you, you might as well just ask for New World Order enslavement.

They won't tell us until they find it strategic to do so.

I already know the truth about certain aliens without any government help, thank you very much.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 12:23 AM
I believe that, to a certain extent, amateur UFOLogy has gone about as far as it can without admissions from the government. I really hate to say that... but you can only prove that a glowing sphere in a video is real so many times before losing the attention of your audience.

The way I see it, UFOlogists have already put together evidence indicating that something that could be called 'abductions' is occuring. The UFO community, in general, has made the world aware of the situation.

However... as the Brookings Report indicates, the government, if it DID have evidence of ET existence near or on Earth, could only reveal the facts it had on hand when there was no chance of public/social collapse and violence if such information was revealed. Specifically, the dangers posed by both fundamentalist religious leaders -- and establishment scientific authorities -- would have to be negated before such a revelation could occur. We;d have to, in a sense, live in a non-polarized, less ideological world before the cat could get let out of the bag.

...Or... if some sort of situation was about to come down one way or another... well...

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 12:31 AM
We're currently being programmed to accept the existence of aliens.

Soon, there will be a staged alien invasion culminating this programming. It will be both an excuse to reveal aliens to us, and an excuse to "Unite the World Against a Common Threat" as Henry Kissinger so quaintly put it.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 07:21 AM
i have dreams of alien invasion, i also dream that our doctors are helping the aliens with wounds and such, but at the same time i know in my dream that he is forced to do so and actually he is studying the alien so we could find out about their physical weaknesses. There is resistance, but most of the human population is gone.

so maybe they are programming us as we sleep?

posted on Jun, 26 2004 @ 12:21 AM
What truth would we learn? Do you think the aliens are dumb enough to tell the US everything? Who says that the US has even been told the truth...maybe Australia knows more or China?

The government in essence HAS been telling us the truth for a while now:

Nick Pope
Lord Hill Norton
Major Jesse Marcel
Belgium Air Force
Capt. Salas (Malstrom AFB incident)
...and hundreds more: Pick up the book Disclosure or Richard Dolan's UFO book, and that deals primarily with just US sources. I'm sure the rest of the world's ex-government employees have more to reveal.

The government is made of people and those people retire. Just because they leave the government doesn't mean they forgot everything they saw while in those positions. Listen to them and you will know that we know the truth...the truth exist, it just isn't being "used".

The question should be: Do we know why the aliens are here? How do humans fit in with the future? I don't think anyone knows the answer for sure in any government level, even if they captured or worked with the aliens. How do you know what someone with the advance capabilities is ever doing?

So how would the government ever be able to say with 100% certainty what the aliens are doing and prove it to a now unerved world that was just told aliens exist? They never will unless they have to...Don't be mad at the governments of the world: the aliens are the ones that need to stop the games.

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