posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 10:43 PM
People buying gold right now by the ounce are at the mercy of those whom already bought it by the ton. When they decide it's time to sell, gold is
going to drop fast. People unaware of this will think it's cheap and buy it up like crazy, but those sitting on tons of it will just keep selling it
until people get the idea and the price falls back to its worth by industrial demand. History tends to repeat itself. All currencies in the world
stopped being backed by gold when Switzerland stopped backing theirs in 1999. There's little good in gold as money now.
A much better investment is silver. There's much less risk involved with silver as production and demand is increasing and one is more likely to get
a much higher rate of return due to its lower and more fluid price. Silver also has many more applications and industrial uses than gold, and in those
applications it's mostly used only in tiny amounts.
Take note that China's demand for silver is already beginning to shoot up. Silver used in circuit boards may be short of being worth a penny, but
when 1.3 billion people want electronics as much as Westerners do, anyone can do the math. It'll take decades before silver peaks, assuming people
don't drop gold as a hedge and turn to silver.
But that said, although investing in gold now is foolish, I do see it going higher. China's demand for gold is increasing exponentially as the
production of gold declines and people use it as a hedge against the American dollar depreciating (don't forget that QE3 is coming). So long as those
perched on their tons of gold see a strong demand for it, they'll keep sitting on it until the time comes to cash out and invest in something
Personally I rather invest $1300 in supplies for my family's small farm than an ounce of gold. The price of food continues to increase much faster
than the rate of inflation, and you can't eat gold (at least for sustenance) if the price drops on you.