posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 06:19 PM
Rajaten....I believe your absolutely right..but let let me tell you a little bit from my perspective...
.Ok....this news if true is very fascinating, no doubt. Now let me preface my statements by telling you that I've been studying the UFO phenomenon
for a long time, been an ATS member for years. I have tons of UFO books, articles and years of reading abou the subject. The UFO phenomenon is in my
oppinion a vital segment of the entire New World Order understanding. Now I know many of you will say, "No ....what does the UFO thing have to do
with the New World Order?" Well...for many years I was completely convinced that disclosure was imminent and that aliens were real and possibly here
already. I was the biggest proponent of alien life and ET existence.
Then something happened........I started researching the New World Order even more and it led me to several fascinating topics that I began to really
investigate ...Project Bluebeam, the Orion Conspiracy and UFO's of Hitlers Nazi's and German technology. To make a long story short, I do beleive
that it is POSSIBLE that this whole alien ET thing MAYBE a deception. Now...I must say that I don't refute the fact that mainline astronomy tells us
that there are many stars and that there are many earth like planets and that life is possible on them ( I dont disagree, it's possible). I am quite
aware of the popular "Drake equation" that calculates the chances that life exists outside our own planet. Unfortunately I have come to know that
logic says that probability does not always lead to reality. Just because there is a formula that tells us that it is highly possible, does'nt mean
it is so. We need to not jump to conclusions and make this alien/ET topic an emotional belief . There are so many of us ( me included ) that just
"psychologically want to believe" that ET's exist that we get sold a bill of goods before really seeing the merchandise.
Let me ask you this, has anyone truly ever seen an alien with their eyes that can be verified? For all you anti-religious zealots, please don't ask
me if I've seen God with my own eyes....different topic. We'll talk about that later. Now ...what do we know? Well...we know that Germany made many
UFO's based on advances in electrogravitic propulsion....and that the elite technology is hundreds of years ahead of what we know. So IMO I beleive
that what people are seeing in the skies are "real" , but they're NOT aliens...they are man made advanced technology. Werner Von Braun, the most
prolific German scientist stated that one day, the elite would stage a FAKE alien invasion, that we know would push the world into supporting the
break down of all national sovereignty and a "New World Order". We CANT forget this.
Could the elite's use of chemtrails in our skies really be preaparing our atmosphere for a holographic light show of global proportions? Possibly...
Why so much media propaganda in our news and televison attempting to prepare us for imminent disclosure for ET existence. I truly beleive we have been
psychologically conditioned ( brainwashed) over a century to believe in ET life. We're being set up I the only one who can see this?