reply to post by SaturnFX
I cannot comment on the overall effect on people of considering these subjects. The fact is that everyone has different approaches to the subject,
born of differing attention spans, different levels of understanding of basic science, and a whole host of other factors which would require alot of
mathematical talent, and many hours of processing time to unravel.
However, from my perspective, it is the possibility of alien intelligent life, which first engendered in me , an interest in science, which is still
one of my favourite interests. When I was a child I was awestruck by works of science fiction , be they literature or movies. My favourite authour at
age nine was Arthur C. Clarke, my favourite movie was flight of the Navigator (guilty pleasure I know, but it was fun and I was a kid
). The very
idea that there might be something outside of human expirience, thinking and living just beyond our ability to communicate, and interact with was so
compelling, so utterly awe inspiring, that it held my attention from then, till now.
Although I never reached any level of qualification in the sciences (other than completing my GCSE in science) I have aquired over the years, a
decent understanding of the basic principles involved with all manner of scientific endevours, and because science continues to discover and impress,
I continue to absorb knowlege. Although I cannot say for certain that I would have no interest whatsoever in science if not for the possibility of the
existance of extra terrestrial life, I can certainly say that I would never have been interested enough to pass a basic exam in it, and certainly not
interested enough to comment on boards like this.
I see around me on a daily basis , people of my age group, who had the same oppertunities I had as a youngster, to learn and absorb information about
science, who were NEVER interested at all , and do not care a damn for it now. The same can be said for many of the subjects taught in schools around
my nation. There are half a generation of people in my nation who do not care for anything which happens outside thier everyday mundanity , and do
not excersize their minds to even the barest extent. If I were not interested in ET, I would perhaps never have seized upon the oppertunities I have
taken , to absorb, to expand, and to improve my understanding of the planet I live on, the system in which it lies, or the universe in which it