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Biology of a Grey

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posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 12:25 PM
I made this thread as a place for people to dicuss theories of Grey biology from accounts of there physical description that have been reported. I wont make claims to know what planet or part of the universe there from or even there motives. These are just some theories about information on there bodies.

1. I believe that the live in a low or zero G enviroment due to the fact as there limbs are reported as very thin. They dont seem to be built for a high gravity enviroment or even a earth one

2. Due to there large eye size it would lead me to believe they live in a low light enviroment or that they can see in a greater specturam compared to humans

3. There large head size compared to there bodies makes me asume that they have rather large brains but also that reproduction as humans would due it would be complicated to say the least

From the descriptons of them lacking any sex organs I will not really get into as I belive they are wearing some type of full body suit for that matter even there skin color or eye size might be incorrect. I would like to hear other peoples theories on the Greys biology or if theres reports of them not wearing what I believe is the body suits

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 12:46 PM
also they are seem very weak a 10yr old could beat them up

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 01:17 PM
I don't see how limbs being thin necessarily implies a low G environment. For all we know, their bone structures are built differently than ours, meaning perhaps less bone (and thus not as big limbs) are needed to support themselves. Moreover, the average description of a gray is a small being, about the size of a child. A small child doesn't have that much mass to support.

What we do know, however, is with the smaller limbs, muscle tissue doesn't have that much area to form. Which could mean, their muscle tissue is much different than ours (possible), or that they are very weak.

Going back to your suit idea; the black portions we consider eyes do not have to be eyes; they could be part of a suit. In addition, even if the blackspots are biological in nature, they don't need necessarily to be structures that take in light waves. For all we know, the "eyes" are used to sense heat.

A large head typically (at least on earth) says something about brain size (except in some cases where water is on the brain). So maybe they have a larger brain, or another possibility is that they have another organ up there. Or it's an oddly shaped helmet.

The main point in this entire discussion is that we can only guess. Dissection would be the only way to confirm any of this.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 02:29 PM
maybe it's an organic radar dome or something they fill with helium to fly around

[edit on 24-6-2004 by DarkSide]

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 05:02 PM
I have heard the same, that these so called greys are actually other beings in suits. If so then what do they really look like??? or are they really aliens, maybe the suit is of human origins!

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 07:25 PM
Remember that most humans have not seen greys, so we simply do not know.

Anyways, from what we do "know" about this beings, what I have figured at least, they don't need as much energy consuming as humans do, suggested by their small bodies and by their mouths.

No sex organs would suggest that these beings are not in the "man and woman" consept, but rather a kind of hive-beings. This is suppoted as most of us know, of their "non-induvidual" appearance. They could either have a queen, laying eggs. Sooner or later, another queen is born (probably more than one queen), and their "civilization" goes on.

Or, their civilization could have different stages. In the computer game "Dark Colony", their civilization does not have buildings like ours, materials formed and put to place for different purposes. Their buildings are living organic structures, producing (at least in that game) clones of the greys. These buildings in turn may have been grown out of the earth or in a lab, futhering the civilizational structure. But as for now, we just don't know.

Then what about their brains. Whales are bigger than humans, yet, they don't have any of the capabilities humans do. Whales aren't even self-aware. Three mamals on this planet are - human, ape and dolphin.

So, what am I trying to say here, that the aliens aren't self-aware, yet they can travel these distances with what seems to be crafts the size of satellites, yet humans who are self-aware only have travelled as far as to the moon? No. I'm saying that the greys themselves may not control their crafts, but their "hive brain" or some form of overlord does, assuming in first place they are hive creatures.

Maybe even their craft are living "things"? That's why animals were afraid of the debris found in Roswell - unknown to this planet, unknown to the mamalian evolution. Alien, simple and sound.

I mean, how many humans who reportedly have been abducted have known that they use materialistic stuff (knives, plates etc.)? Not seen, but know?

OR, yet another theory. The aliens are not living beings at all, they're machines. They could very likely have developed nano-tech (microscopic machines) that they in essence became it themselves, or something in that direction...

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 07:32 PM
well it is said that greys reproduce using cloning because they have no reproductive organs visible. it is also said they use chkoroplast and photosynthesis. which if they live in a low light enviroment would be impossible.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 08:56 PM
I'm going to go with the biology as described on the old 80's UFO CoverUp Live show..(spare me the Strawberry Ice Cream comments please....). The reason for this, is that:
A: It makes common sense.
B: It is supported by witnesses.
C: It fits their apparent role.
D: It is supported by other documentation, some of which are governmental in nature.

Here's the skinny:

They are thought to be genetically engineered versions of their masters for the rigors of space travel.

1. Large cranial capacity: larger and more convoluted brain than homosapiens, thus, more intelligent.

2. Hard but flexible skeleton, more like cartilidge than bone, to handle impact. This goes along with the rubbery skin, again, more resistant to damage.

3. One Heart/Lung organ which performs both functions.

4. No reproductive organs, they are cloned.

5. One liquid waste organ which acts as the entire digestive system (this is a large organ, and has parts similar to our intestines and bladder, but are one distinct organ).

6. No hair (it is simply not needed, much as we will likely lose it all one day).

7. Large eyes (to deal with the unfiltered light of stars in space, when entering a solar system). It is also said to be quite bright on the homeworld, but most "greys" have never seen it. These eyes are double-lidded for the same reasons.

8. Small nasal slits (as scent isn't that important of a sense to their mission profile).

9. Small ears, that are covered with a membrane, almost invisible on their outer skin, but there nonetheless. Communication is telepathic, so not much use for these...

10. Small mouth, and no teeth, only a hard gumlike substance. They do not eat meat (nor could they chew most of it). That Strawberry Ice Cream doesn't sound so ridiculous anymore does it? What would YOU eat with the same limitations? Most of their meals seem to consist of a vegetable paste of some kind, which is synthesized on the ship. Their digestion is extremely efficient and results in little waste (when using this foodstuff).

11. Size is about 4 1/2 feet tall. Feet are more like a pad, though there are toe "bones" inside. Numbers of fingers vary, but most reports suggest 6 (including the thumb) and sticky "pads" on the fingertips (like mini suction cups).

Hope that helps!

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 09:07 PM
Maybe they are vehicles with a smaller being controlling them in the head area

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 09:59 PM
Due to a lack of any real photos it would be next to impossible to work out what does what in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 10:15 PM
Gazrok, you beat me too it. I have never seen the show myself, but by my observations of the aliens, that would be my guess.

Its a good thing they have no sense of smell. When you consider how trailer park abductees they seem to steal, maybe that lack of smell is a blessing. I sure as hell wouldnt want to be in close quarters on an airtight UFO with a couple of toothless mulletheads I just jacked from Missouri.

The general consensue is that the greys are cloned. A good question is, who clones them, and for what, or have they evolved over ages so much, sexual reproduction went out of fashion, and they were capable of reproducing from thier tech?

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 12:35 AM
Greys are for the most part cloned because they are a created slave race.

Actually, if you look at most authentic alien abduction cases, they more commonly occur to relatively intelligent people.

However, grey abductions can happen to virtually anyone becuase they have to do with the harvesting of organs and blood so that the greys can survive.

They do not have digestive tracts, and must absorb nutrients and hormones through their skin.

Their creators made them this way to make them dependent upon humans for sustenance. When they can't get human hormones, blood and soft tissue, they take it from cows or pigs, usually. These animals' organs and hormones are similar to ours, so it is a good alternative for the desperate greys.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 01:46 AM
The theories I express about the greys are only in context with that of earth lifeforms for all I know they could be all robotic or solicon based but all I really know about is earth lifeforms so I feel that I should put them in this context.this may be wrong in all aspects but I belive that it is a starting point for understanding these creatures

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 07:56 AM
Humans have the ablility to manufacture hormones.. Why not the Greys .Unless they lack centian technologies that we have. Further why couldn't they grow their own sourse's of protien .

[edit on C:Friocu06e6 by Opus]

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 10:57 AM
Excellent questions Opus, which is why I've never gone for the absorbing through the skin route....

Though I will also concur that there are numerous sources that support the idea...but basic common sense seems to discount it.

As for other comments, they appear (from many sources) to be a slave race created by the taller, greener versions of the Grey. Many abduction accounts have both types being in the ships, with the greys being subservient to this other type. (see the cover of Communion, regardless of what you think of Streiber, for an example of this type).

Skadi, you should really try to track down some copies of this show, and it's sequel.

In my area, when it was first televised, the news was planning all kinds of interviews after the show, to get reactions, etc. Well, that didn't happen. What did happen, was that about 2/3 of the way through, the show was terminated (though not in all areas I hear) and replaced with infomercials. When the news came on, not a whisper of the show, no apology, no explaination, etc. and no mention in the printed press either... I know of only one entity (i.e. government) who can effect such a blackout. I was there, and I remember this well.

When the second show came on UFO Coverup Live II, it was terminated after being on for only a half hour! Same story with the news blackout, etc. This was in the Tampa Bay, FL area for those curious, or who'd like to check the facts. I was on the phone with a friend during the show, and I'll never forget our reactions to the show being cut and then seeing the guy from Ronco trying to sell us a food dehydrator!

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 12:12 PM

2. Due to there large eye size it would lead me to believe they live in a low light enviroment or that they can see in a greater specturam compared to humans

Don't think so... I think that`s quite the opposite. Ever seen those fishes that live in underground lakes and rivers? They don't have any eyes! Just as Bats, they have developed somekind of sensors for better orientation... Anyway the principle is that in absence of light, or low-light, the eyes will adapt by skrinking instead of getting larger. It`s not like Gollum
... in real life things are the opposite.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 02:13 PM
hey everyone: gazrok, do you have any suggestions for tracking down this video? i've got enough bandwidth that i could help spread a digital copy around pretty easily. i was probably too young to hear about this the first time around; what was the deal with UFO coverup live?

specifically, i was definitely old enough to see that 'alien autopsy' video when it was on tv, and fake or not the organs removed are pretty consistent with what you're saying so far -- did the coverup live video go into their anatomy at all? if not, are there any more-reliable sources than the very dodgy "alien autopsy" video for internal anatomy? if so, what was the timeframe of ufo coverup live I & II -- when were they released, etc. -- and were they widespread enough to have been able to influence anyone who would be making the alien autopsy video?

on to other points...

if we were to hypothesize that the greys are

A) similar enough to us that what we know so far about DNA applies to them
B) cloned

some of the weirdness makes a bit of sense, then, if this guy's stuff is right:

or even somewhat near on the money -- especially since most of our cloning experiments so far have produced animals with much-shortened telomeres; granted, there's always the "super-advanced alien technology" factor, but if we're assuming the little guys are just a race cloned to be subservient slaves, then it would make sense to make their DNA brittle enough -- ie have short enough telomeres -- that it would be difficult for them to go ahead and clone themselves.

If that was the case, all the stuff that sounds like bs re: their needing to repair their DNA or being missing certain abilities at least makes some sense if as a cloned species their dna has (possibly deliberately been) degraded and for whatever reason they can't fix it.

that's all wild speculation based on a lot of premises we don't have any knowledge of one way or the other -- "greys" exist, use dna in a similar manner to us, are a cloned slave race of another race, etc. -- but it if we for the moment assume those as a given than it would provide a possible halfway explanation for where the "fixing their dna" and the "they need certain hormones / proteins / whatever" stories come from.

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 03:45 PM
Q: specifically, i was definitely old enough to see that 'alien autopsy' video when it was on tv, and fake or not the organs removed are pretty consistent with what you're saying so far -- did the coverup live video go into their anatomy at all?

A: The production companies share some similarities, so it's possible that the faked autopsy video did use the specials as a reference...though I can't say for certain of course. In my own research (which I'd have to dust off it's so old), I noticed that many of these producers, etc. were involved with a project originally intended to educate the masses by actually publicly exhibiting alien bodies, craft, etc. This project was eventually cancelled, much to the dismay of the producers, who were shown some incredible stuff. However, this seems to point to a continuation of the projects aims, but with a different, while still maintaining plausible denial. Quite a clever method actually, and likely in the long run, it will be quite effective, if tedious for us....

Q: if not, are there any more-reliable sources than the very dodgy "alien autopsy" video for internal anatomy? if so, what was the timeframe of ufo coverup live I & II -- when were they released, etc. -- and were they widespread enough to have been able to influence anyone who would be making the alien autopsy video?

A: I've seen it before, streamed online, when doing a search. Do a google on "UFO CoverUp Live TV" and you should find it. I've simply never had the time recently to do it...though one of these days I'll make the time. I used to have it on video tape, but alas, eventually it went bad. The shows were on in the 80's (late 80's I believe). The show was nationwide, and not blacked out in all areas...many saw the whole video as originally aired, but not my area... To my knowledge, these specials, and government docs that support the anatomy ( is a good source), are the best depiction of the anatomy so far. The specials have some similarities with the "Yellow Book" (search on "Alien Yellow Book") and Lear Letter, though the specials use other references, and go into more detail than any other UFO special you have ever seen... (you'll also get the strawberry ice cream bit after watching them).

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 03:50 PM
I go more along with the theory that grays were created genetically to be slaves for a alien race and now they are trying to use humanity to repair their genetic code by making gray/human hybrids or "super grays" (they probably already have) and they are making deals with our governments and such (our govts are helping them get their goals and they help us with what we want blah blah yeah)

anyway thats what i think could probably be going on

posted on Jun, 25 2004 @ 03:53 PM

Originally posted by aukaiman8000
I go more along with the theory that grays were created genetically to be slaves for a alien race and now they are trying to use humanity to repair their genetic code by making gray/human hybrids or "super grays" (they probably already have) and they are making deals with our governments and such (our govts are helping them get their goals and they help us with what we want blah blah yeah)

anyway thats what i think could probably be going on

That is for the most part correct information.

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