posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 10:35 PM
Israel relies on the propaganda they feed to the ignorant masses of the United States to continue their murderous occupation. If the truth was ever
released on a national level, you would see the many pro-Palestinian grassroots movements gain momentum and power in the United States.
Thanks to the Internet, the truth is slowly spreading. But it is not happening quick enough.
Israel needs to be held accountable for it's actions. Israel needs to face United Nations sanctions for all of it's violations of the United Nations
Charter and Security Council Resolutions; they need to pay reparations to all Palestinian families it has done harm to; they need to disarm and
dismantle their nuclear weapons stockpile and active nuclear weapons program; and they need to surrender the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and Jerusalem to
the Palestinians as well as the Golan Heights to Syria.
Then and only then will you begin to see any prospect for peace in the region. Israel is the cause of the destruction in the Middle East and breeding
ground for terrorism that it has become.