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Have you ever come in contact with a person you felt was not quite human??

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posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 05:10 AM
This all makes sense to me know I think. You have some people that look angelic and some people that look like snakes. This is straight out of the bible stuff.

Angels and Demons.

And then you have the indigenous people of the planet caught in the middle.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 05:47 AM
reply to post by Alora

Both me and my father get that as well
- Happens when we go into fight or flight mode. Like the second the first punch is thrown in a fight or we get so mad things are about to get broken. When it happens, time seems to slow down, and you get perfect peripheral vision. It's pretty scary. My current GF noted that it happens to me in bed as well, and it kinda scared her a lot the first time she saw it.

My dad spent a lot of time in the military - also special forces, and there a things he still wont talk about.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by smokingman2006

I was a gas station clerk ( a small kiosk "booth" set up) in Phoenix Arizona back in...oh...I think it was maybe 1998 or there abouts.

One hot afternoon, this blonde guy....GQ looking, In a nicely tailored suit...walks up and says he is suppose to meet someone on this corner soon, and wanted to know if there was anything interesting to do in the area.
I directed him to a seafood place across the street from the station, and he went there.

A short while later, a candy apple red 65 or 66 mustang pulls in from heading East on Bethany Home Rd , and there are two guys in it.
(The kiosk was positioned on the north west corner of I-17 and Bethany Home Rd....I-17 running north to south). One guy in the car looks like a pale complected black man (passenger side) wearing some kind of tan one piece jump suit, and the driver.. ..
The driver was very weird. Like he was all disguised or something...
At first glance he looked like a black male with long dreadlocks comming from under a straw hat, huge black shades.. and a trench coat with collar up. (which was odd as it was hot out)
The oddest part about the driver was.. He seemed to have a black pointy beard, but no chin..
In fact, I really could not see any part of his face, and he really was lacking of a chin/jaw line..

Anyway, the blonde guy in the nice tailored suit was just then comming back from across the street, and the light complected black guy in the tan jumpsuit gets out, and proceeds to grab and wrestle the blonde guy into the back seat of the car.
Just then the driver starts staring hard at me.....and... well, I don't know why, but I turned away from what was happening and went back to my cigarette counting.
(I still don't understand why I wasn't upset to see someone getting abducted right in front of me, but I wasn't, and didnt think about it again till years later.)

Anyway, after wrestling the blonde guy into the back of the mustang, the light complected guy comes up to the booth and stares in at me through the small "money pass" window.
I stared back at him, and realized his head was not shaped right.
The right and left frontal lobes of his forhead extended out futher than a normal humans would, with a faint seperating indent in the center of the forehead, seperating the lobes.
His skull also extended from the sides, from the temple back....just above the ears.
Iv'e seen people with that elephant man disease, this was nothing like that. These protrusions, although they didnt look normal, looked very natural on his otherwise unblemished face..
He appeared to be in his mid-twenties, I'd guess.
His hair, (what little there was on the sides), looked like whispy blonde curls that wanted to be an afro, but were too thin, and his eyes had striking golden irisis.

He looked like he was angry at me, and I asked if I could help him.
He then calmed down a bit, and sort of looked confused for a minute, then pointed at the cigarette packs and said "green" so I sold him a pack of Salem.
He fumbled with the money, like he was unfamiliar with it, and the same with the cigarette pack.
pantomimed for matches...and finally got a cigarette lit, only to choke and throw it down, with a look on his face like I had tried to poison him.
Then he tried the (locked) kiosk door, and finally went back to the car, got in, and they drove away..west on Bethany.
I remember the tan jumpsuit made me think that maybe he was from Luke Air Force Base, since it was due west on that road...

Then about 10 or 15 minutes later some more blonde GQ looking people showed up.. two or three more guys and a lady.
(Sorry I can't remember exactly how many guys there were, they didnt all talk, only two did. I "think" there was a third one. But I definatly saw the woman. she was lovely.)
They were all dressed in the same cut and type of suits that the abducted guy had been wearing, and the leader, (a very friendly fellow), asked if I had seen their friend here earlier.
I remember being a bit confused about the question, but I think I muttered something about him getting in a car with some other black guys...
One of the blonde guys asked me where they went, and I said I didn't know.
He got a little upset with me, and demanded to know why I didnt know.
I sort of got mad (the heat you know) and replied that "I'm not my brothers keeper"
Luckily the lead blonde interjected and motioned us both to calm down.

So..the leader fellow thanked me, and they left..

Now they (the blondes) looked normal as anyone...perfect in fact... like models or something.. but those two black fellows were odd. and the one that came to the window was the "in plain day" the oddest with those extended lobes. It didn't look like a birth looked normal for him...

I never saw any of them again....I don't think...

edit on 30-9-2010 by Khurzon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:17 AM
I meet people everyday who I think aren't human, because how a human can act the way they do and do the things they do and look themselves in the mirror is beyond me.

Also I am sure my old boss is a reptilian who was kicked from his own clan for his ego of wanting to conquer everything.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:35 AM
Me and my wife were getting outside of our cars at Walmart parking lot....Immediatley I get a sense of someone starring at me... I look up and a very pale albino/silver looking male with very big wide open eyes was walking very fast from the front exit of the store but staring in our direction like he had sensed me sensing him....I look up at my wife and she said whoa that guy is weird, I quickly replied yea like he's an alien!...

What I remember is he sensed me sensing him and was looking right at me at about a 50 yard distance.
He felt soul-less.
Albino silver blond.
Big eyes. Normal appearance.
Short 5' 8'?....

Politicians I watch on TV most seem Alien...Of the top of my head Condoleeza Rice seems very Reptillian.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:44 AM
Well, i do a lot of trips. Me and my good friend have found out a LOT of info through unwillfully channelling alien entities. We then go on to research this info on the internet only to find an abundance of this info that we had not heard of before our trip. I am not condoning illegal drug taking but if '___' is legal in your country i fully urge you to take it and ask for answers to your questions. You may find that you have this innate knowledge inside you waiting to burst out once you take a hallucinogenic and enter an altered consciousness. Better yet try '___' afterwards (If its legal in your country) and really open yourself up to the spirit and E.T realms.

Hallucinogenics really are our birth given right and the only reason they are illegal and have so much propaganda giving them a bad name is because they open peoples minds to a more advanced way of thinking. I'm trying to find some kind of credible source to back this up but western civilization has been so tainted that trips ARE wrong over here....... kind of.

The only things i can suggest are either try them yourself (If they are legal in your country of course
) or research about shamanistic tribes and their drug use. Especially when they extract '___' from a plant and use that to enter the spirit realm.

Remember, we all have a "Higher self" which we can connect with through an altered state. We have had this birth right taken away so in a way you could say we are all a little bit alien. Discovering your higher self for the first time (Maybe even perceiving our higher self as a god at first) can be quite an alien thing.

I'm not trying to preach or claiming to know what goes on in the spirit realm because i know the rabbit hole probably goes down MILES AND MILES deeper than what i or any human has seen. I do believe however that E.Ts can and have been misunderstood as gods. Though of course if you did create a species like humans (Or advance an already existing species) and then got worshipped as a god you probably wouldn't argue

If anyone has any personal questions regarding what i have just written please feel free to private message me as i understand i probably come across as a crazy person ?

Although anyone who has experienced what i have experienced will know exactly what i'm talking about.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:02 AM

Originally posted by TechUnique

Although anyone who has experienced what i have experienced will know exactly what i'm talking about.

I know exactly what you are talking about. Those inexperienced will just say it's the effects of the drug but they just don't know the shamanic path and the secrets revealed.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 09:35 AM

found this really interesting about your friend. Was wondering what he means about death being over rated? (Has he mentioned to you what happened in his near death experiences?) Also was he born with these abilities or did any of them start after his near death experiences?


Originally posted by babybunnies
I have a good friend who works as a (real) psychic - he has worked with the police on numerous occassions, they keep coming back to him, he also has a phenomenal healing rate (he recovered from a completely broken arm in less than a week that the docs said would take at least 6-8 weeks to heal), never gets sick (not even a cold - and he has two kids in grade school bringing school germs home on a regular basis), when he spreads his fingers his third and 4th fingers on each hand cannot seperate, although they aren't joined together.

He has also been legally declared dead four times, and has woken up in the morgue twice. He thinks death is very overrated.

He can also write with BOTH hands at the SAME TIME. But when he writes with his left hand, it is a mirror image of what he writes with his right hand. If you look at the left handed writing in a mirror, it is a carbon copy of how he writes with his right hand.

I've also seen him start a car with a dead battery by holding his hand very close over the top of the battery and telling the driver to start again (no jumper cables required). He can't have a television or radio in his house as every time he walks by the signal goes to static, even on digital cable stations. If he gets mad about something, he can short out electronics. We were in his bank one day, and he got mad at a teller about an incorrect charge that she was refusing to deal with, and ALL the computers in the ENTIRE branch lost power, everything else was still working fine. Now whenever he has a question about his account the branch manager deals with him personally!

So yes, I'd have to say that I don't for one minute believe that he's 100% "human".

He once took a crystal ball on a trip with him where a police department had asked him to fly up to sort out a case (which he did), but when he went through airport security, it washed out the xray machine to a completely white screen. Apparently the xray person just said "whoa" and they had to search his bag manually. When they found the crystal ball, the security person just said "so that's a REAL one"!

edit on 29-9-2010 by babybunnies because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-9-2010 by babybunnies because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 10:08 AM
reply to post by smokingman2006

There might be a bunch of us that have Alien traits.

Do you act from more intuition and find you are correct much of the time yet are very analytical as well?
Do you not like being in big social gatherings and would prefer to hang with a few close friends?
Do you often feel as if you are on the outside looking in?
Do you experience reptitive coincidences?
Do you find it odd why the majority like one paticular thing or have a view point about something but you just dont get it or understand their position?
Have you been called weird or odd many times through life even to this day?
Do you have a more than usual appetite for SciFi entertainment? Love Star Trek, Star Wars, Battle Star Galactica...cant wait for shows like THE EVENT that just came out.
Do you see patterns in things say for example the 11:11 phenomena and dont just write it off as coincidental because it happens on an absurd level? Somehow you just know things.
Do you see countdown or count up numbers 222,333,444,555,666,777,888, 999 1010, 1111, 1212, 1414 etc.
Do you get bored easily but yet can be entertained by the simplest of things?

Did you read "A Final Warning to All" that was written yesterday here on ATS and SAY yeahhhh...i understand completely and I want some of that or more of that?

I think CHRIST said it best. (Christ is a position of the heart) . I am not of this world
Jesus answered, "My Kingdom is not an earthly kingdom. If it were, my followers would fight to keep me from being handed over to the Jewish leaders. But my Kingdom is not of this world."

But now I come to thee; and these things I speak in the world, that they may have my joy made full in themselves. I have given them thy word; and the world hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world

edit on 30-9-2010 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 10:10 AM
I sure have, mate! I'm not sure whether or not angels are actually aliens, but I have an ex wife who had to have been the sister of the Devil himself! In fact most of her family, I'm sure were related to him.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 11:22 AM
I have nothing to add. Just wanted to say that I love threads like these. It's fun to read about people's experiences and strange occurances. Also, it's nice that there aren't people picking sides and attempting to shred each other over their differences in opinions. Love the thread. S & F!

edit on 30-9-2010 by lambs to lions because: spelling

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by K-Raz
reply to post by Alora

Both me and my father get that as well
- Happens when we go into fight or flight mode. Like the second the first punch is thrown in a fight or we get so mad things are about to get broken. When it happens, time seems to slow down, and you get perfect peripheral vision. It's pretty scary. My current GF noted that it happens to me in bed as well, and it kinda scared her a lot the first time she saw it.

My dad spent a lot of time in the military - also special forces, and there a things he still wont talk about.

My dad was military, too! I feel that there is a lot to be said about that connection.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by smokingman2006

Im not human or alien.... Im an animal

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by TechUnique

Yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. Probably a lot more experienced than you. I know that you're insane, and haven't a clue what you're experiencing.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by fonenyc
reply to post by smokingman2006

Im not human or alien.... Im an animal

Noted. Another psychopath on these boards.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:20 PM
Yes. To answer the OP's question.

edit on 30-9-2010 by manta78 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 07:59 PM
Thank you for all your stories.. some sent chills down my spine. I hope we keep it going with more experiences.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:23 PM
reply to post by spacevisitor

idk if you guys saw the mug shot
but definatly doesnt look human

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by smokingman2006

Yeah , my Boss . I ask him for a Raise after 2 years of Quality Work , and all i get in Return is an Anal Probe.......

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 08:31 PM
I'll be honest with you, ever since I was about 7 I have felt like I am not from this planet and always wanted to get off it and into space!

It is strange how we seem to be getting answers now to questions I was asking myself without any outside influence so many years ago!

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