Good for them, I hope they win so they manipulate more of taxes for nonsense OBAMA is always doing something to undermine his citezens and you all let
it happen!
You will live your whole life never knowing you have been had, its what sheep do.....
i wish i could post the link to this;"Nova, the spy factory". This program is must need to see! It tells all on the electronic spying that goes on
in the USA. do a web search for nova, the spy factory. enjoy
This intented law would be against all privacy someone can have in the internet and it will also affect the overall security. Maybe the US government
would also insist that software developers let security holes open so that they can track the communication of the people easier. This would affect
the overall internet security.
But in the US and UK there were already attempts to force encryption program makers to either create backdoors or to deposit encryption keys at the
government. One example: Preliminary proceedings against the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
developer. It was claimed that he breached exportation rules, because the government considered safe encryption keys as weapons. But 2005 the crpyto
wars was considered to be finally over: The crypto wars are over
So now we see that the "crypto wars" starting again or never ended.