posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by threadkiller
Why do kids bully and what can be done to end this?
Actually the answer to this is very simple and can be summed up in one word.
This very same word can be used to end world hunger/no more pictures of people killing each other trying to get to that last bag of rice being thrown
from a helicopter.
The very same word can be used to end war. All wars. Think about a world with no war.
The problem is that there are not enough people with guts to make a stand to make this word work.
Too much me,me,me going around.
Too many ignorant bastards that just could care less.
But the bullying is the easiest of all to correct using this word and it works if used correctly. Kids however are not mature enough to realize the
power of this word or how to use it correctly.
Worldly problems take a majority of the peoples of the world to use it to have any effect, and as I stated, just too many gutless people.
Even the ones that use this word find it hard to keep at it long enough for full effect. It is hard to do to some as they are too ignorant at first to
realize what is happening, but all will eventually feel it's power.
and that word is...............
think about it....
it works in anyone with a conscience......
just takes longer in some than others to work.