reply to post by gift0fpr0phecy
You finished smashing your pereceptions of reality into us all yet?
For a newbie here you got a lot to learn about decorum and manners mate. Name calling of any sort is below standard no matter how much you think you
are the only one with the correct perception.
You asked me..
You are defending a liars video... You are making false observations saying there was no clouds and smoke in the OP's video when there clearly was.
You are ignoring cloud cover in example videos. Makings stupid color comparisons between two different video cameras (one being a cheap phone camera).
Denying the evidence that proves the OP's video's sound was tampered with using 3rd party applications... Agreeing with so called sound experts who
don't even have a valid argument simply because he agrees that this object isn't a hoax.... Seems like YOU are the dis-informant here. Are you the
video creator? This video is a HOAX, plain and simple.
I made no such claim of No Clouds in the OP video. Re-read my words mate. Note the differences being referred to in the appearance of the clouds.
Stupid colour comparisons ? Really.. you told me the colours will apear differently depending on many things.. so I pointed out how all Dump and Burn
F-111 videos show Orange/Yellow Light ONLY.. you then attacked me for that observation and subtly claim me as stupid. Yes? Well done dear ego.
Just because you say so does not provide perfect evidence.. all your offerings have been good work no doubt, but do not Prove beyong doubt anything at
all.. other than a discrepancy in sound that may or may not have another reason we as yet don't know. And yet you say it is this way and this way
only, and all of us who disagree are basically idiots. Big Unbalanced Ego there mate.
Given the vehemence with which you have hammered home your perceptions I have been wondering if it is you who are the disinfo expert brought in just
days before this thread began.. the long term members here know this does happen often here.
You do have a right to state your case, and argue it effectively if you wish, you do not have a right to State what This Is Conclusively.. and then
proceed to argue everyone else into the ground while loudly hailing your version of the Facts Only. You behave as a disinfo agent, so you must be one
then, yes?
Me on the other hand, just a keen observer with my own list of sightings, close, very close, and distant. I have been a researcher in the field for
many years, chaired groups on ufo research and paranormal activity and have even worked professionally as a ...wait for it... genuine
psychic/spiritual counsel amongst other things.
So I have a solid background in this field and am more than happy to wait as long as it takes to get the clearest perception possible of any event. As
opposed to most dinsinfo agents we have seen employed here who like you go for the kill immediately. Not even taking time to develop a sense of
companionship with the members here.. nope.. straight for the kill.
The jump from this video was taken at Nowra.. to making a statement of supposed Fact.. He filmed this in Brisbane during River Fire.. is simply too
big a leap tyo make at this time.. you of course leapt there befopre anyone else and that is where you stayed.
When we think we know it all, we cannot ever move forward because we have closed ourselves off from learning anything new.
Sorry if this offends you.