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How to cleanse....

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 11:29 AM
1st I'd like to say that I believe my Great Grandma visits me sometimes, but only when I ask her to. Sometimes I ask her to show me that she's really there. She does things like move objects to different locations, a lot. She's also broke one of my very favorite things. I'd bought a water pipe, it was hand blown and absolutely beautiful. It was also exceptionally heavy, realllly heavy. 3/4" inch walls and a good 3 lbs. It sat in my built in bookcase for months and 1 day it flew out of it and broke. Know that not only are my shelves are level they're twice the width of the object and it was there for atleast 2 months. I say sometimes bcuz I get a little freaked and ask her to leave, she always does.

Our house is full of negative energy due to the previous owners and I'd like to start anew. I'd like to cleanse my house but I still want my gma with us. Is it possible to do that and is there a wrong way to cleanse??

I've got to add this as well, just bcuz it's so weird. I dont know if it was my gma or not though. My family and I were watching a show on paranormal activity. It had to do with spirits leaving a 'sign' that they're there. The sign was leaving coins around in places. My comment was 'We've got so much crap on our floor I'd never know the difference' (I've got kids and dogs.) I got up to melt some chocolate for cupcakes I was baking. I took the bag of chocolate and started to pour it into the pot. The 1st thing that fell out was a dime. My mind didnt grasp what had happened and I pulled the dime out. I continued to empty the bag and out fell a penny, at the very bottom of the bag fell out one last penny- $.12 Now it was a previously opened bag of chocolate but it's the last thing that should've been in it. How crazy is that?


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by Demetre

Demetre, has it occurred to you that perhaps it wasn't your grandmother who broke your water pipe?
I don't think she would be destructive, even if she disapproved of it. Before she passed away, had she specifically asked you to get rid of the pipe?

Just curious.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

No, she hadnt asked, She didnt know about it. I thought it was her bcuz she was suuuuper religious. She never allowed playing cards in her home, removed her earrings when she go 'saved'. She'd always say 'The Lordsa comin' Kimmie, the Lordsa comin'

She's never done anything like that, always kind, aklways loving. Do you think it could be something else? When I ask my Great-Grandma to show me she's there could it be possible that something else would come in her stead?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Demetre

You state in the op there are other things present you do wish would leave. So, yeah, I'm thinking it's one of them. I doubt if your grandmother would do anything to frighten you, or upset you.

I have a "visitor", too, and the things done to get my attention are either helpful, or just mischievous -- playful.
Nothing scary; nothing destructive. I don't think your grandmother would do that. I think if she disapproves of the use of the pipe, she would find another way to express this to you, rather than destroying it.

I wonder if the other entity chose that pipe, knowing you would think it was your grandmother.

Where's woodwytch when we need her? lol.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

Well, I'm not sure if there's anything else here or not. We bought the house from a family member and the transaction was absolutely horrible. The guy had some mental problems to begin with but really lost it during the whole thing. They left a ton of stuff here....a ton. So much that we've gotten 2 dumpsters to remove it but still have other things that needs to go. Desks, chairs, couches, huge stuff.

Idk if things attatch themselves to some ppl who then leave them behind, attatched to objects?? I want to clear the negative vibes bcuz sometimes I feel I havent been able to completely 'claim' the house?? The happenings didnt really scare me but they definately took me by surprise. They startled me because they happened when I least expected it, but I never did expect it anytime honestly.

My daughter has said she's heard someone call her name a few times thinking it was me when I was sleeping. Recently I saw someone out of the corner of my eye, heard the movement and felt a light touch on my shoulder, clothing brush against my back. I thought it was my husband, my back toward everyone, I ask him what he wanted. He was sitting on the couch, across the room. I dont think it's bad and I dont know if I even want it to go. We kinda talk fondly of it. I just want the negative energy gone. What do you think??

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:35 PM
I'd think that if you make it very clear in your mind, and in whatever cleansing ritual you use, that you want her to stay, she will.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:24 PM
House cleansing... Are you religous? Your priest could do a house blessing. All religions have their own cleansing and blessings. The best is a charismatic coming to cleanse your house. They aren't denominational and do it through sheer spiritual power.

As far as the bong, like you said, kids and dogs. More likely them than grammy.

And if ghosts are moving things in your home then you have a major isssue. You either have something strong enough to punch a hole between dimensions or you have a house that has a location that the dimension veil is so thin creatures may pass freely through.

Kids and dogs. Much much more likely.

edit on 28-9-2010 by DrJay1975 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:34 PM
Get yourself a smudge wand, with all that water-pipe smoking I am sure your home could use a bit of fresh sage and cedar. I personally try to find the smudge wands that have Artemesia vulgaris included (smells sweet and has a natural sedative). Just get the wand smokin' and then walk through the house and move the smoke through the air with your hand or even a leaflet would work. It is at this time you can "divine" by saying prayers, ask all good spirits to please "stand by" and ask all bad spirits to "move along".

Then get yourself some sea salt. Sprinkle the salt at all the doorways and window sills; this will prevent any negative energy from entering, it will even prevent burglary.

Another form of protection comes from utilizing Spanish Moss. Hang the moss in doorways and windows and no burglar will think of entering the premises. (I wonder why?) Spooky!

Good Luck, and yes if you are really concerned even if you are not Catholic I am sure a Priest would be happy to bless your home (with monetary donations of course). I tend to think that you have the power within, so Holy Water is always a good thing to have on hand.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:48 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

I could almost buy that but the kids were away at their dads and my dog is a Chihuahua/Dacshund mix. and we have 9ft ceilings. The case is floor to ceiling. The very top shelf is at the 7 1/2 ft mark. I'm 5'6" and can barely reach it with a step stool.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:30 PM
Thank u all so much. I appreciate all the advice. Im going to try these things, ill let u know how it turns out!

Thanks again!

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 05:42 AM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
reply to post by Demetre

You state in the op there are other things present you do wish would leave. So, yeah, I'm thinking it's one of them. I doubt if your grandmother would do anything to frighten you, or upset you.

I have a "visitor", too, and the things done to get my attention are either helpful, or just mischievous -- playful.
Nothing scary; nothing destructive. I don't think your grandmother would do that. I think if she disapproves of the use of the pipe, she would find another way to express this to you, rather than destroying it.

I wonder if the other entity chose that pipe, knowing you would think it was your grandmother.

Where's woodwytch when we need her? lol.

Hey there ladyinwaiting ... I saw the 'woodwytch symbol' lighting up the sky (looks a bit like the Batman thing
) and 'holy smudgesticks' here I am (oops that's Robin who says thing like that if memory serves)


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by Demetre

I sense that your mind is under great strain. These experiences you describe sound like they are taking place in your Mind and not in Reality. I do hope you find peace and comfort and receive the help which you seek.

PS: I've heard SALT is a good substance for cleansing. Maybe you should scatter some Salt Crystals around the house and see if you get any results.

edit on 29/9/2010 by Dark Ghost because: spelling

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:29 PM
Hey there Demetre, sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you.

There are various types of cleansing and to make sure you perform the one most suitable to your home I'd like to ask you a few questions after reading your posts.

The previous owner (family member);

#1 How long did he live in the property ?

#2 Has he always had mental health issues and can you indicate without divulging too much personal info what kind of way they show themselves (eg; depression / suicidal / schitzophrenic*sp etc) ?

#3 Was he interested or active in the occult ?

#4 How old is the house approx ?

#5 Do you know anything at all about the history of the area ?

#6 Can you describe the location where the house is (rural / city / suburbia etc)

I think that'll do for now and don't worry it doesn't sound like anything too extreme ... I suspect if it only requires a general cleansing / smudging then it will clear away the negatives but any positive energies will be undisturbed.

Look forward to reading your reply ... try to give me as much detail as you can it will help me to determine what you need ... to cleanse the place with and how to go about it.


posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 03:25 PM
I have one other suggestion if you do not mind. Create your own "Sanctuary", a place where you find comfort within your home, a place of privacy and peace.

Oftentimes, when there are little ones at foot, the bedroom is a perfect Sanctuary, even though sometimes these places can feel like a prison if it is not harmonious!

Here is the suggestion to go with it. Take masking tape and tape off an inch or two of space on the walls at the top of the ceiling. Then paint this space with black, just pure black, your choice matt, semi-gloss, or gloss. Nothing will be able to penetrate your space. You will find yourself free to dream without intrusions and you will find that the space suddenly becomes "quiet and peaceful". I did this to several rooms in the past but instead of using paint I used electrical tape so that it could be easily removed later. The only problem with the electrical tape is that if you apply it while pulling it can shrink later and pull away from the surface; best to do it relaxed and without tension.

Good Luck!

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 06:06 PM
Greensage...Thank u very much. I'm curious as to how this works?? Is it the idea of the purpose in your head as your doing it that keeps negativity away? I looove the private space idea!!

WW- thanks for getting back to me! Okay, I'll list as much as I can about the house and the town.

The house was built in 1900, one of the oldest houses built in the center of town. It's actually very well known in town. 'Ooooh, you live in the old (insert last name) home!' Other than the original family only 2 other families lived sister in law and her live in and my family.

The guy and my S.I.L we bought it from lived here for 10 yrs. He was severely, depressed, suicidal at some points. Very, very angry guy. He wasnt into the occult but was weird in the fact that he'd speak to everyone in german and left notes signed Herr B*****r, him and his family have lived in the US for decades.

We're located 1/2 mile from the town square. In 1863 there was a battle in the town square that included JEB Stuart and George Custer from Little Bighorn. 24 men died any many wounded. I'm 30 min from Gettysburgh.

We've actually lived here for 5 yrs. The house is amazing. So many negative things started when we moved in. Is it because of the house or just the way life works sometimes?? I dont know honestly. My husband has been laid off 3 times when we 1st moved in, we've almost lost our house 3x's. He's been through 6 cars, literally 6 cars. All have broken down. We started having problems here. Fighting, for 3 out of the 5 yrs,almost splitting up. Now, I try to look at it as... we've actually overcome everyone of those things, coming out stronger in the end, so was it all bad or was it good because we've become more resiliant??

I dont want whoever that's here gone. They're not bad. I just get startled at times when I see things amiss. I'm over it pretty quick. We all talk of 'him' fondly. almost love 'him', is that gay sounding?? When something happens it's 'him' that did it.

Too much info?? LOL!! Hope it makes sense. If you have anymore questions please ask. WW, can you tell who or what it is from where ur at?


It's funny that LIW says it may not be my grt-grandma. Even though thats what was in my mind, bcuz that's who I asked for, it's always felt masculine. We stopped say gma and started saying 'him' shortly after.

edit on 9/29/10 by Demetre because: added more

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by Demetre

The premise of using Black as a "surround" is that Black is absent of negativity and positivity, it is considered "Neutral" in terms of Magik. This is why Magicians wands are black with a white tip, so that they can focus all of their energies on the very tip without dispersing along the length of the wand itself.

Once the room is cleansed and is surrounded by black, no energies can influence you except those that you manifest yourself.

Cool story on the House! Can we get a picture? I bet it looks really cool.

Also, if you have an address number I can tell you the energies of the House as far as Numerology. My address is 2000, so for me this home represents "Balance and Equality", but it seems when I arrived and found it, it had been abandoned for several years and the roof fell through; so, my first task when I moved in was to restore what once was and then Harmony stepped in! Of course that doesn't mean I live in the most harmonious house now! LOL, there seems to be a slight imbalance that I am working on. Interestingly, I just today checked into the County Tax listings and my house is listed as 1955 which is my landladies address down the road, 1955 means "illumination" and I know for a fact her house has burned down once already (so far).

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Greensage

Gosh, u guys are so smart. Is it all self taught? My house number is 508. It is really cool. It was last remodeled in the 60's and has some crazy wallpaper in some rooms. I'm redoing my boys bedroom taking down this yellow-orange cabbage rose stuff. Under is greenish blue handpainted wallpaper. It almost hurts my heart to take it She definitely needs an update and will appreciate it when im ill download a few pics. Thanks for being so interested!

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Demetre

Oh the old houses are my favorite; I have always wanted to live at 1313 Mockingbird Lane (this is where the Munsters live).

Your house, 508 adds to the # 13 which is represented as the # 4 in Numerology. Ideally the # 4 means "Foundation" which could account for why your home has lasted all these years, but, because the # 4 also means "Work" this house might require a steady amount of attention. I wouldn't let it overwhelm you but if you can take one part of this house every few months and focus on fixing it or maybe repainting it then the house will feel Loved! It will feel that you are "working", and that it is "working". Otherwise the house might have to come up with some work if it sits too long without any activity.

One thing can be said for homes with the # 4 energy, they certainly love when folks run businesses out of them; any kind of business, daycare even, because the house loves to be "busy, busy, busy". So turn up the music and everyone have a Dance at least once a week and this house will just glow with all the excitement! I am serious!

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 01:01 AM
Hello there Demetre,

It sounds to me like you have a general poltergeist of some sort.

My personal opinion so far is that this entity is either trying to scare you or trying to play with you.

There is no way to really know what has happened in that house from the previous owner.

I've have seen more then a few homes that have an obvious thinning of the veil which can be caused by certain activities and intentions put forth by the previous inhabitant.

But do not fear either way, chances are this could be a very simple cleansing needed.

If its getting worse -

Throw out everything that belonged to the previous owners. Objects carry attachments.

Remove Wallpaper, Paint, Bring in Steam Cleaners for the carpets, throw out old rugs, furniture, all of it.

My major suggestion would be to burn a huge amount of sage in every room of the house (At the same time)

The smoke isnt enough, you have to use your intention with it and make the message clear:

- I want peace - please leave - Make sure you mean it. Speak it out loud

If this problem still persists, you may have a more in depth issue on your hands and I would follow up with updates requesting assistance.

I seriously doubt this is your grandmother as the power needed to generate physical movement of objects is well beyond a deceased human soul's ability in any case I have previously encountered.

Blessings to you,


posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by Gradius Maximus
Hello there Demetre,

It sounds to me like you have a general poltergeist of some sort.

My personal opinion so far is that this entity is either trying to scare you or trying to play with you.

There is no way to really know what has happened in that house from the previous owner.

I've have seen more then a few homes that have an obvious thinning of the veil which can be caused by certain activities and intentions put forth by the previous inhabitant.

But do not fear either way, chances are this could be a very simple cleansing needed.

If its getting worse -

Throw out everything that belonged to the previous owners. Objects carry attachments.

Remove Wallpaper, Paint, Bring in Steam Cleaners for the carpets, throw out old rugs, furniture, all of it.

My major suggestion would be to burn a huge amount of sage in every room of the house (At the same time)

The smoke isnt enough, you have to use your intention with it and make the message clear:

- I want peace - please leave - Make sure you mean it. Speak it out loud

If this problem still persists, you may have a more in depth issue on your hands and I would follow up with updates requesting assistance.

I seriously doubt this is your grandmother as the power needed to generate physical movement of objects is well beyond a deceased human soul's ability in any case I have previously encountered.

Blessings to you,


Good morning Demetre,

I have quoted Gradius's post because it's pretty much what I was going to suggest (especially the getting rid of the previous owners stuff ... that should be your first task)

Definately burn white sage ... start at the top of the house and go from room to room gradually working your way downstairs ... and end up at your front door to caste-out the negativity (this is both symbollic and literal) ... also the intent that a person puts into an act creates it's own energy (both positive and negative). As you walk around from room to room you could say something like;

'Cleansed and blessed are thee ... negative energies be gone ... far away from mine and me'

(you can make-up your own words if you prefer but just keep it simple ... doesn't need to be anything elaborate and flowery)

This way it will only be anything negative that is caste-out and anything positive will be uneffected.

I would repeat the whole process again in a months time (preferably on a full moon or waning moon-cycle ... this is the natural time for getting rid of that which is unwanted)

If any one room has felt more negative than others it would be a good idea to keep a piece of quartz crystal in that room ... and be sure to soak it in a bowl of water with sea salt in it once a month ... this will cleanse the negativity it has absorbed in that time.

Entities / spirits that are labelled as a Poltergeist (which means 'noisy ghost') tend to automatically be considered 'negative' (New-Age philosophies and Paranormal TV shows have a lot to answer for

In reality this is not always the case ... in fact it is very rare to come across a poltergeist that is truly negative / evil ... in more cases than I can recall the 'noisy ghost' is usually a 'frustrated ghost' ... a spirit that has been trying for a long time to attract the attention of someone (for whatever reason) and has been unsuccessful ... so they resort to stronger methods out of sheer frustration.

It would be like you walking into a house where someone lived and you had been given an important message to pass on to them ... or you were aware of something that they needed to attend to ... or you simply just wanted to drop in and say hello.

Now imaginge that you had been going to that house for several weeks to deliver your message / greeting etc only to be completely ignored ... no-one even acknowledges your presence ... it's almost like they can't see you !

I think even the most patient of people would be a little frustrated by being repeatedly ignored (I mean ... how rude is that ?)

So you decide to accept the fact that for whatever reason the people in the house cannot see you ... so you have to find another way to attract their attention ... maybe moving things about will draw their attention ... try that for a while ... still no acknowledgement ... ok you decide to take it to another level ... you are after all, determined to let these people know that you are there ... whether they like it or not ... it's a matter of principle and dignity now ... got it ... the woman of the house loves that water pipe ... let's see if she notices me when I break it ... bet that will get her attention !

You get the idea

So, you have poltergeist activity ... but it doesn't mean it's bad.

You say there was a battle nearby and you're not that far from Gettysberg *sp ... maybe someone connected with your house was killed and never got the chance to say goodbye to their loved ones ... maybe they were supposed to deliver a message to George Custer and never made it in body but they're still trying to deliver it in spirit ... maybe it's George himself letting you know it's 'his' house and wondering what the hell you strangers are doing there treating it like your own.

The fact is there could be a hundred and one explanations ... I would suggest a quiet word with the presence ... you mentioned a couple of times that you don't mind them being there ... but maybe you should just sit quietly and have a little chat with the presence (vocally or in your head) ... and just set the ground rules of what is acceptable activity and what is not ... and just make them aware that this is 'your' home now but your quite happy to share it with them as long as they stick to your rules ... otherwise you will have to take steps to remove them.

Keep us posted and please ask if you have anymore questions.


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