Originally posted by Gradius Maximus
Hello there Demetre,
It sounds to me like you have a general poltergeist of some sort.
My personal opinion so far is that this entity is either trying to scare you or trying to play with you.
There is no way to really know what has happened in that house from the previous owner.
I've have seen more then a few homes that have an obvious thinning of the veil which can be caused by certain activities and intentions put forth by
the previous inhabitant.
But do not fear either way, chances are this could be a very simple cleansing needed.
If its getting worse -
Throw out everything that belonged to the previous owners. Objects carry attachments.
Remove Wallpaper, Paint, Bring in Steam Cleaners for the carpets, throw out old rugs, furniture, all of it.
My major suggestion would be to burn a huge amount of sage in every room of the house (At the same time)
The smoke isnt enough, you have to use your intention with it and make the message clear:
- I want peace - please leave - Make sure you mean it. Speak it out loud
If this problem still persists, you may have a more in depth issue on your hands and I would follow up with updates requesting assistance.
I seriously doubt this is your grandmother as the power needed to generate physical movement of objects is well beyond a deceased human soul's
ability in any case I have previously encountered.
Blessings to you,
Good morning Demetre,
I have quoted Gradius's post because it's pretty much what I was going to suggest (especially the getting rid of the previous owners stuff ... that
should be your first task)
Definately burn white sage ... start at the top of the house and go from room to room gradually working your way downstairs ... and end up at your
front door to caste-out the negativity (this is both symbollic and literal) ... also the intent that a person puts into an act creates it's own
energy (both positive and negative). As you walk around from room to room you could say something like;
'Cleansed and blessed are thee ... negative energies be gone ... far away from mine and me'
(you can make-up your own words if you prefer but just keep it simple ... doesn't need to be anything elaborate and flowery)
This way it will only be anything negative that is caste-out and anything positive will be uneffected.
I would repeat the whole process again in a months time (preferably on a full moon or waning moon-cycle ... this is the natural time for getting rid
of that which is unwanted)
If any one room has felt more negative than others it would be a good idea to keep a piece of quartz crystal in that room ... and be sure to soak it
in a bowl of water with sea salt in it once a month ... this will cleanse the negativity it has absorbed in that time.
Entities / spirits that are labelled as a Poltergeist (which means 'noisy ghost') tend to automatically be considered 'negative' (New-Age
philosophies and Paranormal TV shows have a lot to answer for
In reality this is not always the case ... in fact it is very rare to come across a poltergeist that is truly negative / evil ... in more cases than I
can recall the 'noisy ghost' is usually a 'frustrated ghost' ... a spirit that has been trying for a long time to attract the attention of someone
(for whatever reason) and has been unsuccessful ... so they resort to stronger methods out of sheer frustration.
It would be like you walking into a house where someone lived and you had been given an important message to pass on to them ... or you were aware of
something that they needed to attend to ... or you simply just wanted to drop in and say hello.
Now imaginge that you had been going to that house for several weeks to deliver your message / greeting etc only to be completely ignored ... no-one
even acknowledges your presence ... it's almost like they can't see you !
I think even the most patient of people would be a little frustrated by being repeatedly ignored (I mean ... how rude is that ?)
So you decide to accept the fact that for whatever reason the people in the house cannot see you ... so you have to find another way to attract their
attention ... maybe moving things about will draw their attention ... try that for a while ... still no acknowledgement ... ok you decide to take it
to another level ... you are after all, determined to let these people know that you are there ... whether they like it or not ... it's a matter of
principle and dignity now ... got it ... the woman of the house loves that water pipe ... let's see if she notices me when I break it ... bet that
will get her attention !
You get the idea
So, you have poltergeist activity ... but it doesn't mean it's bad.
You say there was a battle nearby and you're not that far from Gettysberg *sp ... maybe someone connected with your house was killed and never got
the chance to say goodbye to their loved ones ... maybe they were supposed to deliver a message to George Custer and never made it in body but
they're still trying to deliver it in spirit ... maybe it's George himself letting you know it's 'his' house and wondering what the hell you
strangers are doing there treating it like your own.
The fact is there could be a hundred and one explanations ... I would suggest a quiet word with the presence ... you mentioned a couple of times that
you don't mind them being there ... but maybe you should just sit quietly and have a little chat with the presence (vocally or in your head) ... and
just set the ground rules of what is acceptable activity and what is not ... and just make them aware that this is 'your' home now but your quite
happy to share it with them as long as they stick to your rules ... otherwise you will have to take steps to remove them.
Keep us posted and please ask if you have anymore questions.