reply to post by Rising Against
From what "I" understand, Marilyn Monroe was a MKULTR^ mind control 'subject' or 'asset' of which was 'used' by the CI@ to infiltrate the office of
the president (JFK) in order to 'compromise' his power/authority if need be. In those times, it was needed to the eyes of certain tyrant
that Be figures wearing rambo fatigues underneath a facade of a
suit of armor?
Did 'anyone' really 'know' Marilyn?
Did she know herself, her 'every' action?
Research a little for yourself if you find the will.
You may be surprised at what you find.
Who was her Mother?
Who was 'their' handlers.
How are 'folks' in Hollywood 'handled'?
I spent apporximately 3 seAsons in Hollywood to witness the 'handling' to know what I say.
Any actor who reads this 'knows' what I say.
Every scriptwriter, producer, editor.....and some directors know what I say.
I believe I've made my point.
Let's point in the 'Right' direction.
Freedom Is, not something to be 'bargained' for.
Does one often wonder what happens to such 'information'.
There was 'information' in the twin towers, building #7, Oklahoma city fed building, pentagon section which was 'hit' and so on and on and on once
Tomorrow is another day, another chance per say.
To "Do the right thing" has it's consequences.....of the 4th kind.
Still 33 and parallel, awaiting to witness the 'left' thing become the rIght.
Neither party may apply, though I understand folks have learned how to party with tea.
Personally, I'd rather have a naturale smoke.....after the tea, though that's just me?
Ya'll know better now.....ya hear. lol and then some.....good chance it's FedGov. stock anyhow.
I've recently had the pleasure to meet this fellow below.
His 'torch' still shines bright on the Earth as it is in the heavens.....
While your discussing the book of the dead or rather 'the book of untimely deaths'.....of the 'flesh' that is.....
Interesting 'Case sample' found while roledexing the web of eb that
Did you ever have the chance to hear what a Patriot was/Is.....
So much truth.
What is one to Do with it all.
To the $secret$ @societies@ out there.
Are you truly aware of who pulls your strings and why?
No, you don't.
Only those figures 13 floors above the President, prime minister etc. are privy to this 'kind' of information though even some of them are unaware
until an 'event actually occurs.
Is there a 'reason' the msm is making folks 'aware' of another false flag attach imminent on the 'horizon'.
Is there a 'reason' the msm is promoting the ET, not alien.....l0l.....presence as the shadow of that light?
What will be will be as you will see.
SeA what you see and bee what U bE.....
It's not over.....till 'U' say or rather Do so.....
That's all folks?
I was wAtching CNN today as usual and lost count of how many lies, acts of deception and manipulation thrown in the public face and it made me
Who are they 'talking' to?
In the End, perhaps one discovers there truly are no 'secrets'.
The secrets bear their own consequence as a flood is to stOrm.
Truth Is, not something to be 'bargained' with.
Truth, Freedom Are, not something to be bargained with.
Some say repetition is the key to perfection.
Some say not.
Both are correct.
Schrodinger's Dog?Cat? met 'Relativity of Simultaneity'.
Remember, or were you so informed?
Steay boy.....steady.....while wAving the mallet?
'Who's' mallet is a swinging?
Certainly not the swinger?
'Come together' folks.
Security in numbers is always successful when it resides in the 'minds' of the numbers.
They seem to be getting a little nervous or rather 'uneasy' as of 'late' for good reason.
The message is on thE wAll.
Good night folks.
Time to "Tether your Ether".
~Out here~
edit on 29-9-2010 by Perseus Apex because: (no reason given)