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"9/11 Truthers are same as those that celebrated the burning of the towers" - New York Post art.

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posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:31 PM

It is comforting for Americans to dismiss the "truthers" as crackpots since they are the same kind of people who celebrated as the towers and the Pentagon were burning.

Apparently, according to this article, truthers are also "inflaming a new generation of jihadists, many of them living in the West".

I don't think the many victims' family members or first responders, who also support 9/11 truth, would be too happy to be deliberately, hatefully, and wrongfully associated with the "dancing Israeli's". It makes absolutely no sense that the author of this hit-piece would even stoop to such levels.

The author does seem quite hateful towards Islam and those that practice Islam, while making no attempt to distinguish those who peacefully practice Islam, and the extremists. That should be the first flag for this hit-piece.

The ignorance from people like this is disgusting, to say the least. He clearly is someone who has no business being in any sort of media outlet.

edit on 27-9-2010 by _BoneZ_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:42 PM
What utter nonsense.

To paraphrase:

"If you question your government over the events of 9/11, you are a terrorist. You are aiding terrorism, so go back to sleep."

I'm actually happy, when I see BS like this, I realise that I'm on the right track, and they bloody know it.

It's a sign of a morally bankrupt, weak, and pitiful foe that resorts to such pathetic games.

All the best, kiwi

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 05:52 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Nothing new..

They know the truth is coming out, and the puppets are still alive..

Trust me, if American water board Bush for couple of hours, he will crack and tell the truth about everything

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

I find this ongoing trend in media and by pundits extremely disturbing. First Glen Beck and tying 9/11 truth to nazi killers, and others making the same sort of associations ad nauseum.

Now that Ahmadinejad made his recent speech at the UN, I can foresee those who question the 9/11 O.S. being tied into treason (i.e. agreeing with Iran which is going to be attacked at any time IMO) and material support of terrorism. It's so predictable. Even though I have no use for Iran or Sharia law or the Taliban or any of that stuff, I can foresee talking to someone with redneck tendencies (common around here) and being reported as a "terrrrist". Talk about stifling any discussion about a new 9/11 investigation! I just won't go there anymore.

Very effective tactics at controlling 9/11 truth, when you control the media. Stalin, Pol Pot, Goebbels and Bush Jr. would be proud.....

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:25 PM
"9/11 Truthers are same as those that celebrated the burning of the towers"

I didn't know the 'Dancing Israelis' were 9/11 Truthers. learn something new every day.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:28 PM
"I find this ongoing trend in media and by pundits extremely disturbing. First Glen Beck and tying 9/11 truth to nazi killers, and others making the same sort of associations ad nauseum."

Actually, the fact that you're giving these treasonous disreputable clowns the time of day is even more disturbing.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:31 PM
reply to post by SphinxMontreal

Actually, the fact that you're giving these treasonous disreputable clowns the time of day is even more disturbing.

If you don't know how much influence the media and their talking heads have in most of the US, then you are naive at best. Esp. in southern conservative states chock full of military and retirees.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:45 PM
Thats insane. Plus, I thought the videos of people cheering were fake videos.. Was that not propaganda... this is ridiculous.. what the has happened to this world, that we can't question the events around us?

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Nothing new..

They know the truth is coming out, and the puppets are still alive..

Trust me, if American water board Bush for couple of hours, he will crack and tell the truth about everything

couple hours? if you got him alone for 5 minutes, he'll relieve himself down his leg before squeeling..

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:48 PM
Michael Goodwin is far out of touch with reality it boggles the mind. The Middle-East Muslim extremist did not start the 9-11 truth movement, American Patriots did. Lets give credit where credit is due. Middle-Eastern Dictators are only repeating the arguments that they learned from American Patriots. Kind of makes them “Hanger-Ons” doesn’t it?

For myself, I never for one second believed the OS, just never made any logical sense to me and after 9 years still doesn’t, but now I am not as alone in my beliefs. Many Americans see the holes in the OS and they question WHY. I am not about to allow Michael Goodwin to High-jack the 9-11 truth movement and give credit to some Middle-Eastern Extremist. 9-11 truth is as American as Homegrown Apple Pie.

We all learned this little rule when we were children, Tell the truth, because the truth is easier to remember than the lie. This is what is happening to the OS. They just can’t remember the lie so the OS changes over the years. We never went into Afghanistan to battle the Taliban, we actually evacuated the Taliban prior to the Troops being deployed. Remember we told the Taliban Turn over Bin Laden or we will come get him, Afghanistan was never about removing the Taliban at first, but 9 years later that has become the OS.

Remember the first day reports of the OS, “FBI finds High-jacker’s passport in rubble at Twin Towers” They back off that lie real quick didn’t they.

Just can’t keep the lies straight, that is why we need a new open, complete investigation.

Lets start with How, that will lead to who.
This country spent 10 times the amount to investigate Bill Clinton than we did to investigate 9-11. That is just wrong.

We all can agree on this one point no matter what side of the fence you find yourself on.

The Truth no matter how ugly is better than living a lie.

New Investigation Now, OPEN & COMPLETE, let the chips fall where they may and together we can move pass this, but until the truth is revealed the 9-11 movement will only get stronger.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Myendica

Yeah, true, but I thought he was from Texas, and I thought people from Texas are hard

He must be a whinnie then..

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 06:58 PM
I am outraged at this article!!

I am outraged that anyone in the mainstream media would waste "ink" on truthers. No matter the bashing they took. Any publicity is good publicity.

I found this part quite interesting, in speaking of the scum bag Ahmadinejad and the other schmuck Aafia Siddiqui:

Whatever their mental state, their message must be taken seriously. To many Muslims, the belief that Islamists are being blamed for an atrocity carried out by Americans or Israelis fits into a larger theory that the West is oppressing Islam.

We have scum of the earth like the above mentioned and then we have Americans that go abroad to spread the same filth.

The disingenuous Willy Rodriguez who toured many countries lying about what he witnessed.

The delusional Dr. David Ray Griffin...also tours the globe telling people that our government killed Americans and blamed it on the Muslims. He does this with a straight face as he rants about voice morphing technology.

The so called "architect" Richard "The Box" Gage has also taken his vaudeville act over the pond to spew his garbage.

Now, ATS member and co-founder of CIT will be doing a European tour to tell them that our government flew a plane OVER the Pentagon and fired off bombs instead.

Fortunately, the majority of the audiences that well, these folk speak too already belong to the notion that the United States government was responsible. As the younger generations grow older, I believe some of the paranoid and delusional ones will latch on as well.

Anyway... that's enough of my little rant.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:04 PM
reply to post by oozyism

Bush is from Connecticut. He is all hat and no cattle.
Gives Texans a bad name.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:04 PM
This is yellow journalism at its best. The New York Post is a rag magazine and as equivalent as the National Enquire. Educated minds do not read that smut.
This tells me there are many uneducated minds to keep this rag alive.

To compare Truthers to radical Muslim is desperate what a flipping insult to the surviving families at ground zero.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Six Sigma
The so called "architect" Richard "The Box" Gage

That's Richard Gage, AIA. As in American Institute of Architects. You know:


National professional association of architects.

I'm sure if the AIA were vehemently against Richard's theories and didn't want his theories associated with the AIA, they would've dropped him, but they haven't.

As everyone will notice from your posts, you can only attack the people because you can't attack the evidence.

And while we're at it, that's Dr. David Griffin, Ph.D.

Where's your Ph.D? Where's your engineering or architectural degree? That's what I thought.

edit on 27-9-2010 by _BoneZ_ because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:25 PM
So you think it's fair to say that the AIA endorse Richard Gage's ideas about the WTC?

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:27 PM

Originally posted by Six Sigma
I am outraged at this article!!

I am outraged that anyone in the mainstream media would waste "ink" on truthers. No matter the bashing they took. Any publicity is good publicity.

I found this part quite interesting, in speaking of the scum bag Ahmadinejad and the other schmuck Aafia Siddiqui:

Whatever their mental state, their message must be taken seriously. To many Muslims, the belief that Islamists are being blamed for an atrocity carried out by Americans or Israelis fits into a larger theory that the West is oppressing Islam.

We have scum of the earth like the above mentioned and then we have Americans that go abroad to spread the same filth.

The disingenuous Willy Rodriguez who toured many countries lying about what he witnessed.

The delusional Dr. David Ray Griffin...also tours the globe telling people that our government killed Americans and blamed it on the Muslims. He does this with a straight face as he rants about voice morphing technology.

The so called "architect" Richard "The Box" Gage has also taken his vaudeville act over the pond to spew his garbage.

Now, ATS member and co-founder of CIT will be doing a European tour to tell them that our government flew a plane OVER the Pentagon and fired off bombs instead.

Fortunately, the majority of the audiences that well, these folk speak too already belong to the notion that the United States government was responsible. As the younger generations grow older, I believe some of the paranoid and delusional ones will latch on as well.

Anyway... that's enough of my little rant.

Of course the youngers will, just as Michael Goodwin said of Muslims, youv'e just transposed it to include younger Americans from wherever. I smell a damage limitation exercise in full swing!... but so not very subtle. Now, I wonder what a "Truther" is, but then I wonder what a "Oser" is too!

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:29 PM
reply to post by Six Sigma

I am outraged at this article!!

I am outraged that anyone in the mainstream media would waste "ink" on truthers. No matter the bashing they took. Any publicity is good publicity.

You should be outraged!!

You should be outraged that no MSM journalist nor media outlet has spoon-fed you the inconsistencies in the 9/11 commission report (took 3 years), nor any of the inexplicable photos/videos/physical evidence captured on the terrible day, nor any of the bogus explanations for every "coincidence" that happened that day. So that you and your type could understand it in "their" language and be happy.

Not to mention the convenient "let's roll" into Afghanistan less than one month after 9/11 to go after Bin Laden (9 year old invasion and occupation), who has not appeared to this day, nor does anyone care if he does. He was never even mentioned on the FBI most wanted terrrrist list as being wanted for the crimes of 9/11:

Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.

FBI 10 most wanted terrorists

Notice that didn't include the attacks of 9/11? Why? Research this yourself... the FBI has no evidence of Osama Bin Laden's involvement in the crimes of 9/11/2001!

Yes you should be outraged. But for more educated reasons.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by TrickoftheShade
So you think it's fair to say that the AIA endorse Richard Gage's ideas about the WTC?

It's fair to say what I said in my post: that they don't vehemently disagree. Just because someone doesn't disagree, doesn't mean they're endorsing. That's why those are two different words.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by _BoneZ_

Oh, BoneZ......

I'm feeling a little sad for you:

And while we're at it, that's Dr. David Griffin, Ph.D.

Where's your Ph.D? Where's your engineering or architectural degree? That's what I thought.

Griffin is a religious nutcase. AND, his "Ph.D."???? Well.......

At this time, Griffin made his decision to focus on philosophical theology. He eventually attended the Claremont Graduate University, where Griffin received his Ph.D. in 1970.

"Philosophical Theology", for a Ph.D.??? Yeah, he's qualified allright!

I'm still looking for Gage's Ph.D., in his bios. Can you help??

Oh, and before I forget are aware of his nuttiness on the so-called "chemtrail" issue too, aren't you? I mean, there isn't (it seems) a crackpot idea that he doesn't get onboard with.

And, back to Gage....did he, or did he NOT try to "explain" the WTC Towers using cardboard boxes as props??

I mean, really?

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