posted on May, 8 2015 @ 09:23 PM
I've seen it, I thought i'd broken my friend with our esoteric revelations in the early morning (4-5am)
He fully inverted and for a lack of a better term "went full retard" then came back, then did it again.
Then he came back with a snap and was lost.. it took about a minute no less (from the clock) but it felt like everything slowed to a crawl. I was
paralyzed myself but it was more of a restraint.. nothing like what happened to my Friend.
We were shaken, but we didn't see what was outside at the time so we put it down to medical reasons.
It had been a long night of "taboo talk"
That afternoon i went to a BBQ at my neighbors... all they could talk about was the UFO that morning and if i'd seen it.
That.. my friends is what they call.. a life changer moment.
Shortly after that morning i reg'd here at ATS. Hoping for some form of answer.. lol.. still hoping..
I've shared this before in more detail.. but this is the first i've seen this thread.
And it's freakishly similar to what happened to us.
Strange though.. and this may mean more than i give it credit, My Friend who was attacked has never been the same to me. He used to care about so
much.. it's as if they took that from him. We used to be tight.. now we barley speak.
I think there's a connection, but one rarely witnessed.
edit on 8-5-2015 by Xarian6 because: spellin..