posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by IrishCream
Thank you it was a pleasure to read about your son and there is no need to apologise about how long your commentry was - I truly enjoyed it as I have
all of the responses here.
You must feel very privilidged to be the guardian of such an enlightened young son - Your son is blessed to have you as his guardian also - I can feel
the love and nurture in your words.
All that you speak of regarding your son reverberates and inspires. I for one think he is spot on in his observations -
I too am an artist - It is a great way to manifest ideas and observations be it of the outer world or inner workings of the Psyche (soul). More and
more I see the natural beauty of humanity incapsulted in the young ones - It gives me great hope. Though it angers me to know some would wish to force
medication on such ones and anger is an emotion I attempt not to have.