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The British Invasion of 1964 – How the London Bankers Ended American Sovereignty

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:41 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Who is the fellow Texan "by way of maine" that you speak of? and why do you think this is so?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 01:54 PM
reply to post by AzoriaCorp

Who is the fellow Texan "by way of maine" that you speak of? and why do you think this is so?

George Bush Sr. was a up and coming star in the CIA and the Bush and Kennedy clans have had a long standing rivalry.

I see him as the go to guy for all major things on the march to the New World Order. When you consider he was in Dallas that day?

edit on 28/9/10 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Thats does make some sense. I didnt think ol' George had his power yet, but you also can't deny the major benefits thet Johnson reaped upon Kennedy's death.

He may have not given the order, but he had to have been in on it. A major contributor. Johnson hated Kennedy with a passion and Johnson, who was also a oil man, was taking a beating from Kennedy's anti-big oil policies.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:03 PM
Regardless of whether the British control the banks or not, it's immediately apparent that they control the media. Rupert Murdoch and George Soros; need I say more?

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by AzoriaCorp

He actually had about the most powerful position to be had in the CIA in those days outside of the director. He was the Station Cheif in Berlin during the height of the Cold War. This gave him direct and constant access to the European and British Powers and made him a perfect liason and point man for a lot of international intriques and endeavors.

When you look at how he parlayed that into Director, then Ambassador to China when Nixon opening up, led to the modern day phrase of New World Order, then twice Vice President under Regan, who let's face it, had long flown over the Cukoos nest before he got out of the White House, and then as President, what you have is someone who has likely always been on the 'in' in a big way, with all the 'right' people, in the right way.

That Bush Sr. would later quip things like "What was murder was the Kennedy economy" you have a macarbre display of personal rivalry that either didn't factor in the tragic death or actually did factor in the tragic death in a more prideful way as it's architecht.

I like Bush Sr. as the man behind the plan.

I could be wrong, but...

I could be right!

Thanks my friend.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Lysergic acid diethylamide better known as an experimental drug developed by the CIA known as '___'!

Sorry if it appears that I'm nitpicking, really I'm not trying to. However, '___' wasn't developed by the CIA, it was discovered by the swiss chemist Albert Hoffman in 1938 and its effects were first realized in 1943 when Hoffman accidentally absorbed some through his fingertips. It then became an experimental drug mostly used in mental institutions, only later becoming of interest to the CIA and the U.S Army.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by nesta

Thanks for that additional background on '___'. It might cause one to assume that the CIA did invent '___' because of the well known experiments they conducted with it.

I think though what's really intriquing is were the Merry Pranksters and Kesey actually working for the CIA directly in their activities to expose it, or were they simply opportunist degenerates out to make a buck, or all of the above.

If they were working for the CIA in their "Acid Tests" were they simply at the observing phase, or were they working with a specific purpose in mind by employing mass doses of the drugs, across a fairly significant portion of society, after already having arrived through previous testing, what kind of result they could expect.

Much of the theory as it's laid out in the thread, has the Intelligence Agencies, working with and on the behalf of Tavistock to effectively social engineer a mass transformation of a targeted segment of society.

I can't say I have ever done '___' (it's against Terms of Service) but I can say, "The colors man, the colors!"

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:40 PM
Impressive thread and theory.

When was Paul McCartney's song "Yesterday" published and which "troubles" caught up with us at and after it came out? "Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, now it looks as though they're here to stay, Oh, I believe in yesterday."

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 02:43 PM
Reply to post by blupblup

American sovereignty ended with the bankruptcy, which prompted the powers of war acts. Because of these acts we have over hundreds of provisions of law delegating powers to the president. This was followed by other acts (such as patriot act). In order to reinstate our countrys and individuals sovereignty the fed redv should be bought back (and it can for par value) and these acts repelled. Since all presidents are related somehow... To the queen I might add. Sovereignty isn't going to happen peacefully. But. Since your own personal freedoms revolve around contract. You can use UCC law to dance around the contracts of your birth certificate and ss number/ contracts. You had the outlay nicely layed out. But... Missing huge chunks of factual history.

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posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 03:04 PM
One of the more recent and most plausible theories on JFK's death is that he was shot from a storm drain at the kerbside, and near the grassy knoll. This came about when it was discovered that a photographic negative of the president's head wound was previously wrongly observed from an inverted view. The Paul McCartney conspiracy is remarkable in that his said replacement was William (junior) Campbell out of "Marmalade" who does bear a resemblance to McCartney, and who is also left-handed. Campbell is still around as a composer, and multi musician. He has a page on facebook. You can see him here with Marmalade performing in "reflections" of which Campbell co-wrote. How the British and American sides of the conspiracy got together I don't know.

edit on 28-9-2010 by smurfy because: text.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:10 PM
But note that the Bank of England is owned by Vatican. And the Queen Elizabeth is a Sworn in member of the Knights of Malta. Bernake should have answered that the trillions of dollars have gone to the Bank of England owned by Vatican when asked where the money went.

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:08 PM
A funny (as in strange) little synchronicity event happened to me today regarding this very post. I had read the first two pages of it before heading out for a bit of skateboarding. On the drive home a few hours later I was listening to the radio (Radio 3,here in Spain where I'm living if anyone's wondering), and they were playing a rather unusual Beatles song I'd never heard before, apparently from the Let It Be album. Anyway, during the song they sing, "Like a rolling stone, like the FBI, and the CIA, and the BBC, BB King, and Doris Day.....dig it, dig it...."! This all of course couldn't help but bring this very thread right back into my mind, seeing as that seems to be exactly what's being talked about here, or part of it at least.

Anyway, just wanted to share that, funny this should be my first time actually saying something here on ATS, been a lurker forever....

Peace all, here's a youtube vid of the track in question, hope i've embedded it right.


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Again, love the post, but lest we forget Robert Zimmerman.

When the Ship comes in and then there is Masters of War and so many more.

I believe he and Lennon had a good conversation a few years before and maybe Bob had stated something that got John to really think about what he had done? If only John would not have been murdered for his views and/or remarks.

But it is up to us now to set the record straight, pun intended too!!!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:49 PM
Having a bit of a chuckle when reading the OP until I came upon the usual simplification and distortion of history in an attempt to prove the point. As is often the case with these extroadinary claims history is distorted to fit the fiction.

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
When World War I saw a nearly bankrupt Brittan all but having lost the war on European battlefields manipulation of the Federal Reserve through the Papal Rothschild Family of London soon saw American Doughboys rushing to European battlefields and laying down their lives to reverse the tide.

In real history, the Germans and the Central Powers were the ones on their last legs and although Great Britain was being bled dry financially by the War the end was in sight to both Britain and France. By the time the US joined the fray in any meaningful numbers in 1918 the war was all but lost to Germany and the pointlessness of their plight was only illustrated by the arrival of US troops in large numbers. It is crass revisionism to take a contrary view when the facts are well published.

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
During the dark days of the Blitz, Hitler and Nazi Germany’s relentless bombing campaign against England and London during the early days of World War II, a beleaguered Winston Churchill turned to Franklin D. Roosevelt conniving how a war weary America might be enticed to come to England’s aide and rescue once more.

In real history and in 1939, 1940 and 1941 Churchill sought to bring the US into the War and was unsuccessful, apart from lend lease and other commercial agreements at a high financial cost to Britain. Britain may have had sympathisers in the US but isolationism was the word of the day. It was Germany who declared war on the US in December 1941. Churchill got his wish but he did not engineer Germany’s declaration!


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by notsoperfect

No, sorry but you are speaking out of your bottom. The Bank of England is owned by the British public following its nationalisation in 1946. It is all in the public domain if you want to have a look, including the Act of Parliament that made it all happen.

Knights of Malta the Queen! Have you any real evidence - and by "real" I mean not some ranting nutter on YouTube or some ill-sourced blog written by a self appointed historian citing made up sources, reptiles and / or coincidences.


posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by internationalcriminal

It is funny the way things all seem to just converge together coincidentally. Until you ponder the possibility that there is no such thing as coincidence, and there is always that chance to put two and two together.

Much of what the Powers that Be really contrive to do, is to aide us in our own enthusiasm for dismissing what is often obvious yet unpleasant.

They exchange a pallatable fiction, for a less appetizing truth and the truth is all too many of us thank them for that.

Thanks for sharing your epiphany of the day!

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:25 PM
The Americans have never been free you have always belonged to England.

Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security, as follows:

S.I. 1997 NO.1778 The Social Security ( United States of America)
Order 1997 Made 22nd of July 1997 coming into force 1st September 1997. At
the Court at Buckingham Palace the 22nd day of July 1997. Now, therefore Her
Majesty an pursuance of section 179 (1) (a) and (2) of the Social Security
Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling Her in that behalf,
is please, by and with advise of Her privy Council, to order, and it is
hereby ordered as follows:

You should check out this link for the real truth that happened during the revolutionary war very very interesting reading

copy and paste the following headlines into the search box


edit on 28-9-2010 by boroboy because: added more info

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

No problem. It is an interesting theory and I thank you for putting it all together so nicely. I think it is plausible that Kesey was working on behalf of the CIA. The story he gave was that he would get a hold of the drug by breaking into the room where they stored the '___' at the hospital where he was employed and where the MKULTRA experiments on him took place. I'm not sure how long that took place, but I'm pretty sure it was before he ever came into contact with Owsley Stanley or the Grateful Dead. I do find it interesting how Leary seemed to take more heat than Kesey, but I think it's possible that this could be partly due to the difference in attitude between the east and the west coast. It may have also been due to the fact that Leary was a more respectable and credible member of society on account of his position as a professor at Harvard. If it was due to Kesey having CIA connections the story is much more interesting though.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 04:53 AM
I do not think the British are alone in their efforts to exert influence abroad.

Other nations had their agents as well, such as Prescott Bush.

The seeds of the some of the US's darker projects came to pass
by bringing former Nazi scientists to the US after WW2.

The money masters come from many different nations and exert
influence globally.

There are several other groups as well, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome
and they all have politicians on a short leash.

As with other Oligarchs in the past ppl ignore them and get on with their lives
until they realize the Oligarchs might do to them what was done in the Ukraine.

So when you see collectivists like the current batch of progressives know that
they are skipping merrily down a path millions were already sent down.

These power brokers and modern day pirates use the Machiavellian pen instead of
the sword to wreak untold havoc on the world to enrich themselves and laugh
behind their hands at ppl they treat as cattle and some among them even
see us as roaches and want us exterminated.

What is coming is just more of what history has dealt the human race by
those who always seek power and are evil to the bone.

edit on 29-9-2010 by Ex_MislTech because: spelling

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 07:53 AM
reply to post by notsoperfect

There is no real money. There's only credit. Credit thats issued by the banking elite to enslave nations via the central banks. Gold and silver is the nearest thing to currency in the real world.

Why would the banking elite care about fiat money that is just mere paper? They dont, they used the fiat money to prop up failing institutions that are really their puppets in their overall agenda.

Real tangible assets such as land, resources, and weapons are the real source of wealth. The elite know this and that is why no one truly owns their home or land in America and other nations. Money, fiat currencies, are just a distraction and a means of control.

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