Recently this year I lost a filling, it was actually suppose to have a "cap" over it but the Dentist at the time never contacted me for a
reschedule. I subsequently moved some months afterward and forgot about it.
It was 11 years ago, and I had lost a small filling in this tooth, I presented it to a Dentist in Houston, TX, and he informed me that he would need
to do a root-canal on it instead. I agreed. He never gave me any indication that anything was amiss. I never was rescheduled for the "crown" or
"cap" and I moved and also lost my dental coverage.
This tooth has always been a sort of sore spot for me. For years I would find myself grinding it against my other teeth because of an internal ache.
It never made sense to me why it would ache if indeed the entire root was removed. I always suspected that some living nerve cells survived and
either "remapped" themselves or they never were "disconnected".
Getting to now! Some time this year I lost the filling that was on this tooth from 11 years ago. It didn't hurt to lose it but I have been
constantly digging "food" matter out of it with each bite. Frustrating that I have gone through two boxes of toothpicks in such a short time, but I
considered a hole in a tooth as a low priority in my life.
This weekend I was eating some hard candy and "snap" the tooth broke completely in half (the back half towards my tongue). Using my tongue I could
feel the center and it was very sharp. I looked at it with a mirror and there is something shiny sticking out of the center of the "scalloped"
tooth. It looked odd and I thought maybe it was part of the old amalgam from years prior to my root canal. I took a pair of hemostats and I could
get it to bend back and forth just like metal, wow, it is metal! So I clamped down on it and thought to myself should I just twist it until it breaks
free or should I yank it. I yanked it!
WHAM! Like a jolt of lightning it pulled out with the oddest electrical feeling I can describe. It took my brute force to get to "let go" and when
it did my own weight threw me back a step or two.
This is what came out of my tooth!
Here is a close-up:
It is a Dental File!! OMG! For 11 years I have been carrying around a dental file that was "accidentally" left in my jaw!
At first I thought that it might be some kind of anchoring device, but I managed to find this web-page below that describes the Root Canal Process,
and it also mentions that one of the most stressful times for any Dental Office is when a dental file "breaks off" in the canal of a tooth. It
recommends that an orthopedic doctor be advised immediately because this could complicate the jaw bone in the extraction process. The tooth at this
point is likely lost upon retrieval.
Retrieving Broken Files
The picture on that site clearly shows this is a file based on the "drill-like" markings on it.
OK, well what do you know! I am still in a bit of shock over it all! The tooth felt absolutely perfect after I pulled it out but the inner gum was a
bit sore. Today I can sense a soreness welling down into the tooth at the bone. I am realizing this is probably what will result in an infection
because any "opening" into the inner body, especially the bone, can cause problems and I now have a perfect needle-sized hole running down the
length of the root into my jaw, as it is known that the pulp to the root itself is not singular but connects each tooth like a rope or tether of
sorts. (probably not the best description)
I made some phone calls and I am going to try to get to see a dentist soon, I am thinking complete tooth extraction and saying, "the heck with it",
but then I think that I had best get some sort of x-ray to determine if indeed my jaw might be experiencing the early stages of "bone degradation".
Yikes! There is a distinct "bump" on the inner jaw right near to this spot and no bump exists on the opposite position to make me think "natural
Now I am thinking I had best seek some partial "legal advice", but then I see this all as counter to positive things, and good things, counter to
what I refer to as "Great Spirit". Heck, I cannot even remember the dentist's name. He obviously either forgot or intentionally left this in
there without telling me, either or it was his responsibility, mine was only to suck gas for several hours! LOL Where is that Gas now! LOL
Thought I would share, I also hope this means that the voices will finally stop! (inside ATS humor)