reply to post by number38
Sounds like this question is out to the open and calm minded.
Let's hope that all the readers are open minded.
A simple and direct question, but I'm willing to give a complex answer.
Try to bare with me.
Let's analyze some things seemingly offensive:
Homosexuality obviously is not natural.
We're all animals with the basic instinct to reproduce and survive.
Some say there are gay animals.
But we're animals, too. It doesn't make it anymore natural. Although, for people who really want to get somewhere with that, animals aren't exactly
homosexual. When they get the wrong species, it's usually a bit of mistaken identity.
And whatever the reason for it, the base of the problem is always confusion.
A lot of people are sexually confused some time in their life,
so whether it's a choice or not, it depends on your will and gullibility.
Some say they were born gay, but this is impossible because there is no such thing as a sexually active baby.
Even if you can develop it in your childhood, it's still not something you could be born with.
It's not a disease.
I hope you're an adult reading this.
I am not fact, I can't recall having any phobias.
And for all you know, I could be gay.
True homosexuality that someone developed is a psychological problem.
Now that we looked at the facts and that homosexuality is not actually normal at all, let's get back to my yea or nay...
Bare with me.
This is going to be confusing unless you understand my "outside the box" view point on this....
YEA it is..
Yea.. as in I simply don't view being gay any worse than someone having sex with a tree.
It doesn't concern me and I think it gets way too much attention when there are actual problems in the world that actually matter.
Truth be, I could care less. Cleanliness isn't even that big of a problem with it anymore.
Even if you're straight, the likeliness of catching a disease is still ridiculously high.
Maybe mixing the straight and the gay partners around is a whole new load of disease statistics, but that's not necessarily relevant. Condoms might
Gay people aren't an issue, they have issues. Child molesters ARE issues, rape adoring perverts ARE issues,
but gay people simply have issues...
We all have issues, but only a few of us are an issue.