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new age religion: old truth or something else?

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posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 09:19 PM
Please inform us who are uninitiated about this above subject. The different sites where i went to seeking the answer to this question has lead me to being confused by the long winded and often disjointed post that are beyond my understanding.

Starting a dialogue that can be interactive would be a great boon for those people who desire information and do not know where to start. Keeping the posts relatively simple and short would enhance the experience for those of us who desire open informative discussion.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 09:35 PM
I don't really like the term "new age." It has become too loaded an expression, and has too many different meanings for too many different people.

In the 80s a number of people self-identified as "new age." At the time it was kind of a "hippie revival without the dirt and long hair," so to speak, rooted in nostalgia for the late 60s, or emerging types of non-traditional spirtuality, many of which went nowhere. It was/is also a music genre, which has no firm relationship whatsoever with any specific flavor of spirituality. It became associated with ex-hippies-turned-yuppie, and thus took on a flavor of insincerity and airheadedness.

These days, it seems to me, almost nobody calls themselves "new age." The term has gained bad connotations. Extreme rationalists/athiests and others use it as a synonym for "flakiness": i.e., people who just throw a hodge-podge of non-western, non-traditional spiritual ideas together without thinking deeply about them. On the other end of the spectrum, fervant Chrisitans and other religious traditionalists use the word as a synonym for "sinister" stuff or "dark arts," etc., which is a label that doesn't always fit its target. Moreover, serious students of other paths use the term disdainfully for what they see as spiritual poseurs and dilettantes. It's probably one of the more deadly insults you can hurl at a sincere Western follower of a traditional Eastern religion (Buddhism,Taoism, Hinduism, etc.)...If you want to test the cool of a "serious" Buddhist and see how steady his or her equanimity really is, toss this phrase out there and watch and watch the practitioner bristle. A perhaps-not-so-courteous prank sure to liven up any party full of tiresome, self-important mystics.

At any rate, to my mind the term has lost whatever little meaning it once had and should be discarded at this point. It has become semantically poisoned.

edit on 9/26/10 by silent thunder because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 09:36 PM
Some of it is old truth, some of it is new realization. what new age thought do you refer to? Be more specific

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 09:49 PM
Truth is timeless in that it is not the sole possesion of any age be it old or new.
Why do we need any form of constriction through man made religous doctrines.
Ones own mind is ones temple and is individual in it's experience.
Yes we are all part of the bigger picture but are also individuals.
If we need to join together then let us do that in what is true to all of us as living beings.
We all laugh hurt cry love it is mereley the details attatched that differ.
We can be united and individual at the same time.
In serving others we are liberated - in serving self we are enclosed

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 09:51 PM
I have read about gods and goddesses, reptilians and demons, interdimensional beings and grey e.t.s, light and dark, i really do not know how to be more specific.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 10:11 PM
Years ago I read of an African tribe in Mali called Dogons. There is a book by Robert Temple who studied their belief system which has been handed down by word of mouth and demonstrated in sand drawings and diagrams.
The Dogons say this knowledge is at least 5000 years old. What is fascinating is that some of what they claim is actually sceintific fact regarding the Sirius star system. It is only relatively recently that Astromomers discovered the white dwarf star in Sirius that they have spoken of for 5000 years.
Their initition is in 4 parts the latter2 are most revealing and wise - In that they speak of gathering information until such a point one gains a more overall picture of the Earth and its connection to the greater cosmos.
The last part of their initition is the key in that they talk of gethering information but at a certain point one has to decide how one can make use of this information to fit this into one's own society - ie this is understanding and in understanding information comes forth wisdom in acting upon it a way of serving others.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by threadkiller

new age religion: old truth or something else?

We could say there is a resurfacing of ancient knowledge which was buried under the Religious and technical push of mankind that has brought us to where we are today.

This push has caused us to gain much in a materialistic sense, to discover many things about our world and yet we lost as much "primal knowing" as we gained from these pursuits.

The new age is specifially the next Age.. relating to the precessional cycle of the earth. Let us not mistake that for the New-Age Industry that has been growing since the 60's hippy movement. The first is a natural thing and the other is now lost in the same direction of every other human endeavour.. Greed, Ego, Control, etc.

Sad really, as I had great hope for it as a child in the late 60's and growing into the 70's.

While there are many ancient truths being revived in this new age movement, we are also.. well, some of us are at least... finding the Limitations of the Belief-Structures of those times and discovering New Information that is what will follow when this current system we live in reaches it's natural conclusion.

The thrust of this new information, linked to the gems from the past, is that we are not small, not bad little souls in need of redemption by a higher power as we have been indoctrinated into believing we are for so long.

This new information provides us with simplified ways to become an experiencer of our Primal Self; the massive Soul that we are.. despite the New Age Industry's desire to make money and lifestyle out of teaching these things to a limited degree. Meaning that it does not want people to fully awaken because then the New-Age Industry will not make wealth from Seekers, because Seekers would no longer be Seeking outside of themselves anymore.

And so within the New Age Movement and Industry there are a lot of shams/fakers, ready to take your money repeatedly for their "services".. return clientelle, and purveying "stuff" is the mainstay of the Industry.

I find that unacceptable and refuse to participate in that fleecing of people. Instead I chose to share openly, to only charge a very small fee or no fee for Spiritual Counsel.. so that anyone, even the poorest of the poor can afford the help they may need. This stands in stark contrast to the Industry and how it operates.

What we will find as we do progress forward in our personal awakenings is the need to dump all Belief Structures we are Attached to. If one doesn't then they cannot hope to experience anything much outside of the Box we are indoctrinated into.

Unfortunately the New Age has become only another Option to Choose from what we will Believe. Again, that is very sad from my perspective in that it has been reduced to creating itself as a Belief-System. And this has brought it into opposition to the real truths we are all capable of experiencing ourtselves with a little help from a teacher.

About teachers...

There are a few types of teachers today.

One is easily spotted in a crowd for their dress, their flowery new-age speak, for their Followers and for the Lifestyle they have built from the money paid to them by Seekers.... these are "Teachers".

Another is one you will never pick out in a crowd because they simply blend in.. unless you can see the Light around them... and they will speak quite normally and attempt to explain in simplified terms with no belief-system attachments. This one will Show you how to reach the Real Teacher within You. These people then are "teachers".

There are other styles of Teachers who come from one or other Belief-Systems we can choose from today.. and while many have done good things in their time, they are still operating within the Old System they were trained in... we can call these "Gurus".

As you can see there is a massive difference between Teachers and teachers.

I have to go do other things for now, but would enjoy offering more perspectives later if you would like.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 11:44 PM
please, .... please ....... PLEASE

Do not refer to " new age" as a RELIGION !

That is the first step in successfuly killing it. The concept of new age seekers, and religion have NOTHING in common.

yet man cannot help but try to label it, to define it, trying to create an " absoute truth". they take from it to create a specific, general system, then hail it as the ultimate answer. Then they will use it to seperate from the rest, then when enough accept it, .... they use it to wage their wars, and pass their laws.

no, ... spirituality is not a religion.

Here's some advice, forget everything you think you know, .... everyday. Look on the world from no particular angle, with no particular agenda, .... and the answers shall find you my friend.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 11:54 PM
reply to post by IntastellaBurst

I know absolutely nothing about this subject and appreciate your imput. Religion is indeed not the same thing as spirtuality of that much I am certain.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by IntastellaBurst

please, .... please ....... PLEASE

Do not refer to " new age" as a RELIGION !

That is the first step in successfuly killing it.

Too late.

It already is a phenomenon with a name. That means the cat is out of the bag, and there is no going back.

So, "New Agers" now face a choice:

A) Abandon the term, shrink away from it, let it shrivel and die, but keep the core values and just practice what you know to be true without a name. "The pathless path."

B) Attempt to define it as a true "path." There are many well defined paths, and the crystalization of an impulse into a path is not necessarily a bad thing. For many people, a path is necessary and natural, and if done correctly can lead to liberation.

The problem with "New Age" as I see it is that it already has a name, but there is a lack of will/consensus/ability to create an actual path under the tilteof "New Age." And really, why bother, with so many older, deeper, more well-trodden paths to choose from? If you are going to go the formless route, the question is moot anyway. If you are going to follow a path, why not choose something with a bit more torque behind it? That's why I see "New Age" as a kind of dead-end term, at least for now.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by threadkiller

Well, spirituality to me..... is basicaly understand the mechanics of the universe and ultimately the role we play in it, .... as this is a complex issue, .... I must ask.

... what exactly would you like to know ?

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 12:06 AM
I am familiar with the Tao, the path that can be named is not the Path.

I want all the imput I can get, so far the posts have been very enlightening.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by threadkiller

So far I think all we've managed to do is talk about the term " new age " itself, .. haha

nothing useful yet, .... imagine the vast, complexity of the physical universe, ..... now times that by 100, and you have a vague understanding of how complex the real universe actualy is, as the physical plane is merely a fraction of that.

So like I said, it would be nice if you could narrow down what you'd like to learn about, ask a few questions.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 12:43 AM
You mention that there are other planes in our little known universe, lets start there, what is our role in the whole.

edit on 27-9-2010 by threadkiller because: fixed a poorly constucted sentence, I will try to be more careful.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:30 AM
There really is nothing New about "new age". Its about getting back to nature in a spiritual way. Releasing materialism and embracing the energies of spirit.

It does draw from some of the more ancient beliefs such as Tao - Buddhism - etc.

So - think energy - spiritual or cosmic energy. Think crystals - a natural element energy. Tree hugging. Chakra. Reiki. Meditation. Drum Circles.

You can throw in re-incarnation - - because that goes along with your energy soul recycles in physical.

I would not put Aliens into New Age.

But there really isn't anything New - - - more of a resurgence or awakening of natural energy.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:31 AM
reply to post by threadkiller

Aaaahh, yes the age old question, ... what is the meaning to life.

Why dont you tell me, .... why are YOU here ?? to be or not to be, that is the question.

While I cannot answer conclusively, i have experienced the next layer of reality beyond this one, as well as one or two deeper. I've been having out of body experiences for ten years or so.

There is no great secret, or hidden knowledge, .... Just know you are now doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing. I will return tommorrow and we can converse more of these things.

Oh, and try not to get wrapped up in all the new age, mysticism garbage. You dont need magic crystals, spells, or to hug trees. Everything you need to understand the process you already possess, ..... because you are the process. You are one with all that is, and all that ever will be. The answer you seek is within.

edit on 27-9-2010 by IntastellaBurst because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 01:39 AM
There is also: The Age of Aquarius. So if you mix the getting back to natural spiritual energy and Age of Aquarius together - - - that will probably be your best explanation of what New Age means.

Ages are believed by some astrologers to affect mankind while other astrologers believe the ages correlate to the rise and fall of mighty civilizations and cultural tendencies. Aquarius traditionally "rules" electricity, computers, flight, democracy, freedom, humanitarianism, idealists, modernization, astrology, nervous disorders, rebels and rebellion. Other keywords and ideas believed associated with Aquarius are nonconformity, philanthropy, veracity, perseverance, mankind and irresolution. The appearance or elevation in status of many of these Aquarian developments over the last few centuries is considered by many astrologers to indicate the proximity of the Aquarian age. There is no uniform agreement about the relationship of these recent Aquarian developments and the Age of Aquarius. Some astrologers believe that the influence of a New Age is experienced before it arrives because of a cuspal effect or Orb of Influence. Other astrologers believe the appearance of Aquarian developments indicate the actual arrival of the Age of Aquarius.

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by threadkiller
You mention that there are other planes in our little known universe, lets start there, what is our role in the whole.

Firstly, I agree with InterstellarBurst, in that we don't need all the "Tools" or things mentioned.. although hugging a tree can provide an amazing spiritual connection to it in order to receive it's history, to be as one with it, etc.

You ask the BIG question.. "What is our role in the whole ?"

And to offer up a simple as possible response would be something like this....

"We are energetic probes created by the Universe. And it is because we are possessors of Awareness that we are the means by which the Universe comes to know itself." - Carlos Castaneda quoting Don Juan Matus.

One way to illustrate this is....

The Universe is huge and complex, and in order to Experience Itself and its Capabilities it Diversified itself into everything we can see, feel, smell, sense and also everything that we as yet cannot.

As such you are but one sub-atomic particle moving inside the nucleus of a skin cell on the arm of 'God' ..... using the term "God" in the most general of ways here.

We could say that all things are One Energy vibrating at different levels.. and we would then have a very basic grip of Quantum Physics.

All the Planes, Levels, Layers... insert your favourite word here.... are merely 'higher' and 'lower' levels of Focused Awareness. With this one we experience while human is roughly two or three levels from the 'lowest' and most Dense available.

'Above' this level we experience in our normalness as dense human beings are a number of slightly higher vibrations or focus levels called the Astral. It is divided into about 7 levels we can learn to focus on quite easily with regular practice.

At the 'top' of the Astral is where we find what is known as the Akasha.. akashic record.. hall of records.. insert your favourite word here. It is at this Focus/Awareness Level that the Soul first enters into the World of Experience Offerings we call Earth... we could say it is the Overseeing Office for Experience Here.

'Above' that is what I call Soul Awareness Levels... although some Belief-Systems do have names for these Focused Awareness levels.... I choose not to use them to avoid misunderstanding by those who are attached to the Beliefs involved. This level too is divided into sub-levels. And our Beliefs, our Concepts fall away into nothing when one experiences these awareness levels.

It is at these levels of Awareness that one merges again with the higher-self... the thing that Represents the Soul "you the human" are a portion of. It is also considered to be the level of Christ Consciousness.. for want of a better terminology there.

And it is most definately the level of Awareness we humans emerg again into when we have the Enlightening Oneness with the Universe Experience.

'Above' that is what I call Over-Soul Awareness Levels.. same thing applies here with varying names, etc. But the experience of these levels is what is important about it. Nothing we can consider by way of Concepts, Beliefs, etc, can hope to come anywhere near the reality.

From my experiences of it so far, it as at these levels of awareness that we perceive the Universe as not a Uni-verse, but only one of trillions of other Bubble-verses in existence. To see, and experience these other Bubble-verses is simply an awesome thing as it then forcefully indicates the old addage of "As above, so below", because what we then perceive is the same as if we were shrunk to sub-atomic size and viewing the atoms within an object.. say your physical body.

Both views provide understanding that all things are energy vibrating at different rates.

'Above' that is something I haven't named because I find it extremely difficult to describe sufficiently so far. Not only did I perceive the many Bubbleverses but they were all in one layer... like Sea-Foam whipped up by strong winds on the ocean, that you may see laying on the beach at times.

At this level of Awareness, not one single thing makes sense.. in a human way.. even less than the 'lower' realms did. I found something of interest in this region/level that as yet I have not seen written nor spoken about by any Belief-System, or for that matter any other Explorer of the Realms.

From what I currently understand the Bigger Picture continues to get bigger the further we "up" we go.

Everything we ever thought we KNEW.. dissipates into obscurity with Experience. The Facade of human Thoughts, Concepts, Beliefs, Faith and Hope simply do not apply at any level above the Akasha.. because we are then into Soul Awareness levels/Focus and exist as truly massive "beings" that are not Limited in any way by anything we Humans could consider to be Reality.

Sorry if this was confusing, I tried my best to write it plainly for you.

edit on 27-9-2010 by Tayesin because: coz I'm silly

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:49 AM
Carlos Castonida your time is done, we all know how '___' works now. Its not mystical, its not a separate reality, its your brain being messed up with drugs.. Now take your crystals and your chanting, and your chakras, and get a job ya hippy!

edit on 27-9-2010 by Yissachar1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 27 2010 @ 02:56 AM

Originally posted by Yissachar1
Carlos Castonida your time is done, we all know how '___' works now. Its not mystical, its not a separate reality, its your brain being messed up with drugs.. Now take your crystals and your chanting, and your chakras, and get a job ya hippy!

edit on 27-9-2010 by Yissachar1 because: (no reason given)

Thank you for your lack of clarity and understanding friend.

Castaneda did not use '___', but did follow the old shamanic traditions of Peyote employment for specific exercises.

And the quote was from his teacher, not him.

'___' is a known Mind-Expander, not simply something that messes with the brain and it's functions in a way as you suggested, although it may be true that the untrained will suffer as you suggest.

You will not find me supporting the use of Crystals and other such new-agey Tools in favour.. and I am far from being a Hippy.

Please then if you are going to attempt an Insult then at least know me before you attempt it.

edit on 27-9-2010 by Tayesin because: spelling mistakes again

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