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Corn- Did you know that 50% of the pesticides we have in the United States are used on our corn fields? You might not be munching down on an ear of corn, or some popcorn at the movies, but corn is a staple in our diets and it can be found in much of what we eat.
Strawberries- This sweet fruit is considered to be one of the most contaminated fruit or vegetable on the market. In a study conducted by a Washington based Environmental Working Group, seventy percent of strawberries tested were contaminated with at least one pesticide. Thirty-six percent contained two or more.
Bananas- The pesticides that are used on bananas have been known to cause birth defects and also since bananas are a fruit that we give to children from the time they are very young, it is important to purchase organic
Peaches- Peaches have been known to have numerous violations of the pesticide regulations that we have. The FDA has been known to frequently overlook and miss violations to peach crops in our country, including one crop that was contaminated at eighty times the allowed level.
Rice- Along with corn, rice is also a large staple in our diets. Not only do we have a wide variety of rice that we eat with our meals but rice is also used as a base in many breads, cereals, and snacks. With an increase in milk intolerance, rice milk has become more popular as well. A lot of baby foods, formulas and cereals all include rice as a basis.
Oats and Grains- A fact that you may or may not know is that at one point, it was discovered that one year's worth of Cheerio's products were found to be contaminated with illegal levels of pesticides. The company decided to let the contaminated product stay on the shelves however they didn't release any of the products they had in their possession.
Milk- Cows are more often than not injected with a growth hormone to increase their milk production. A huge portion of these animals later develop an infection of the udder that is treated by a high level of antibiotic and this could potentially be passed into the milk they excrete. This milk then ends up on our grocery shelves, and not only do we drink it, but it is also used to feed our infants and toddlers.
Green Beans- More than 60 pesticides are on the market to use during the growth of green beans. In an Environmental Working Group test, 3 separate pesticides were found in a sample of green bean baby food.
Apples- This is a fruit that is so widely distributed. In the fall we eat them, we bake pies with them, we make sauces out of them and we even drink the cider. I bet you weren't aware though, that apples contain 65% of the pesticides that are used on strawberries (Remember, strawberries are the most contaminated fruit on the market).
Baby Food- Last but certainly not least is the little jars of food that we buy to feed our growing babies. EWG conducted a test on baby food produced by some of the major baby food corporations, and 16 separate pesticides were found. If we don't want to make the change to organic for ourselves, we should want to do it for our next generation.
Milk: America’s Health Problem
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Why is American Milk Banned in Europe?
* American dairy milk is genetically-modified unless it’s labeled “NO rBGH”
* Genetically-engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH) in milk increases cancer risks.
American dairy farmers inject rBGH to dairy cows to increase milk production.
European nations and Canada have banned rBGH to protect citizens from IGF-1 hazards.
Monsanto Co., the manufacturer of rBGH, has influenced U. S. product safety laws permitting the sale of unlabeled rBGH milk. (Monsanto would lose billions of dollars if rBGH were banned in America.)
Q. Is there any milk not contaminated with rBGH and IGF-1?
A. Yes. Milk that is clearly labeled “NO rBGH” is free of rBGH and does not contain excess levels of IGF-1.
Q. What about cheeses?
A. American-made cheeses are contaminated with rBGH and excess levels of IGF-1 unless they’re labeled “NO rBGH”. Imported European cheeses are safe since Europe has banned rBGH.
It doesn't have to be expensive, if you don't want to buy containers, you can recycle, your ice cream or margarine tubs. Punch a couple of holes in the bottom and use the lid as an overflow tray and you are set. You will need to get the seeds you have selected started.
Lettuce will do well indoors. One head per large ice cream container. If you understand how plants propogate then you have begun to gain the knowledge
Radithor was a well known patent medicine/snake oil that is possibly the best known example of radioactive quackery. It consisted of triple distilled water containing at a minimum 1 microcurie (37 kBq) each of the radium 226 and 228 isotopes.
Objective The goal was to examine the association between urinary concentrations of dialkyl phosphate metabolites of organophosphates and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children 8 to 15 years of age.
Results One hundred nineteen children met the diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Children with higher urinary dialkyl phosphate concentrations, especially dimethyl alkylphosphate (DMAP) concentrations, were more likely to be diagnosed as having ADHD. A 10-fold increase in DMAP concentration was associated with an odds ratio of 1.55 (95% confidence interval: 1.14–2.10), with adjustment for gender, age, race/ethnicity, poverty/income ratio, fasting duration, and urinary creatinine concentration. For the most-commonly detected DMAP metabolite, dimethyl thiophosphate, children with levels higher than the median of detectable concentrations had twice the odds of ADHD (adjusted odds ratio: 1.93 [95% confidence interval: 1.23–3.02]), compared with children with undetectable levels.
There are almost 900 different bug killers (pesticides) that can be used in the United States. A small number (37) belong to a class of insect killers (insecticides) known as organophosphates. The chemicals in this class kill insects by disrupting their brains and nervous systems. Unfortunately, these chemicals also can harm the brains and nervous systems of animals and humans. These chemicals stop a key enzyme in the nervous system called cholinesterase from working, and this can make people ill.