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E.M.S - Enlightment Measurement Scale (Cat 1 to 6) ... take THE test !!

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posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by Sly1one

Even a Cat1 make you a enlightment soul
we have much to learn .. expend ourself
i still have a lot to learn in life to me
this is only a tool not that much accurate
this tool is to make people realise how to stay far from the dark side
once you get that clear .. everyone can be Cat 6

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 05:27 AM
reply to post by Ben81

i think what you meant was awake to instead of wake up to.
and its all relative. I answered simply yes or no as true as i could and then added the yeses. 1 point to a yes. 47 points.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 12:05 PM
the sad thing is trying to help others that are not aware to this world. they dont want to think or take a chance to risk what they believe. fear holds them ultimately. you can only do your part to guide but everyone has to find out thier own way. family members are the hardest to wake up i think, they should see that the intentions are good but most think people are trying to trick or deceive... what can ya do

46 stars btw, obe thing is killing me!! cant do it yet

edit on 2-10-2010 by fallinstar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 01:48 PM

Originally posted by fallinstar
the sad thing is trying to help others that are not aware to this world. they dont want to think or take a chance to risk what they believe. fear holds them ultimately. you can only do your part to guide but everyone has to find out thier own way. family members are the hardest to wake up i think, they should see that the intentions are good but most think people are trying to trick or deceive... what can ya do

46 stars btw, obe thing is killing me!! cant do it yet

edit on 2-10-2010 by fallinstar because: (no reason given)

lol patience brother
its like a chain of reaction
once you are able to concentrate into a deep state of meditation
i beleive you will be able to controle OBE for many reason
OBE to see whats around you .. especially yourself lying on a bed
and more deeply this OBE can make you travel very far
and to speak to some higher being out there

i beleive OBE is some kind of a telepathy power

for myself . i think im far from having a OBE .. im unable to concentrate into a high state of medidation
something is missing

edit on 10/2/2010 by Ben81 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Ben81

i think the first step is to be aware, next to realize and then understand. just my perspective

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by fallinstar
reply to post by Ben81

i think the first step is to be aware, next to realize and then understand. just my perspective

Very true ...
im aware .. and im now trying to understand and realise what really happening
i have a feeling when i find the ultimate answer .. it will unlock something in us

and like Antony Kane said

humans with a consciousness anchored in fear will remain in the third dimensional Earth. Individuals who are experiencing a “conscious awakening” and putting an effort into being conscious of the shift will migrate into the new dimension of the fifth dimensional Earth.

its still locked for a reason ... until 2012

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Ben81

I know you mean this from a positive standpoint, but you do realize that this test is just an egotistical practice in spiritual and mental masturbation. Your parameters for an enlightened soul with different categories is meaningless, other than using it for comparison to others, which leads to believing something is better or worse than you. There is no such thing. There only is. Not every soul is a "lightworker", not every soul's purpose is the same. I know good men, men that have done more for others without being a "Cat 0.5" than anyone ive ever met. It's not what you understand about the universe that is important, but the choices you make based on the little information you have available.

Once again, i don't mean to attack you OP, just wanted to point out that comparing is and always has been strictly about the ego which must be mastered not fluffed.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Mr Poopra
reply to post by Ben81

I know you mean this from a positive standpoint, but you do realize that this test is just an egotistical practice in spiritual and mental masturbation. Your parameters for an enlightened soul with different categories is meaningless, other than using it for comparison to others, which leads to believing something is better or worse than you. There is no such thing. There only is. Not every soul is a "lightworker", not every soul's purpose is the same. I know good men, men that have done more for others without being a "Cat 0.5" than anyone ive ever met. It's not what you understand about the universe that is important, but the choices you make based on the little information you have available.

Once again, i don't mean to attack you OP, just wanted to point out that comparing is and always has been strictly about the ego which must be mastered not fluffed.

Very true .. and i agree with you on this

hope i didnt look like someone with a ego trying to proove something up
to make me look superior or something ...
this is NOT what i am

to understand how this thread is working
take a look into Part 1 : The Age of Enlightment has started !!
i would have never created this EMS thread without giving you the basis of my deep though on the subject

my parent are hospital veteran ... nurse and a doctor
and they are Cat 0.5 ...
they have helped people like no others
i dont work in a hospital ... i will never save anybody
i have save someone from drowning 8 yrs ago .. but thats it
but im far from a doctor who save lifes each days

i do want to help ... im very sincere about that
i dont want to help to build a ego in me .. its far from that

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:21 AM
Thanks you to Rajaten to have made me aware of this great woman
with this video you shared to me

LittleGrandMother Website Video section ... TO LISTEN

Cat 5.5 !!
a trully gifted woman ... like the buddha boy .. they are the same level but very unique
she have validated my age of enlightment thread and some of my deepest thoughs about myself and life in general

everyone need to listen to her .. she have very very wise words

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:32 AM
You say you have to recognize good and evil? By whose definition? Yours? The individual? Your scale works for you but a lot of people have a very different view on enlightenment (if it even exists ) you believe recognizing a Creator is a step to reaching it while others would say realizing there is nothingness and we are alone is the accurate path.

OP you come across as a Christian (which is fine) but in my experience Christianity is about as far from a path to enlightenment as a person can get. I think religion is preventing humanity from achieving the next step in our development as a species ...

edit on 3-10-2010 by drock905 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:37 AM

Originally posted by drock905
You say you have to recognize good and evil? By whose definition? Yours? The individual? Your scale works for you but a lot of people have a very different view on enlightenment (if it even exists ) you believe recognizing a Creator is a step to reaching it while others would say realizing there is nothingness and we are alone is the accurate path.

another Cat 5.5

im only a 4.5 .. where do you think you are ?
this thread is NOT about me .. i dont want to build any ego or something .. im very truthfull
you can doubt my words .. but dont doubt the age of enlightment
its coming

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 05:41 AM
another great message from Don

damn i didnt even knew littlegrandmother of him before today ...
something divine let us to watch these msg .. to wake up

the question is .. are you WAKE UP ?

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions[/i

I think enlightenment is realizing that seeking enlightenment is foolish.

I just think human beings are too curious for their own good.

Your reasoning is why TPTB are able to control people. They re-enforce a reality that people can see and feel a consequence for. Do this and you GET this, behave this way and you will keep you freedom, behave in a way we do not like and we will take your freedom away.

Where as from a bigger picture concept, your actions have a reaction that can not be felt or perceived until after you die. ANYONE that follows this path, has achieved enlightenment because you live a peaceful life as best you can, based on your soul rather than your wallet, rights or freedom of movement!

Follow the rules of THIS world and you have hate, fear, jealousy, revenge, greed, oppression, abuse, deceit and most worryingly WAR!

Follow the unseen path and people exhibit traits such as, compassion, consideration, tolerance, forgiveness and most importantly PEACE!

I know which world I prefer to live in, even though our controllers make in nearly impossible!

posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 12:35 PM
Vary nice thread, I see what your getting at.

I hop on to the train and sit by the window, as I look at my reflection on the glass I wonder who that is. As the train starts moving I notices that the world is moving under my feet and I wonder how is it that life move in this way.

As the train move faster and faster along the track and what I see just starts to blend in, and now my focus once again it on the reflection on the window. To under stand me I must under stand my reflection, I am all things and anything I am all ways right and always wrong no matter what the world shows me it's always a reflection of me.

I am still traveling this road of enlightenment is started in the 1960 and has never stopped, the only differences now is that more people are aware of it.

What did I learn on the train, is that I will always learn, learn to be more of myself to better understand the outside world.


posted on Oct, 3 2010 @ 04:15 PM
I have found myself lurking about on ATS for a while now, just became member the other day, this is my first reply, yay me.

First i will say, what i write is my oppinion only
My beliefs, take what you can use, and throw the rest away

Awesome to find spiritual thread on a conspiracy page

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by Ben81

49 stars on your test.
For what it's worth, here are my two dilemmas-
I don't communicate with aliens or the dead. (probably because I haven't tried)

In my opinion the scale should go to at least 70 if not 100 stars.
What if I do attempt to communicate with the dead and then verify it. I will then be at 50 stars..
I will bypass communicating with any aliens as I believe they are ingrained with the (**********) Thus opening a channel I cannot turn off.
There has to be more available stars.

edit on 4-10-2010 by Tribble because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 03:43 AM
reply to post by Ben81

That man is a 5.5? Really? I don't mean to be rude but he didn't say anything. I've had more enlightened conversations with drunk guys at the bar.

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by drock905
reply to post by Ben81

That man is a 5.5? Really? I don't mean to be rude but he didn't say anything. I've had more enlightened conversations with drunk guys at the bar.

thanks for your honesty
i understand your point lol

i know he didnt say nothing ... but shaman are usualy very wise and gifted because they are able to
enter a deep state of meditation
i think he his a 5.5 like littlegrandmother
i came across Don in her video that i have posted above
he his more wake up than many will never be... he his the old mayan shaman that speak about the prophecy
i think he said he can also communicate with higher being that have warn him of the coming transition

ok im sensing this enlightment transition at a very young age .. but no one spoke to me about that
i had no voices in my head and no aliens visiting me ...

thinking he his that high (cat 5.5) its speculation and my opinion
i didnt make much research on the guy.. i always follow my instict
like my self thinking im a 4.5 its a though without any ego
this tool to know where we are all at before we can understand what this 2012 transition to enlightment is all about....

i beleive if you get our human mind to build up itself with enlighten ideas
we can wake up spiritualy enought to a level when faith is no more questionable
imagine if we all wake up .. by then of thousand .. to millions .. we will get this better age
without pollution .. respect to mother nature the faune .. and all humans living in peace and love

earth is heaven everyone talks about ..there is no place like earth
yes i beleive there is an after life ..might be a heaven there to
but earth is to beautiful not to think .. it can be a real dream world heaven if we start CARING

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 04:24 AM

Originally posted by Tribble
reply to post by Ben81

49 stars on your test.
For what it's worth, here are my two dilemmas-
I don't communicate with aliens or the dead. (probably because I haven't tried)

In my opinion the scale should go to at least 70 if not 100 stars.
What if I do attempt to communicate with the dead and then verify it. I will then be at 50 stars..
I will bypass communicating with any aliens as I believe they are ingrained with the (**********) Thus opening a channel I cannot turn off.
There has to be more available stars.

edit on 4-10-2010 by Tribble because: (no reason given)

i agree that its possible to make this tool really accurate
49 stars is impressive im really proud again of the human species

you are another one validating the age of enlightment has started thread

im at 44 stars = Cat 4.5
perhaps you can teach me meditation .. i can concentrate enought to ge deeply
but when i close my eyes i get in the dark many images that are buzzing around not meaning anything
my mind are creating them .. its nothing im sure lol
even my dreams .. when i dream i usualy dont remember them even if i try to
i can get all kind of dreams .. i dont know but i think i dont dream any more
i beleive i will learn nothing from my dreams so .. i try to meditate juste before sleeping lol and then fall asleep
... its hard for me to concentrate i always had this high energy in me
i was ADD close to hyperactive when i was young loll
i now control myself dont worry

so if you have any good trick for me or advice
i will listen to them wisely

thank you

posted on Oct, 4 2010 @ 04:52 AM
Suggestion to help you meditate, concentrate on your breathing,in through the nose and out through the mouth. Breathe wth your tummy, not the chest, and breathe slow, keep the air in a bit before exhaling. And keep your lungs empty a bit before inhaling. Follow the air through your body, i do like this (remember, what is right for me isnt neccesarelly right for you
) : I follow the air in through my nose, up in my skull, down through the spine and arms (back side), all the way down to my feets around my feets now following the "front" of my legs, over my knees and when i reach solar plexus im usually ready to let go of the air again, then i exhale while still keeping focus of where the air (energy) is at that point. Maybe its easier for some to focus on chakras and colours, make your own way,what feels right. Sometimes it feels like the energy gets stuck in one area,for me, its often my root chakra, when it does that i focus on where the energy stopped moving and when exhaling sending love and light to that area to loosen up whatever is stuck in there, and when doing that i feel like a warm fuzzy feeling, and a feeling of letting go. Its hard to find the right words for this, i usually just do this

Your mind will continuesly wander, and its ok
let it wander, just dont follow the thoughts, let them be there and let them pass, dont get annoyed on yourself for doing that occasionally, it takes ALOT of practise to have an empty mind.. And tbh, i dont think your head is EVER empty, question is where you put your focus
But if you cannot find calmness in ´"just" following the air(energy) through the body, you can always visualize the stuff that messes with your head in a balloon,let it go up and up and up, and see it as you are giiving your worries to your higher self..i usually see it as a hand coming out of a cloud grabbing the ballon, then its easier for me too let go, and get "back to business".

I have always had a busy mind, sometimes felt like my head is going to explode,and when i say meditating has helped, im not lying! Never had this much room around my thoughts before

In period i have hard time allowing myself to meditate,always have stuff i need to finish and do etc. Then its easier for me to either paint or draw. That gives me peace also, you dont need to be so strict about the way you meditate, or how far you have gotten. Because that will only cut you off and make the road to where you want to be more bumpy.. And trust me, i speak out of experience! That said, i can never teach you anything, but you can learn what you are ready to learn. Its all up to you, not anyone else, and not anyone elses progress (ego hitting me with a hammer here
). You are what you choose to be. But dont be afraid of the mirrors
thank them for giving you the opportunity every day to learn something new

Love and light

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