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My encounter with an Alien!

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posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 06:48 PM
I went over seas..i cant discuss where..but it was in June of this year...i saw naked black human shape egg shaped..oval eyes..I just stood there starred at seemed to different minute it was a dog..then snake..then back to the human started speaking to me in a language i didn’t recognise..its voice was pain..seemed to be injured..i said "English" it said "Yes" i asked it what it a fire man..i asked it where it was replied,,from the land your standing on..but our fathers came from the sky...i asked it why it was laying on the replied bad leg.....i felt comfortable i started throwing at it question after question...from what i understood..their aliens from another planet..made out of a gas based substance..they can bend light to make them look like anything they want..theyv been on earth for thousands of years...ummmm..the one i was talking to was a child..only 200 years old..the adults can travel through portals to any place in the universe..they dont use technology..there not very intelligent..i guess its an ability they have..just like we can walk..birds can fly..they can travel great distances...from what i understood..humans are the smartest creatures in the universe..there are other creatures in distant planets non that are as intelligent as us or even come close.....ummmm they like to avoid humans...there are millions of them..whole cities could exist in a little piece of rock...ummm what else...they drink water...they feed off bones of dead animals....i had so many more questions but he interrupted me and asked me to leave before his father comes looking for him..then i would be in trouble..i looked around..said goodbye..walked away and didn’t look back.,,,,,i know most ppl out there wont belive what happened to me...but i figured i would share it for those who seek the truth..and this is it....

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:05 PM
wow, the only thing i can say is until a individual has a crazy encounter like yourself, it cannot be believed. are your eyes opened now to all possiblities?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:09 PM
Sounds like the Jinn.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:09 PM
If you are mind controlled, then maybe you saw aliens.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:10 PM
What a fantastic piece of fiction.

Please let us know when the book will come out!

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:13 PM
It is fine to say where this happened.

If you saw her in the color of shadows or black, what was the surrounding elements? I ask because from what you say, it could have been a being which takes on the colors which surround her.

And also I must ask, why you assumed that she was sub intelligent?

Also did the being take on humanoid form for you or remain in a different form? Please fully describe in detail what the being looked like.

edit on 26-9-2010 by antar because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:14 PM
I must ask...

Were you on any kind of drugs, alcohol, or medication? Were you deprived of any sleep? Were you experiencing jet lag? Do you have ANY history of vivid imagination and/or hallucinations? Could this have been a dream? Were you shocked/afraid? Did you tell anyone else? How far were you from this being? Did you ever come into physical contact with it? What stands out to you that makes you think it was a real physical experience? Are you just pulling our legs?

Sorry for 20 questions. I am very interested in this sort of thing, but I am also VERY skeptical of any related claims of extra-terrestrials.

What else did you ask it?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:16 PM
When I read "My encounter with and Alien", it made me think of the song, "I kissed an Alien and I liked it"!

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by stayjersey


Thank you for posting your very interesting report about your experience.

It certainly does raise many issues, so I guess you will need to be prepared for many & varied responses!

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:23 PM
Wow.....we are the most intellegent?!?!? This could be a scary thought.
When we decide to incarnate to earth it is because it is so hard here and we learn the most here on earth because it is such a dark environment. I believe that we have all had lifetimes on other planets but this is the one that is the hardest and you gain more knowledge and experiences from. Only the strongest souls are the ones that chose to incarnate here, even though it may not always appear that way to us now. So this could very well be correct!!!

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:40 PM
Yea Im never wonder about when a new member arrives on the same date they post some "personal ground breaking alien contact".

Naw. Im not suspicious in anyway.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:42 PM
A... very... interesting... story ... hope... you ... feel... better... soon...

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 08:03 PM
This is obviously what the out side world thinks of us here on ATS.

Basically a load on nutters that you can say to and they will believe it.

Very reveling really.

However it may be a good thing in a round about way. As if they start to believe what is on here they would shut it down.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 08:07 PM
will give it points for creativity anyhow

fire men made of gas whom eat bones and are dumb as a box of rocks.

a universe filled with morons.

yep, this must be the truth...or it could be just a drug trip or dream

hmm...universe full of bone eating gas idiots or a fabrication...tough decision.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 08:30 PM
reply to post by stayjersey

Its hard to say what is truth when you talk to anyone, this form could very well have been lying to you about everything. But I have to agree with an above post it does sound very similar to the Djinn.

There are many legends about creatures made of Gas, and perhaps their consumption of bones is not the same as we would think of eating an apple.

I would have to disagree with human beings as the most intelligent, perhaps the most potential though?

I'm willing to believe that.



posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 10:42 AM
I just wanna thank everyone that took the time to reply to my posting even the ones that had some negative feedback,,some ppl on here thought it might be Djjin that i saw,,it would explain a lot,,from black majic to ghosts to alian sightings,,i mean it did look a lot like what most people describe as a typical alien,,all i ask is for everyone to keep an open mind,,to realize that the things we can see, touch and hear is due to our adaptation to our environment, i mean you hear it all the time, that our earth is alive but everyone stopes there,,,it has all the signs of life,,it breathes,,it moves,,it gets sick sometimes, has its good days and bad,,,has anyone tried to find a way to communicate with it?? ,expand ur mind,, an alien could be microscopic ,,something wel never be able to see, or made out of gas like the one i encountered that travels through dimensions,, we might be visited by aliens made out of light and never know it,,,or maybe a water based creature we cant see,,it would be nice if we are visited by humanoid star trek looking creatures, ,im all for it,,but i honestly believe wel never see that until we actually go there and look for it ourselves, eventually i think we will be the aliens someday,,i mean if these gas based alians can bend space time and travel through im sure its only a matter of time till we figure it out,,,and if there made out of gas,,maybe there is some kind of gas we can use to open a portal or something,,i just wish more scientists dedicated more time studying our surroundings and understanding it before looking out to space..

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:30 AM
reply to post by stayjersey

I would have believed you if you did not include this:

"humans are the smartest creatures in the universe"

The way we treat our planet and each other, this cannot possibly be true.

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:55 AM
humans are the smartest creatures in the universe

.. nice one

posted on Oct, 6 2010 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by MarshMallow_Snake
reply to post by stayjersey

I would have believed you if you did not include this:

"humans are the smartest creatures in the universe"

The way we treat our planet and each other, this cannot possibly be true.

we do have great potential .. but we dont use it

lets start using our inteligence in a good way .. and i would beleive that

posted on Oct, 8 2010 @ 03:15 AM
reply to post by MarshMallow_Snake


Maybe what the "alien" meant was that we have the potential to become the smartest creatures in the universe. The OP mentioned in his post that the alien was a child, young children are not capable yet of properly conveying what they mean, so they do so in very basic sentences. Maybe this is why some of the aliens answers to the OP's questions are hard for us to understand.

Just my theory anyway

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