posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 01:22 PM
There are some who would not wish this information disseminated but in such dark times someone must shine the light so that those seeking illumination
will not become lost in the darkness and end up corrupted by false teachers. There are those who believe that many are not worthy of the truth, that
revealing this information is casting pearls before swine. For the majority, this may be true, however, I feel that we mustn't herd the shepherds in
with the sheep. The information I will present is at once both simple and extremely complex, it will not be understood instantly, just as a
lighthouse is not the destination of a ship, simply a beacon showing the way.
The nature of the Divine can be understood through the number Zero. We are taught, from an early age, that the number Zero represents nothing. At
first glance this appears to be true, however, through study we learn that Zero, far from representing nothing, contains with in it the potential of
every number conceivable. Every number has, as it's origin, Zero. For once the number did not exist, it rested within Zero and existed in it's
potentiality. It is by thought and by will that the number is manifest and takes the form we have given.
Take, for example, the number 9. Once it was nothing, resting and describable only by Zero until it was made manifest. 9 contains, with in it,
every number that leads up to itself. It grew out of the potential of Zero, grew through the stages of other numbers and came to fulfill it's
destiny as the number 9. This is not to say that 9 is separate from Zero, existing without Zero, the original unmanifested Zero is always a part of 9
and will always be found around it if one knows how to look.
For example, we may write the number 9 in multiple different ways without ever changing it's meaning or function. 9 may be written as:
Or even:
And we have not changed it's meaning our it's function in anyway, we have simply added more to our understanding of the number 9's position in the
universe. Thus it is with us, once we existed as nothing but the potential of our existence with in the Divine source of all things. Like 9 we grew
out of this Divine Zero, we went through the various stages of life and, eventually, arrived at what and who we currently are. Just as 9 contains
within it all the numbers leading up to it so do our past experiences become a part of who we are and shape how we define ourselves now.
Just as the addition of Zeros helped to describe 9's position relative to it's origin so does the understanding of our origin help us to
understand our position. The Zeros added were not seen and are not generally notated, however, they are always there and always surrounding any
There is one point that must be further explained and that is the fact that 9.0 and 9.0000 are both the same numbers. The zero may be added as few
or as many times and will always describe the same thing. This, too, helps us to understand the nature of the Divine, though we may know of it's
presence we are unable to understand the possible immensity of it's presence just as 9.0 may have an infinite number of Zeros applied behind the
decimal point and still describe the same number. Thus it is with us, we find that the Divine presence surrounds us at all times, that it is before
us and behind us yet we will never be fully able to comprehend it's immensity.
We have sprung from the unmanifest Divine, where once we existed as only potential, through the will of the source we have become what we are,
created to serve our purpose, continually surrounded by the divine and always carrying with us that part of the Divine source from which we have come.
Just as no number may exist without Zero so would we not exist without the Divine, just as every number may eventually return to Zero so may we
return to the source. Just as we may train ourselves, once we have been enlightened, to see the hidden Zeros around every number so may we learn to
see the hidden Divine all around us. Just as the hidden Zeros help us to better understand a number's position, without changing it's definition,
so may we better understand our position in creation.
Thus is the nature of the Divine understandable, in part, through the number Zero. The concept is simple, at first thought, but hides within it
pages and pages of understanding and opens up a new way to view the universe.
The road is winding, full of small hills and dips yet the path itself rests upon an incline which brings us ever closer to the top of the
mountain. With each step we take we travel ever upwards, we grow closer to our destination whether or not our current strides bring us up a small
hill or down a small ditch. This is the path of knowledge and those that wish to dwell at the top of the mountain must walk the path for themselves,
there is no way to instantly transport one to the top. Hopefully I have helped, in part, to show the way to those who seek, while I may not have
explained the entire route, the bit of direction I have given is true. Follow the light of knowledge and you will attain your destination, do not
fall prey to the beasts that dwell beside the road nor to those with promises of shelter far from the top.