posted on Jun, 24 2004 @ 03:37 AM
Images snapped by NASA's Cassini spacecraft show that Saturn's moon, Phoebe, is not an asteroid but a 4.5-billion-year-old primordial body from the
solar system's outer reaches.
High-definition photographs as well as spectrographic and thermal images taken during Cassini's June 11 fly-by revealed that Phoebe likely is made up
of ice, rock and carbon compounds similar to those seen in Pluto and Neptune's moon, Triton.
Wow! Looks like this Phoebe contains alot of information from the beginning our solar system. This discovery is all well and good. I am glad that
through all the "stuff" that is happening here on Earth, we have people focused on increasing our knowledge of our universe.
It has got to be useful someday.