posted on Nov, 17 2010 @ 04:23 AM
Three jagged jawbones on three ancient plains
made us ponder if man was a chimp or an ape.
I know what you think, what a statement to make,
but just read this and check my mistakes.
A dinosaur tooth is as plain as the skin
on your gluteous maximus man...
If you don't believe it, you better start counting
the digits on both of your hands.
I'm not saying God wasn’t pretty involved
in the making you don't have to shout.
An angel somewhere made my girl, she's so fair
that I'm not ruling anything out.
We all have beliefs, and it's normal we pray
to whoever we feel put us here.
With a time and a place for it all, as agreed,
I believe I will grab a cold beer
I'm back with my agatey brown, silver crown,
chores are finished, and ready to write.
My princess is sleeping at home in her bed
and the words should be easy tonight.
The push from the back of the fan
a distraction I welcome, but wonder in fear...
I lean back the chair, is it gonna collapse?
(engineering a key factor here)
My throne holding fast. and the bubbles retracting,
we're back to the topic at hand.
It's coming, I see it, it's gone, there it is...
Evolution, oh why'd I pick that!
I wanted to ask why the sky never ends.
Where's the edge, can you tell me, I bet that you can't...
Just why we must always go forth first, and then
when we listen, we hear only silence come back.
I'll pray for the answers, and dig for the find.
I'll tell you the minute solution is mine.
I've wandered, or have I...this could be a lie.
I'm off track, what a quack, but distraction tastes fine.