posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Misoir
The Tenth amendment absolutely does allow that right. In the post Lochner era, a state's police power is extremely broad, especially concerning
economic regulation. However you can't just look at the plain meaning of an amendment from 1787 and a case from the 1920s and come to the conclusion
that Arkansas can go socialist tomorrow. Here are some legal problems that stand in the way:
1. Due Process
Transitioning to a socialist government would involve a massive taking of private property. This requires massive due process. Due process as applied
to the states is a post Civil War invention (the 14th Amendment). The quickest way to get around this roadblock would be draconian taxation,
regulation and the use of that money to duplicate the services of private industry until the capitalist infrastructure eventually collapsed.
2. Preemption
The Federal government's laws can preempt state laws in numerous ways. Often times states are allowed to go above and beyond Fed regulations (see
minimum wage laws that exceed the Fed minimum). But another example is 'field preemption' where the Federal government's scheme is so extensive and
all encompassing that states must stay out of the way (see the FDA or Obama's argument in the Arizona immigration issue). If a state is limited in
the actions it can take with regard to immigration, drugs, power plants, etc then its easy to see how this might pose a threat to the plan of going
socialist locally.
3. Full faith and Credit
Even if you crash all private industry in your state and find a way to not let the Federal preemption of certain regulatory schemes stop you, there's
still the issue of other states. Citizens and businesses in other states are guaranteed by the constitution the right to trade with the citizens of
your state, for instance. So your socialist government better be damn good and damned fast at getting all those products and services out there other
wise your just gonna be swamped on day 2 by entrepreneurs from other states. Capitalism will just spring anew.
These are just three of the issues. Honestly there's probably 1,000 road blocks. So yea, in theory you have the right. But its not going to happen.