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Supernatural Season six

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posted on Oct, 17 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by q_ball

I did not like it when they killed off ellen and jo either. Those two I thought were the best possible chance for a spin off of any quality. However, now with bobby and his possible love life that just might work for a spin off also.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:07 AM
Who thinks any major characters will be killed off or persumed killed off this season?

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by q_ball

I don't think there is any question about that. I think Samuals crew is going to loose a few characters. Although they have not been in the last two episodes so they may not be considered major characters. I hope deans surrogate family stays safe. I would like to see that relationship be there.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 05:51 AM
How many eps did they commission this season? is is 22?

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by q_ball


I did not check, but 22 is the average for a successful show. I don't have the time to look right now but both wiki pediea, and imbd usually have that information on it.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:38 AM
Ok here is the link of two preview clips for the new episode:Live Free or Twi-Hard

The vampire episode.

Have fun

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:16 PM
Seems like the meat and potatoes type episode, which I like which are basically just the hunting type ones thatdont really adhere too much to the story arc. Also shows the guys have fallen out of the loop with pop culture which shows some character development in the sense theyve also grown and matured since season 1. I think this should be a good episode. Im guessing there will be a vampire, a fake vampire that possibly gets attacked and some try hard vampires also, not sure what you call them but they where in Blade.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:39 PM
Wait...So Supernatural goes on after the Apocalypes?Thank God, I thought it was the end of the series. Phew

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by q_ball

I did not look at the trailers, I prefer not to. But your making it sound like they will encounter some humans that are want to be vampires, yes? That will be a new twist for the vampire episodes. I am not to sure how I will feel about for this show if that's what it ends up to be. My first impression is I could sooner seem them going into the underground vampire cult scene then the wannabe vampires.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 11:33 PM
I think this episode if more of a poke at twilight but as usual im thinking they will have a proper hunting agenda. However I do think you will have some people that are wanting to be vampires who may get tangled up in the mess. I just hope it doesnt go too deep into the current campire fad thats sweeping every one.

On another note though, I think the regular addition of mitch pillegi is good so far. I liked him in xfiles and to me it has some nostalgic value
Not only that I think most roles he plays he tends to be good. I saw him in return of the living dead 2 as a soldier, short lived but again IMO he played it well. However I do think his character does have a negative agenda.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by q_ball

I don't like the current Twilight vampire fad either. So I hope they do not play into that. As far as Samual being good or evil, that I do not know yet. I think they have shown that he does have his own agenda going. Thats bout all I can say about him.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 03:07 AM

are basically just the hunting type ones thatdont really adhere too much to the story arc.

Well the first two episodes were the hunting type but they gave us hints on the main story.So maybe the vampires (wannabe or not)might ad a little bit.Remember the "Changing channels" episode.Noone thought that will ad anything to the apocalypse,that it was just a fun/Trickster episode.And by the end of it the things we found out....The Cambell family appears in this episode,according to imdb,so they might give us a little clue about what's going on.

By the way what i understood was that the vampires are using the current trend(twilight) to find victims or grow in numbers.We'll see.

posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 05:46 AM
I was very reluctant to get into season six. Season five was so enjoyable to me that I did not want to risk a hokey attempt at undoing or compromising the myth structure that I'd grown so fond of.

But Sam, Dean, and Cass just kept calling to my imagination to come back... So this morning, with my resolve weakened by a spat of the flu, I finally gave in, found an online site housing the episodes, and went back to my guilty little pleasure.

I've made it through the first two episodes and I am happy to say that I am glad I did not stick to my guns. Having a sub plot of tension between Sam and Dean, once again, is great!

And seeing Parker Lewis/Jonas Quinn/Harold Lauder/Christian... AKA Corin Nemec as a character has great appeal for me as he is just one of those people who leave me wondering if I love 'em, hate 'em - or both!

So, as I run off to watch the third episode I am finally hyped enough about the new season to post here about my affection for Supernatural!

BTW: if it all happens to go horribly, horribly wrong after the first few episodes... Please allow me to find out for myself! I'm already in the Impala and excited about taking this trip!


posted on Oct, 20 2010 @ 06:47 AM
reply to post by Hefficide

Welcome to the season 6
Well if you don't read the previous pages you won't get any spoilers.

Only thing i'll tell you,the next 2 episodes are the best medicine for the flu.Get well soon.

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 05:52 PM
hey all check out this, Its an episode guide for this season. Warning may contain spoilers.

Its an episode guide for this season. Warning may contain spoilers.

However if you look at the episode that follows the latest one about the godess of truth appers dean spills all about something it says on the episode guide. Who wants to make a safe bet that this could some how be the episode where we learn more about sam some how instead of dean?

posted on Oct, 22 2010 @ 09:10 PM
I'm not one for peeking ahead, I like to speculate.

What was up with Sam tonight?
He pauses and smiles a little as Dean gets infected.
I keep falling back to Lucifer riding Sam's meatsuit.
It's like Sam is learning from observing what the boys normally do.
Of course, the twist will be adding a new character to explain Sam's change.

If he was truly soul-less, I suppose he would act the same way as he is now, so I still cannot rule that out entirely.
Next week it will be revealed, so I guess we can bounce ideas this week and see how it unfolds.

Grandpa Skinner suspects just like Dean does. I wonder if they have already discussed it and have an idea.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by shadow watcher

I think Samuel is in it,too.We thought Sam didn't know about the Alphas,but he does,so i suppose Samuel knows what is going on with Sam.

Anyway.Did the Alpha vampire in Dean's vision looked like Raphael a lot,or is it just me?Dean said that they are making an army so if Raphael wants the apocalypse back on track and there is a civil war in heaven he is creating a back up army?just a thought.

And something else i was thinking about.What if Sam and Samuel(and the rest of the Cambell family) are not the real ones.What if they are Pagan gods.Kali survived the massacre,Trickster might have too.What if they are making an army to fight both angels and demons and to do that they are gathering all the alphas to help them.What a better way to find what you need pretending to be a hunter and have the help of Dean and Bobby.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:00 AM
OK that started as a run of the mill episode but like every one is saying when sam paused and let dean get infected that definately shows something is not right!

I like the theory about the pagan gods disguised as the cambells, but what gets me thinking is why send samuel back? Why not just send their dad up instead? This gets me thinking that isnt right further.

Also Sam and Samuel both knew about the alphas, yes, Samuel discussed this in the first or second ep this season, however only Sam intended to perhaps use dean as bait. SO this gets me thinking, maybe Sam isnt lucifer maybe he is just more ruthless now, they showed an earlier episode in the start where dean was with the blonde lady who gets bitten, if memory serves he was quite harsh with her and sam was the one being gentle. Maybe they are trying to intentionally draw parallels to sam and dean and sam now being a bit more ruthless?

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 04:53 AM

Dean suddenly gets a huge heart and Sam goes all deviant while God is still AWOL....

Michael and Lucifer living in their vessels anyone? The apocalypse right on schedule?


posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 05:30 PM
maybe so with sam, but deans becoming softer i think has to do with him now having a family

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