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Dark secrets of Satan

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posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 11:38 AM
Every Satan wastes both Their demeanors and Their source just for a chance at pestering Any Other than Them.

One demeanor is a LIVING ABOMINABLE PSYCHIATRIST or LIVING ABOMINABLE PRESCRIBER. The other demeanor is a LIVING PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG designed and offered by and of the LIVING ABOMINABLE PSYCHIATRIST's SELF-sacrificial offereing to become against the straight rent (**humanly referred to as male) demeanors of the Spiritual Rent Sources.

Both ^^those are HOMOSEXUALITY. Meaning, one first Satanic demeanor targets circular sexuality of Spiritual Rents' demeanors of own free determinations. Meaning, other secondary Satanic demeanor, crafted by the first Satanic demeanor, sexually attracts toward the Spiritual Rent Sources while attacking the very Spiritual Rent Source's straight rent demeanor of a genius look Wise.

Accomplishing altering a straight rent demeanor that has been finalized by the very would-be target, is known a NO-GO and a NEVER HAPPENING by the very abominable crafter of such secondary Satanic demeanor. Why do it then? This is a doing by a hater who is without a cause to hate. This is a doing by who just will try at pestering others while knowing nothing they could ever do can technicaly alter another rent's demeanor.

A living spirit is a living source and a living demeanor. A living source is created fully by THE MAIN CO-CREATOR, but the demeanor must the co-creation, as in the free furnishing of who it will be and how it will sorcefully continue.

EVERYONE IS IN PART CO-CREATOR since it is a GENERIC CO-SOW SCHEME which is intergrated into a RADICAL SO SCHEME. Think of SO as an utter utterance toward something or someone. Think of SO as the utter attitude.

Some ppl say "SO" in a way which is of a crapy attitude. (example: 1. Like, so what?! 2. Like, so who cares??? )

Some ppl say "SO" in a way which is of a showing interest attitude. (example: 1. So... What will you be doing tonight? 2. He is so to die for!)

Trust me, when I say this, each BEING, which is indeed of a co-creation design, has their FATE left up by thier "SO" which is the demeanor behind their in part CO-SOW of the CRUICAL aspects which are FREELY DETEMINATIONAL by each.

You have no observation of the Upper RADICAL SCHEME nor of the Lower RADICAL SCHEME. What scheme you are observing in now is a scheme which GISTS little bits of the Upper and GISTS many bits of the Lower.

You each hold the very truth in which direction you go after this scheme you are under now. Based on the kind of "SO-DEMEANOR" you are most showcasing here on earth toward persons, places, and things. It includes yourself and others.

Anyway, this is the dark secrets of Satan. Satan is just a temporary name given toward a CERTAIN type I describe above. In the end result such type is A NAMELESS LOST "SO"UL put in the garbage which is a Lower Radicial Scheme.

Look and observe the comments carefully which follow. And make your decision on whether or not this is so of a truth that is built into your own souls detection. A tree is known by his fruit.

Now open for commenting.

If you have a question, I want you to rather seek answering your own questions. A genius asks questions innerly and then goes figuring out answers for those question on their own. Why would I not want you to be a genius? I'm no hater when I'm of an Upper Radicial Home Scheme. But and if you are offended by my type, then we see which Home Scheme you are heading into the very extreme scheme you claim doesn't exist: HELL.

Some ppl care, some ppl do not care. You can tell which SO-demeanor is who by when a 'care' or a 'no care' becomes transparent by how it comes forth. Ever gave thought towards homosexual tendencies in full since we live in a world among other types of ppl? One thing I noticed is homosexuality isn't exclusive to physically being a homosexual. A key clue lies in demeanor toward same sex. I am male. Use certain comments toward me as a further examples of the very homosexuality which is amongst no matter where one goes on planet earth.

If you are sensative... I haven't even attacked Satan in this thread, but just posted my knowledge from observations of Satanic ppl amongst in real life and on the net. Observations stated from what I learn are no attack toward anyone. Just so you know any who will be offended at the mere mention of homosexuality put in a negative Satanic light, that is no personal attack, isn't getting anything over on me, but may proceed in getting a truth across concerning abominable demeanors. I am against homosexuality, but have not attacked any of you who may be of homosexuality. For if I am not free to state what I am against without directing any attack toward any person, then you which think you can bind me are against the radicial, with such a flame. I neither mentioned real life homosexuals in a negative way in the main content. Homosexuality is a thing, not a person. If you will be of a confusion demeanor by your fault at missreading or intentionally missreading into words, then it will show the very 'no care' attitude which does come as some sort of give-a-damn from the very Satanic demeanor I'm mentioning.

edit on 25-9-2010 by XsameXoneXotherX because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 12:13 PM
link I will not ask you a question as you requested (I really don't have one), but I will lend an interpretation for those that maybe didn't make it through your unique style of writing.

VERY simply put; there are negative and positive forces at work around us at ALL times. We can chose to live our lives in the positive or the negative and when our souls are set free from our physical bodies at death, whichever 'energy' we are 'tapped' into is where we will go.

NOW...I chose to call this power/energy that is in me and you and every living thing on this planet the holy spirit. It is the thread that binds us all. We just need to chose to acknowledge it and the results are amazing, and the positive 'so' that you talk of is (IMO) all about this faith working through us.

Those of us that are concious of this however are also aware of the negative forces at work. Drugs, alchohol, sex and any other substance or behavior that can be used as a vice are all part of this influence. You obviously see homosexuality as part of this but I don't have a comment on that. I think we need to be careful of any kind of negative, superior and judgemental view. It is not for us to decide and we need to make sure to treat everyone as equals because we ARE all equal in God's eyes.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by XsameXoneXotherX

If you will be of a confusion demeanor by your fault at missreading or intentionally missreading into words, then it will show the very 'no care' attitude which does come as some sort of give-a-damn from the very Satanic demeanor I'm mentioning.

No offense, but I don't agree that being confused by what you wrote is completely "our fault" or that it means I am of a "Satanic demeanor".
Just saying...

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 12:27 PM
Hey OP,

I know that you request we all seek the Inner Life when contemplating our questions concerning your thread. And I have done this, arriving at my own answers. Which, differ from your own. I do not find recreational or pharmaceutical drugs to be stifling, disruptive, or negative at all. I've known great spiritual advancements to come via recreational drug use. I have seen horrible malady's silenced via pharmaceutical drug use. I have even seen debilitating problems overcome through psychological and psychiatric assistance.

What does it mean if your view on things is not applicable in my life? I, and those around me, have been making spiritual advancements by leaps and bounds with psychology, science, and drugs (recreational and not) for years now. What would you tell us?

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 12:29 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

I agree. I understand the point of view that satan uses confusion as a way to gain influence. There is a whole lot of confusion in the world right now and this leads to people looking for answers and guidance. It makes one vulnerable. But if one of the purposes of this OP is to see how many people claim to be confused by it and therefore the OP come back and use it as a way to claim they are of a satanic nature is (IMO) very misguided in itself.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 12:37 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

I agree with some of what you have said, but have to state my opinion when it comes to the recreationial drugs. Again, this is just my opinion and am not trying to negate yours.

I feel that those who use recreationial drugs as a way to enlightenment walk an extremely dangerous line. Yes, those drugs might help remove your inhibitions, but it also leaves you very vulnerable. IMO, true enlightenment can be achieved by simply becoming aware and through meditation or prayer. I feel that to achieve real faith you then have to reach out to God for guidance and protection, but I realize that unfortuantely many people would be turned off because of that. SO....I say to those who are not religous, it is still attainable to you. You must recognize it as the positive energy that is in you, around you, available to you no matter what you call it. Once you experience it, REALLY experience it I think you will natural look further for answers and hopefully be led to God for it.

Okay, back to the drugs. I feel that the drugs give you a false sense. It might make it easier to feel the energy whithin you, but it then leaves your soul vulnerable to the negative forces at play too. In addition to that, you then fall into the false trap of thinking you now NEED those drugs in order to feel good and be enlightened when you DON'T. It becomes a vice or what some call a false prophet and it as a dangerous road that can lead to addiction an the confusion that is not of God. I am not being judgemental of you, I am just cautioning you.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by westcoast

Equal in what way?

Each is a co-creator. So what happens toward any co-creator ultimately is up to the very co-creator.

The abominable put themselves that way, and do pay for it. Notice no word CREATOR in the bible? Why do you think that is? It is because CREATOR would imply a CREATOR fully created every one. What you see rather is the term Father. It is very co-responsible when you are a Father, is it not? A son has own responsiblities after a Father brings them into being, do they not?

The Satanic are with no excuse in how they will be but by them who is behind their own free determination finalization.

You either SOW FOR YOURSELF or you SOW AGAINST YOURSELF, during the co-creation process, based on your SO-TUDE (utter demeanor take on any and every thing and one).

We are equal concerning our FATE by what we make our own be. We are not equal in a way that mean we all enter the same place after life on this planet. Our FATE is sealed already a point 'come to' where we had crucial role in furnishing ourselves. This here life on earth is a front which just displays the DIFFERENT SO-demeanors, just so we each may see that certain of us are Upper-bound and certain of us are Lower-bound, before we go into our OFFICIAL HOMES.

edit on 25-9-2010 by XsameXoneXotherX because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 12:42 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

I agree that many good things have come from pharmaceuticals -- many diseases and illnesses have been controlled and in some cases abolished.
What the West calls "recreational" drugs have played major roles in spiritual development of many societies and individuals.
According to the OP, does that mean I am a "homosexual of Satanic demeanor"?

Personally I don't agree with the OP, but it appears that also makes me of "Satanic demeanor".


Originally posted by XsameXoneXotherX

THAT I do agree with though.

edit on 9/25/2010 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 04:26 PM
Why is everybody profile picture suddenly becoming some chick?

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 05:41 PM

Originally posted by Thibotham
Why is everybody profile picture suddenly becoming some chick?

What are you talking about, and how does it relate to this thread?

edit: Saw and read thread on avatar glitch.

Still don't know why it was asked about in this thread...

edit on 9/25/2010 by Chamberf=6 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by XsameXoneXotherX

I doubt you see it this way, but to me you are speaking in double-talk.

You say there is a father, but that we all are co-creators therefore are not created equal, but only what we sow ourselves to be. I don't agree.

Perhaps you think too highly of yourself to admit you are not in complete control of your fate, but to rate yourself up there with God is I think a very satanic thought in and of itself.

Perhaps that is the real point of your OP? You are already well aware of it and realize that you have chosen to 'so' yourself evil. Either that, or I am afriad you are tricking yourself.

There IS only one creator. God. There IS only one connection to this creator and that is in the form of the holy spirit, the positive energy that we speak of. The only control we as mere humans have is to align ourselves with either the positive or the negative. We are created equal from God meaning that we all have the same access to this love and the same choices to make. To pass judgement on others is to take the position that you are better than them. If you believe that, than you are NOT aligning yourself with the positive.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by westcoast

Well, for starters I never said that I am a recreational drug user. Only that I had known such substances to be beneficial in the opening of the mind, the dissolution of the ego, the advancement of energy manipulation, and the awareness of the super-senses. I myself have remained recreational-drug-free during my spiritual pursuits. However, I do understand (because I am a spiritual guide) that some people cannot achieve these states, the feelings, or the experiences on their own because of psychological boundaries. For instance, one who suffers from tinnitus cannot practice meditation because the ringing, if powerful enough, prohibits proper thought-manipulation.

As well, pharmaceuticals and other medical science have helped us advance from burning the diseased, bleeding patients with leeches, and blood-letting with razors to what medical science is now: treatment of germs, bacteria, viruses, and other micro-biological agents; suppressing of the biological functions responsible for disturbing behaviors like OCD or epilepsy; advancements towards the correction of improper brain chemistry like that found in cases of Schizophrenia, Bi Polar Mania, or Depression.

Medical science, like recreational drugs, have their benefits and harms. It is up to the user to measure both before applying them to their life. Peyote, '___', '___', Psylocybin, Ecstacy, cough syrup, Lunesta, sleeping pills, meditation, fasting, shamanic vision quests, ceremonial magick; it doesn't matter what it is. What is important is that the user practices control and moderation.

After all, meditation and other spiritual practices can also be addictive, destructive and dangerous. Improper fasting or meditation can cause all sorts of biological malnutrition, skeletal injuries, and disease. The psychological mind-set of ceremonial magicians can cause disillusionment, hallucinogenic responses, and other psychosomatic symptoms capable of causing shock and terror which may lead to bodily injury.

The Great Satan is not the pharmaceutical industry, nor is it the recreational drug industry. It is certainly not the spiritual circles, witch covens, UFO cults, or the religious mentality often accompanying these institutions. The Great Satan is irresponsibility, disregard for personal safety, and a lack of experience and understanding of the subject matters being tackled.


Concerning your belief that recreational drug use leaves one more open to the negative astral entities... spirituality is a release of the brain's naturally produced '___'. So whether you drop an acid tab, or fast your way to delirious vision quests the '___' is still the same thing; that essence of spirit is neutral, not carrying a positive or a negative connotation. Whether a positive or a negative interaction occurs depends on a number of both internal and external factors, none of which are whether it's a drug or a naturally induced relsease of '___'. They are:

Mentality: whether a person is optimistic or pessimistic will change the lens with which they view the spiritual experience they under go. If you have a disillusioned and disturbed individual than their experiences into the paranormal and spiritual will be frightening and unfriendly. The opposite if the explorer has a more upbeat mentality.

Intention: if you're trying to channel the essence of a Bodhisattva, you're not going to end up speaking to Belial. Just as if you're trying to reach out to Acheliah you won't end up talking with a Rakshasa... as long as you've studied the practices required, honed your capabilities, and can keep your focus and determination centered on that which you seek. Drug use, surprisingly, causes a much more concentrated effort at centralizing the mind 9 times out of 10. Which would actually make recreational drugs more beneficial to spirituality.

Presence: whether a positive or negative entity is present can influence an exploration without a guided destination. If a beginner is simply poking into the ether to see what can be seen, then a negative entity present may make the experience decidedly negative. A positive entity will make the experience more optimistic. That's just simple logic: if you don't seek a destination whatever is near will reach out to you. This occurs whether you're on drugs, meditating, or simply trance-working.

Again, it comes down to personal self-control, practice, and knowledge of that which is being undertaken. If the person is lacking in these fields, they will be lacking in control of the events to follow. Nothing to do with what they're on in order to achieve the experiences.


As for "good" and "bad" spiritual beings existing. That is another story entirely, as it has been my experience that four categories of beings exist:

• The Positive, which act as one half of a cosmological scale
• The Negative, which act as the other half of the cosmological scale
• The Neutral, which rest between + & - on the cosmological scale
• The Indifferent, which act according to situation, not morality or ethics

Such is just my opinion and experience though, which is likely to differ with your own and that of millions of others on this planet. Which is why I've always believed that alongside my views, all views are still subjective. The Great Meaning is, and always has been, that there's more than one meaning.

May you continue to find peace on your journey,

~ Scribe

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

Wow man. Now that's a response.

You could have made that its own thread -- and a good one at that.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by Chamberf=6

That is a major compliment, Chamberf=6,

I've always enjoyed reading what you've written on various other threads.
You're one of those ATS users who's opinions I greatly respect.
So, a compliment like that really boosts my confidence a lot.

Thank you.

~ Scribe

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

I second the compliment. Star for you. Excellent post.

I suppose the reason I see the recreational drug use as a negative is because that is the light I have only ever seen it in. You bring up the point that it has been used in spiritual ceremonies long ago and ofcourse you are absolutely correct.

I think many of our views on spirituality are similar and I have enjoyed your commentaries. Thank you!

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 12:56 AM
reply to post by westcoast

Thank you as well for the compliment and star, westcoast.

I think, that as a people, we tend to be a bit arrogant in our capabilities. Forgetting sometimes that "if it's of the Earth, it's of the greatest worth". This happens to include many spiritual supplements: oils, incense, hallucinogens, herbs and roots among others.

As our scientific intellect marches forwards we cannot forget that the root of spirituality is mind, and the two most prominent forces on the mind are our individual perceptions, and the environment which acts upon them. This environment includes drugs and other paraphernalia, while our perception includes meditation and other practices of the mind.

It takes both to achieve the desired goals; the internal reactions as well as the external reactions. Duality, which has always been a base of my own practices, ideologies, and teachings are where everything begins. Without dualities there is no morality, no ethical reasoning, and no polarity to a practice or a being. From these dualities we can then find neutrality and gray areas which further our understanding of all things.

Such has been my road.

Thanks again for the refreshing conversations.

~ Scribe

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 08:27 AM
I can't follow the reasoning of the post as a whole, but I found the insight into the dual, contradictory uses of the word "so" to be pleasantly enlightening. It's amazing how much communication is based in context and attitude.


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