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The Trouble With Humans and Forums

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posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 09:27 AM
I like many on here have been a member of various forums.

Also like many I joined following an 'alien activity to self', that being some sort of contact/abduction/interaction with an entity that was not human. So like most stupid humans I joined a forum to 'find out about aliens' ! Walked right into their trap, just like you all are doing now.

Well Im here to report to you that these forums are actually NO good to mankind or his spiritual ascension. They are grounds where you innocent humans are being played. Played by forces so beyond you that you stand hardly any chance at all. The odds of mankinds ascension are so tiny anyway, due to thousands of years of being confined within this matrix, that when added to the fact your all being played by Ultra aliens, your all cooked as they say. Played with, killed, skinned, cooked and eaten energetically speaking.

Your all so asleep you cant see this INFRONT of your eyes. You think your all so awake but your not, not in any way. Ascension is like a war, its a war and its bloody, there are casualties a plenty and it most certainly is NOT LOVE and LIGHT. Its actually a deadly war and most will die. I know you whont want to, nor like to hear this, those on here who know, know what its really like, but they keep feeding you love, love and more love. LOVE will keep you asleep. Love is not your ticket out of here, fools for thinking so. Love is the base energy that you all exist upon, it is the BASE, ascension is about becoming your true realized self above base, love is the base of Humanities existance but it will not power you into ascension, not in its base form. Love is a polarity, in its base form it is polarised with hate/fear. They are infact polarities of the same force, but your invaders dont want you to know this. No entity can ascend as long as it remains in a polarised state. Love as energy is a polarised state. Everything is energy, nothing is actually physical, and love is a polarity within. How you all expect to ascend whilst polarized it just idiotic, showing just how childlike humans understanding of their reality actually is.

Yes your in a matrix, of this there is no doubt, held there by so called Guardians who have failed you miserably, so miserably that hardly any of you will be able to ascend. You have become a game to them, and they will not let you go EVER, your theirs for eternity, and hardly anyone escapes. The matrix they have placed you in is pretty tight, most exits have been closed, except one. The next matrix they will have you all 'ascending' into is locked completely. You must escape this matrix now, while there is still one door open. Your new matrix is a totally closed system, your all lead into it via your chakras, you all enter as one big ball of base energy- love. Why do you think your all fed this love and light crap, to capture you! Like lambs to the slaughter you go, Ive seen it, inside you 'think' you've ascended and are in the 5th, but what your actually in I would not even call it existing.

So why do humans and forums bring trouble? The trouble with mankind is, is that he is a child, a spiritual child in a Cosmos of highly advanced beings who have far superior knowledge to man. They have no intentions of allowing humans to ascend to their levels and so keep him down, hes a nice supply of energy for them, no one wants to see their food supply disappear now do they. Mankind keeps this whole thing going, it is your energy that feed it, the aliens whont be loosing that vast battery any day soon, not if they can help it.

Forums are FULL of aliens. Absolutely full of them, once you know what to look for you can see them quite clearly. I have nothing to do with them anymore and neither should you. Yes there are several 'friendly' aliens ( no alien is totally friendly, ) on the WWW, but the percentage is SO low only those with super discernment can spot them.

Basically every newly awakened human that comes on these forums and posts about their 'experiences' is fodder, fodder for the invaders, the human innocence is OUTSTANDING on these forums, so ignorant of their waiting fate, that fate being to be TAKEN by the invading alien forces. You all come so innocently to the WWW with a great flag above your heads saying EAT ME!!!! Aliens LOVE fresh awakened human energy, its so delicious, they actually fight over it! Im sure many of you realize you are being devoured, if you do the advise is simple..STOP IT. Close off your energy points to them, stop all your chakra work, seek inwards instead, seek inner silence beyond your chakras, never open the chakra system by force. Have the guts to FIGHT for your survival.

So how are humans robbed of their ascension power? So very easily Im afraid. Your all one of the following

-WILL CRUSHED (insanity)

-KNOWINGLY COLLABORATE (these are the worse type of humans who deserve ALL they get, this forum is FULL of them)

The innocents are just that, poor little children who unfortunatly know no better. Lack of incarnated life experience, spiritual innocents. Lambs, so foolish. Cant be told.

Those whos will is crushed are a sad bunch. They are more aware than the total innocents but usually this helps them little. The aliens confuse them so much their poor little brains cant take it and they go insane. Its a difficult thing to deal with, but once the human will is crushed it becomes an empty shell, spirit taken, job done. I advise all those who 'Think they are an alien, to STOP, your not , your a human GET USED TO IT or loose your mind. The choice is yours.

The ego, well dont we have plenty of this on these forums. Aliens are playing greatly on this one. You all think your aliens , yes most of you do. Aliens or super humans some alien race has contacted you to SAVE THE WORLD. Erm.NO! Your a f#' human. You are to save yourself. Your all so busy believing the new age SH 1T that feeds you the lies that your some special super alien from Sirius or where ever, that your loosing your ascension power to ego. You all want super powers..oh yes you do. Your not actually interested in saving the world, you've all just fallen for the alien invaders bait that says 'You are special, you are an alien, a hybrid with super powers'

YOU are most certainly not, all you are doing is making it far easier for the invader to round you all up into that NEW Matrix they have for you. HUMANS must save themselves, this must be done via personal effort, spiritual growth, inner light, NO alien can save you. Those who think aliens can save them are idiots, total f# idiots and I have no time for them. Humans have mainly sold out, they have lost their inner fighting spirit, their inner power to become self realized, instead giving this golden opportunity away..all because some higher species tells you your an alien or super human with a mission to save planet earth. (How stupid and egotistical can you all be????)

The ONLY MISSION you have is to save yourself, to become self realized. THAT is ascension. The rest is matrix fodder, space tales of a reality that DOES NOT actually exist.

So carry on falling for the aliens story that your one of them, YOU are not. Drop the ego or be taken. Oh and your gonna be taken for a very loooooong time.

Those humans who KNOWINGLY COLLABORATE with the alien agenda are the worst. Those who come on these forums as wolfs in sheep clothing are a failure to mankind. They make you their friend, tell you half truths, whilst all the time laying their deliver you to the invaders. However, even these humans are being used, they cant see it but they are, there is a price to pay, and they WILL be charged.

So Humans take the warning and be cautious in these alien gathering grounds, it is a most deadly game from which you must WAKE up to, the fact you are openly giving your power to a much more powerful invading force. Oh whats this invader called I hear you ask...They are called many things..... but you may know them under this name. THE REPTILIANS.

Take this post as you find, but you have been warned. It is unlikely I shall comment further, as it is intended as a warning not a discussion.

Get wise, wake up and FIGHT. FIGHT for your survival or remain alien battery fodder.

Disclaimer: Everything I wrote up to this post is 90% BS, fed to me by matrix controllers. To quote previous posts is to quote matrix BS.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by Mr Green
Disclaimer: Everything I wrote up to this post is 90% BS, fed to me by matrix controllers. To quote previous posts is to quote matrix BS.

I am glad I only read the first paragraph, got bored, and scrolled to the bottom then!

But seriously my friend. If the forums were a bad thing, we wouldn't be using them to attempt good things, ie wake each other up.

I understand your message, at least I think I do, through all the talk of matrices and aliens.

Read my Plan at the bottom of my thread. See how you can be part of the movement to reclaim Mans dominion.

Judge not, Love all, be at peace.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 09:58 AM
great thread, you are correct, i believe many people do enter forums for that distinct purpose, i did, not that i believe although it would be nice, but because i wanted to know what other people believed.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 10:12 AM
Well there is no sense in wasting good space!

Here is my take on all of this. Parallel Universes! The one we know is this one, this is our Universe, our Dimension. It is here for us to play, learn, enjoy, and utilize. It is not here for us to conquer, destroy, control, or manipulate.

There is another Universe/Dimension, and that one has somehow purposely or accidentally been bridged with ours. This is the Universe of Aliens/Greys/Demons. Their Universe is one of a different set of Physics and is not a pretty place at all. These creatures have tested the waters here and they like this World, this Universe, and they would like complete access to it.

If there are those who are ready to Ascend then they are very few and very far from each other and will likely Ascend in quiet solitude without anyone realizing it. The average person is barely waking to the possibilities of Spirit and is not Ascending. If by some accident of Nature our World should become destroyed, or by any other means, man or otherwise, then there will be a transcendental migration to another Heavenly Body in which to re-manifest.

There is talk of a Harvest! If anyone knows anything about Harvesting this is not something anyone wants to be a part of unless you are the Harvester! Simple as Pie!

We all have Souls and because of these Souls we have the gift of Eternal Life. If something could harness these Souls and capture them, perhaps even consume them, there is the greatest possibility it is being done in order to capture this Eternal Life. We should never forget that our Soul belongs to us.

I agree with several parts to the OP's warnings, but clearly there are no Ascending Masters here, we are all just normal people living an extraordinary experience. Especially now! These times are the most exciting times and through Faith and Fortitude of Salvation we all get to Witness the Fall of Evil. We get to see the Demons cast back through the gateway called the Leviathan with all the evil people whom they have attached themselves to.

If a person tells a lie, then there is the greatest possibility they have a Demon attached to them. It is time to exorcise and exercise those Demons right out of us! Wash that Demon right out of our hair!

There is no need to respond to my response since the OP is not responding to his!

Consider this a Graffiti Thread ! Pretty to look at but often will get Painted over when the colors get all mashed together.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Greensage

There is another Universe/Dimension, and that one has somehow purposely or accidentally been bridged with ours. This is the Universe of Aliens/Greys/Demons. Their Universe is one of a different set of Physics and is not a pretty place at all. These creatures have tested the waters here and they like this World, this Universe, and they would like complete access to it.

If there are those who are ready to Ascend then they are very few and very far from each other and will likely Ascend in quiet solitude without anyone realizing it. The average person is barely waking to the possibilities of Spirit and is not Ascending.

You are correct, your knowledge has suprised me, now I wonder how you came by this truth? It is quite evident who told you, because they have fed you this truth with lies.

There is talk of a Harvest! If anyone knows anything about Harvesting this is not something anyone wants to be a part of unless you are the Harvester! Simple as Pie!

Again you are correct, a harvest is just that a harvest, humans are the harvest NOT the harvester. What happens to harvests....they are consumed. Humans are the Pie.

We all have Souls and because of these Souls we have the gift of Eternal Life. If something could harness these Souls and capture them, perhaps even consume them, there is the greatest possibility it is being done in order to capture this Eternal Life. We should never forget that our Soul belongs to us.

Yes thats right, eternal life. Eternally captured. Humans forget everytime. Eternally returning (reincarnating) to the matrix. Pretty stupid ehy.

These times are the most exciting times and through Faith and Fortitude of Salvation we all get to Witness the Fall of Evil. We get to see the Demons cast back through the gateway called the Leviathan with all the evil people whom they have attached themselves to.

If a person tells a lie, then there is the greatest possibility they have a Demon attached to them. It is time to exorcise and exercise those Demons right out of us! Wash that Demon right out of our hair!

Well you've gone and let yourself down after such a promising start...see I told you they fed you half truths. Read the OP again, the part about polarity, you've just polarised BIG time..polarised energy is unable to ascend..drop your polarisation to evil, evil is a part of good, both the same force Im afraid, the above statement by you is quite obviously something someone has told you, it is not something you have found for yourself. If you had taken the time to self validate the above statement via inner knowledge youd know it to be complete lies.

There is no need to respond to my response since the OP is not responding

Your initial shining knowledge made me reply, shame you let yourself down with that evil demon Leviathan water dweller stuff/evil must fall/cast out the demon nonsense. You most probably read that in some religious texts I guess. Ah such is the level of control the Reptilian invaders have over you.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

Your post is kind of funny.

But to tell the truth, when I finished reading it I agree 100%.

This is exactly the stuff that has been on my mind recently, every single thing you wrote.

I was wondering when somebody would post this.

Although I don't see these entities as reptilians.

I see them slightly different (very horrific), and they are multi-dimensional.

They feed off the absolute worst kind of energy we can give off.

I'm really wondering if anybody else sees these things as I do?

If you do, how would you describe them and this place they come from?

edit on 25-9-2010 by Thibotham because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 01:34 AM
Hello. I've been a lurker here for quite some time, this is my very first post on ATS, and I'd really appreciate if you could give me some answers. You are giving us advice to stop all chakra works, but seek ascension through inner light. Could you please elaborate a little more on that? How to do it? What would be your advice in order to ascend and escape that "trap matrix" you told us about? Help me please, I feel I must do something in order to grow spiritually, but surely don't want to become alien/demon food. Also, I'm dabbling with the Law of Attraction lately, what are your thoughts about that?
Thanks in advance,

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Greensage

nice, seriously that was breath taken your comment does fit in many way, thumbs up

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by Raven_Heart
Hello. I've been a lurker here for quite some time, this is my very first post on ATS, and I'd really appreciate if you could give me some answers. You are giving us advice to stop all chakra works, but seek ascension through inner light. Could you please elaborate a little more on that? How to do it? What would be your advice in order to ascend and escape that "trap matrix" you told us about? Help me please, I feel I must do something in order to grow spiritually, but surely don't want to become alien/demon food. Also, I'm dabbling with the Law of Attraction lately, what are your thoughts about that?
Thanks in advance,

As I said this is a warning about what NOT to do. To not fall into the forum trap. Im not here to tell you what TO do, you must find the way yourself. Do chakra work and it will consume you, that is my advice on what NOT to do.Take it or leave it. I dont tell people what they should do, thats for you to seek. Everyone is different, but the use of chakras ALONE is spiritual death. its all about balance, and chakras alone are not balanced. Just a warning, up to you how you take it. Its not my problem if people do it and are unable to discern its hidden dangers.

Use your WILL to grow spiritually. Dont go asking others, mind you if you do theres plenty of 'masters' around who will jump at the chance .Tell them to go * themselves. No, be your own master. WILL spiritual growth to yourself, seek inner silence and intend it towards you. Only YOU can do this. Take responsability for yourself, otherwise your a slave. Leave any aliens/ astral entities/humans who've sided with reptiles outside of yourself, honestly they are DEADLY. YOU dont need them, you have everything you need inside YOU.

This OP is a warning of that which lurks hidden on forums, not an advice thread on meditation.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by Mr Green

dude! well said man, i agree with what you said there, but what is all this chakra talk?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 03:50 PM

Disclaimer: Everything I wrote up to this post is 90% BS, fed to me by matrix controllers. To quote previous posts is to quote matrix BS.

How convenient...

Well then, that saves you from anyone pointing out past postings doesn't it? Does one have to be "awake" to use this type of tomfoolery?

Also, what's with all the insults? This thread reads like someone who is upset because they can't provide the "skeptics/meanies" with proof. However, I am going to assume I am incorrect. And I am going to post an honest post, and hopefully honest debate will follow.

(All quotes will be from the OPost, this time around)

Well Im here to report to you that these forums are actually NO good to mankind or his spiritual ascension. They are grounds where you innocent humans are being played. Played by forces so beyond you that you stand hardly any chance at all.

May I have some proof please? "Forces"? Are these like the military "Special Forces"? Or is this like a "Star Wars" force? Maybe a "force" of nature? Though none of these "forces" are beyond me; however, I couldn't stand a chance against any of them either.

Please understand, I know this is skunk works. I just am going to need more than "your word" about such a large accusation. (Also note, I did not say definitive proof.)

So you see my confusion. You apparently can detect these forces, yet you don't warn us what they are. You just seem to be sitting above us chuckling, saying "Look out, it's gonna get ya." What's up? "Where's the beef?", to quote a commercial. IE What force is "playing me" and is "beyond me"?

your all being played by Ultra aliens

Aw, I was hoping for Uber Aliens! Seriously though, "Ultra Aliens"? I mean we aren't even sure if we are being visited by "regular aliens" let alone the ultra versions.

With that said, care to give some sources of these Ultra Aliens? The ones that are cooking/eating us "energetically". Same as above really, something is eating me, you claim all I need is a little proof of this.

Your all so asleep you cant see this INFRONT of your eyes. You think your all so awake but your not, not in any way.

What? You are insulting everyone now?

Well I am glad you feel you are better than the majority of posters on ATS, I find that hard to believe. Again I am going to need to know exactly "how" I am asleep. Of course that requires explaining, and not "mumbo jumbo" so the response will have to be very different from the OPost.

I see this alot. "You people are " I guess that is a catch all now. Something that can not be proven true or false, like a god.

Ascension is like a war, its a war and its bloody, there are casualties a plenty and it most certainly is NOT LOVE and LIGHT. Its actually a deadly war and most will die.

I am glad to hear you agree that war is not about a chemical reaction in a persons brain, and light. (Though technically it is, isn't it?)

Love is the base energy that you all exist upon...

You're losing me. Love is a chemical reaction restricted to the confines of ones brain. It is not a magic blanket that you can wrap stuff in, it is a chemical reaction. Take away the chemicals, and you can take away love. How many people have you talked to that say "I can't feel love", due to medications? I know quite a few, and can hunt down research if needed. Love is a chemical, a response to a input. Just like hate, indifference, pain, sight,...well...experience.

Love is a polarity, in its base form it is polarised with hate/fear.



Here let me show you my problem

(Love=4 Hate=1 Fear=2)


How can you say that one emotion equals (or is the exact same) as two others put together? Or am I misunderstanding? When my grandmother died, I didn't love that. (I was Hateful that she was dead, and I was afraid of dying myself.) According to you, that equals love.

Well it is becoming apparent this is all smoke and mirrors, with no substance (sources) I will keep responding out of responsibility.

Yes your in a matrix, of this there is no doubt, held there by so called Guardians who have failed you miserably, so miserably that hardly any of you will be able to ascend.

Matrix, you mean the movie? Or some other type of matrix? Perhaps some elaboration?

However, giving you the benefit of the doubt. Who are the "so called Guardians"? You are so casual in your reference to them, you MUST have a wealth of data/sources/proof of their existence? Right?


You must escape this matrix now, while there is still one door open.

Another question, how come these folks always can see the "door", but never TELL YOU WHERE IT IS?

(I know why, it will be time to pull out the "free will" card. Right? Well my free will is saying "Show me where the damn door is. Or go through it yourself, and leave me alone.")

The trouble with mankind is, is that he is a child

Please stop insulting me, and my species. If you think YOU are a child, that is fine. (Though, and I can't stress this enough.)

To have children, you must have adults. WHERE ARE THE ADULTS??? When you answer that, and point out mommy and daddy, you can call me a child.

Forums are FULL of aliens. Absolutely full of them, once you know what to look for you can see them quite clearly.

Who wants to bet that I am one of them? I wish I was, then maybe I could get off of unemployment!

I just checked and realized I am not even halfway through this
I figure nothing is going to come of this topic, but like I said I have already started so might as well finish. But don't worry, I am finished with the OP, other than this:

The ego, well dont we have plenty of this on these forums. Aliens are playing greatly on this one. You all think your aliens , yes most of you do. Aliens or super humans some alien race has contacted you to SAVE THE WORLD. Erm.NO! Your a f#' human. You are to save yourself. Your all so busy believing the new age SH 1T that feeds you the lies that your some special super alien from Sirius or where ever, that your loosing your ascension power to ego. You all want super powers..oh yes you do. Your not actually interested in saving the world, you've all just fallen for the alien invaders bait that says 'You are special, you are an alien, a hybrid with super powers'

That sure looks familiar, ya know. It reminds me of the OPost of this thread. New age (check) Aliens (check) Magic Knowledge no one else has (check)

All well, this is in the gray area at least. I just can't understand these types of threads, they want to "help us" but seem to only call us children and stupid. Even "real" adults don't do that, well not the "nice ones".

I guess we just can't hang with the gr'ups, bonk bonk on the head.

(No emotions were used in the typing of this post)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 03:52 PM

Originally posted by adigregorio

So you see my confusion. You apparently can detect these forces, yet you don't warn us what they are. You just seem to be sitting above us chuckling, saying "Look out, it's gonna get ya." What's up? "Where's the beef?", to quote a commercial. IE What force is "playing me" and is "beyond me"?

They are Reptilian. Humanities Reptilian Masters. Im not chuckling in any way. Whats funny about the human race being alien controlled? Do you deny this? That mankind is an innocent child in a vast predatorial Universe? One that he needs to wake up in very soon or hes gonna be harvested as they say.

Aw, I was hoping for Uber Aliens! Seriously though, "Ultra Aliens"? I mean we aren't even sure if we are being visited by "regular aliens" let alone the ultra versions.

With that said, care to give some sources of these Ultra Aliens? The ones that are cooking/eating us "energetically". Same as above really, something is eating me, you claim all I need is a little proof of this.

Yes Ultra as in not local. Ultra Universal, not local Universe. Proof? Look around you the evidence is on show for all to SEE. Im not here to prove anything to you, if this doesnt speak the Truth to you, then run along, go to some other forum. Many KNOW of the existance of these superior aliens, its just they hide in fear. Afraid to even confront what their reason will not allow them to see. Truth is shocking, is it not?

What? You are insulting everyone now?
Nope, the evidence is INFRONT of you. As in writen and in images ALL over the place infront of YOUR eyes.

Another question, how come these folks always can see the "door", but never TELL YOU WHERE IT IS?

It can not be 'told' as in language, because it is beyond language, The door is within the silence, the silence within. I can not show people their own silence, it must be SEEN for ones self. This is not me with holding knowledge, it is mankind who with holds it from himself, it is also held back from him. Images can help show the door. Google Alex Grey, an image can say what a thousands words can not.

It is THIS door that mankinds controllers, alien AND terrestrial hold back from him.

To have children, you must have adults. WHERE ARE THE ADULTS??? When you answer that, and point out mommy and daddy, you can call me a child.

You misunderstand, humanity is a Spiritual child, I did not mean physical child. Of course we have physical adult humans, but humanity is a spiritual child. Where are the spiritual adults? Transcended.

In Part I, I posited that most of us have not reached full Adulthood due to a failure in the final development of the brain’s prefrontal lobes from the ages of 15-21. In this part I’m going to give a brief description of the “fourfold brain” and what the consequences have been as a result of their “Arrested Development.”

Generally speaking our brain is composed of three main parts, the hindbrain or reptilian brain, the midbrain, or limbic/old mammalian brain, and the neocortex/new mammalian brain. The prefrontal lobes are the newest addition to the neocortex developmentally and can be considered the fourth part, hence we have the “fourfold brain.”

As Pearce described it, “…Logically we could expect that on the completion and maturation of nature’s latest, largest, and highest brain at age twenty-one, we would possess capacities more dramatically different from and more powerful than anything previously experienced… In fact, the development of these new prefrontal additions should ideally result in a mind that is so remarkably different from the one we operated with before that it would present to us in full the biological possibility of transcendence.”(Emphasis added) “The Biology of Transcendence,” pg. 51

But, as the Apollo 13 mission said, “Houston, we have a problem.” It turns out that for most of us on this planet we didn’t make it through this most crucial stage. As Pearce sadly notes, “… in fact, nothing much happens at all.”

We “flatline” developmentally and pretty much stay in “Arrested Development” for the rest of our lives, unless we undertake a major “hero’s journey” to finish this stage of development. Take a look around, (including a good, honest look at yourself), and you’ll see that the majority of “Adults”, though “grown up” physically, are still operating out of unresolved childhood and adolescent traumas and their corresponding limited belief systems. We have not put away our “childish things.”

That sure looks familiar, ya know. It reminds me of the OPost of this thread. New age (check) Aliens (check) Magic Knowledge no one else has (check)

I am not new age.I do not with hold any secret knowledge. I fight against this crime on humanity.I fight against LIES. Any knowledge that aids mankind to transcend I TRUELY BELIEVE should be available to ALL those who are ready for it, to withhold such knowledge is the greatest crime, and a price shall be payed for this by those that do this VERY thing. They who rule , manipulate and hold mankind back. THOSE on these forums included, alien AND human!

(No emotions were used in the typing of this post)

Indeed. No emotions were used in typing my reply.

edit on 28-9-2010 by Mr Green because: quote

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:02 PM



NOT found within Matrix programming.

FOUND within inner silence.

The Door which is heldback at all costs from all who awaken. Held back for the reasons in the OP. Held back through greed and control, the control of the innocent via Alien Masters and corrupt humans who hold higher knowledge and abuse it, who control your every move through THE MATRIX.

edit on 28-9-2010 by Mr Green because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by adigregorio
You're losing me. Love is a chemical reaction restricted to the confines of ones brain. It is not a magic blanket that you can wrap stuff in, it is a chemical reaction. Take away the chemicals, and you can take away love. How many people have you talked to that say "I can't feel love", due to medications? I know quite a few, and can hunt down research if needed. Love is a chemical, a response to a input. Just like hate, indifference, pain, sight,...well...experience.

You are confusing correlation with causation.

The "chemical reactions" as you vaguely call them are nothing but observable correlations with the feeling we interpret as love.

Love is the source, you are only discussing the recognition of it's effect on our brain...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Mr Green

Originally posted by adigregorio
So you see my confusion. You apparently can detect these forces, yet you don't warn us what they are. You just seem to be sitting above us chuckling, saying "Look out, it's gonna get ya." What's up? "Where's the beef?", to quote a commercial. IE What force is "playing me" and is "beyond me"?

They are Reptilian. Humanities Reptilian Masters. Im not chuckling in any way. Whats funny about the human race being alien controlled? Do you deny this? That mankind is an innocent child in a vast predatorial Universe? One that he needs to wake up in very soon or hes gonna be harvested as they say.

I know I am going to regret this; "Do we have any evidence that this is taking place?"

In my 29 years on this planet, I have yet to see one alien (Another planet alien). I would feel safe saying that this is the common occurrence.

Now, I will thank you for telling me what is "after me". And, for the sake of discussion I will assume that you are correct. (Though I would still like an answer to the question above

"Whats funny about the human race being alien controlled?"
This is a hard question to answer. How are they controlling us? (Again, just saying they are is not going to be enough to get me to "hate" them.) Maybe they control us like a teacher controls their class? That isn't a bad thing, it aids in learning (most of the time.)

If it is what you are alluding to "Bad aliens exercising bad control" then obviously there is nothing funny about it, and I would do everything in my power to make sure everyone knew what was up. I mean EVERYTHING in my power.

"Do you deny this?"
If you mean, "Do I deny that aliens are controlling humans" then yes, I do deny that. But, for the sake of your discussion, I am setting my belief aside, kinda. I will need some evidence that they are in control, (please note I am not asking for proof.)

I will accept any evidence that is presented, though I ask that weblinks have "eye friendly" colors. Too many times my sockets are left smoking from hot pink fonts and yellow backgrounds

"That mankind is an innocent child in a vast predatorial Universe?"
Could you post me a link showing one other creature in the Universe, that is not on Earth. Or, how about a small list of the predators names? (Are we talking about the aliens again, if so just say so and I will be on the same page. I assume this is talking about creatures like "lions, tigers, and/or bears" (oh my!))

Originally posted by Mr Green
Yes Ultra as in not local. Ultra Universal, not local Universe.

This is making no sense to me. How far away does an alien have to be before they get to become Ultra? I mean, are "Grays" ultra, or are the too close to us? How much farther away are the Reptilians from us, than the Grays?

(Just trying to map out where regular ends, and ultra begins.)

Originally posted by Mr Green
Proof? Look around you the evidence is on show for all to SEE.

And I don't see it. Why do you not want to help out those of us who are blind? Like I said, it looks to me like you just want to flaunt your position in "knowing".

Originally posted by Mr Green
Im not here to prove anything to you, if this doesnt speak the Truth to you, then run along, go to some other forum.

How about evidence then? That is different from proof, here is an example:

The daylight outside is evidence of a sun. I can look around and see something caused by the sun. Is it proof that it is the sun? No. It could be a street light, or some other source. I hope this helps show you where I am standing.

Proof means that something is proven. I am not asking you to prove this, I am asking for the evidence. That same evidence you talk about here:

Originally posted by Mr Green
Many KNOW of the existance of these superior aliens, its just they hide in fear. Afraid to even confront what their reason will not allow them to see. Truth is shocking, is it not?

Weasel words aside, how do they KNOW? There must have been some type of evidence, what is it?

Originally posted by Mr Green
Nope, the evidence is INFRONT of you. As in writen and in images ALL over the place infront of YOUR eyes.

If it is right here, could you point it out. I can't seem to see it.

(Remember, I asked you to do the same thing in my first post. Just point out the evidence, that is apparently right in front of my eyes.)

Originally posted by Mr Green
It can not be 'told' as in language, because it is beyond language, The door is within the silence, the silence within. I can not show people their own silence, it must be SEEN for ones self.

What?!?! Well this looks like a fancy way of getting out of explaining.

Originally posted by Mr Green

Originally posted by adigregorio
To have children, you must have adults. WHERE ARE THE ADULTS??? When you answer that, and point out mommy and daddy, you can call me a child.

You misunderstand, humanity is a Spiritual child, I did not mean physical child. Of course we have physical adult humans, but humanity is a spiritual child. Where are the spiritual adults? Transcended.

I did not misunderstand, and you did not answer the question.

If I am a "spiritual" child, where is my "spiritual" parent(s)? Point those out before saying that I have them, I think they owe me some back allowance.

Originally posted by Mr Green

Originally posted by adigregorio
That sure looks familiar, ya know. It reminds me of the OPost of this thread. New age (check) Aliens (check) Magic Knowledge no one else has (check)

I am not new age.I do not with hold any secret knowledge. I fight against this crime on humanity.I fight against LIES.

What do you know, I do the same thing!

Originally posted by Mr Green
Any knowledge that aids mankind to transcend I TRUELY BELIEVE should be available to ALL those who are ready for it, to withhold such knowledge is the greatest crime...

Where is that door again?

Where is that evidence again?

What were you saying about withholding knowledge?

Can you not see these catch 22's?

(Remember, as of now, I am willing to believe you. I need the evidence, that is all I ever need. Not proof, that is different. And I know this is the grayest area of the boards, and I respect your awesome idea. But that is all I can call it right now, and idea.)

edit on 9/28/2010 by adigregorio because: To repair quotes, or shooting off a bb

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by adigregorio
In my 29 years on this planet, I have yet to see one alien (Another planet alien). I would feel safe saying that this is the common occurrence.

Do you think that is a long time ?

You are asking a lot of questions but it doesn't seem as though you are really trying to understand anything...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:53 PM
Have I ever noticed that people who
know more about devils than God also
have strong words for how we should behave?

David Grouchy

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 04:55 PM

Originally posted by Jezus

Originally posted by adigregorio
In my 29 years on this planet, I have yet to see one alien (Another planet alien). I would feel safe saying that this is the common occurrence.

Do you think that is a long time ?

You are asking a lot of questions but it doesn't seem as though you are really trying to understand anything...

I never said it was a long time, I used it so people would know how long of a time.

Are you saying that it is not a common occurrence? Are you saying that people (on average) see aliens (from other planets) regularly?

I AM asking a lot of questions, none of which seem to get answered...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:01 PM
For example:

Lil wayne's new album is called "I am not a human being" and all the youngsters are going to follow that trap...

it's all in front of your eyes...

And on top of that, aliens could be mini-biological organism that fall from space every day...

posted on Sep, 28 2010 @ 05:38 PM

Originally posted by adkchamp
For example:

Lil wayne's new album is called "I am not a human being" and all the youngsters are going to follow that trap...

it's all in front of your eyes...

And on top of that, aliens could be mini-biological organism that fall from space every day...

If you can show how it is NOT just marketing, then yeah.

Lil Waynes' new album is called "I am not a Human Being" because that is what he wanted to call it. Unless there is something I am missing?

Or are you suggesting that Lil Wayne is an Alien?

(How I wish we were talking about Lil John, he has the perfect question for this)

EDIT --Dear "god"! or Great "scott"!--

This part is for the OPer and readers

My humblest apologies:


This was highly improper for me to do, I hope it has not dirtied opinions towards my position. So, for clarification:

I AM FOOLISH I do NOT WANT proof I would like to see evidence.

Sorry, again, while there may be aliens among us, I am not one of them. Human error, yum!

edit on 9/28/2010 by adigregorio because: Apologies were needed, jeez I can be foolish at times...

edit on 9/28/2010 by adigregorio because: Fixin' the code, the bb code

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