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It's high time casual sex was regulated legally with a pre-sex form of consent!

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posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 11:50 PM
After reading and hovering over several lengthy threads on ATS, I've now become convinced that people who play the field and sow their wild oats should be required to sign a pre-sex consent form, thereby securing their rights and freedom from prosecution when the romantic encounter has taken its natural (or unnatural) course.
I wonder what should be on this form?
Let's just consider that most people infected with HIV have no idea that they carry the virus, and that information given on contraception can be highly suspect.
And then there's false accusations of rape, which are highly traumatic to the victim.

So far I'd say;

"1. Number of partners, please acquire form for each partner.
2. Two partners, type of sex:
2.1 Heterosexual
2.2 Homosexual
2.3 Not sure, other...
Please acquire relevant forms.

2.1 Heterosexual, two partners:
2.1.a I swear to be over the age of consent
2.1.b I swear to be willing to (name sex acts consented to)
2.1.c I am not willing to (name sex acts specifically not consented to)
2.1.d I am not overcome by alcohol or other substances and of coherent mind

2.2.a I understand safe sex (phone hotline if not)
2.2.b I am using contraceptives, specify
2.2.c I would like the male partner to use a condom (please examine condom)
2.2.d The male partner did use a condom (both partners sign here after act) ...

3.a I do not have a history of mental illness, stalking or criminal records, if so, specify...
3.b Do you expect love or a lasting relationship after your one-night stand?
3.c Does your partner expect lasting love or a relationship after the act?
3.d I can deal with disappointments

4.a What is your HIV/Aids status?
4.b When last were you tested?
4.c Even if there is no condom use, or in the event of condom failure do you waver the right to sue this partner should you test positive for HIV or a list of STDs in the future?
4.d Please sign.

5.a In event of condom failure, if you are male do you forgo any right to interfere with the female partner's right to bear or abort the child?
5.b If you are female do you release this male partner from any any hassles concerning DNA tests, and allow him your freedom of choice to either embrace or reject the child?
5.c Please discuss and sign ...
5.d Do you exempt all the family and friends of the other partner from any gain, monetary or otherwise, whatever the consequences of your encounter?

Name of male partner:
Name of female partner:
Thank You. Your data will be saved for legal pruposes.
Enjoy your day."

Well that's off the cuff, but something like that is sorely lacking.
Or am I totally off the mark?
The main interests would be the risk of disease, pregnancy and social rights.
It is not necessary to go into actual sex acts or childish things.
It could be a great idea.

edit on 24-9-2010 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 11:55 PM
So when going home with a woman, would I say hey lets have sex here are my papers sign on the dotted line please! This really can't be serious you should know the risks involved if you are going to perform the deed be safe or not safe I don't think that long list is necessary...

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by jheated5

All those issues have been on ATS, and this would provide much needed clarification to avoid unwanted after-effects.
But if you don't think so - we all take our chances in life.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:06 AM
Great Idea.

A new government department could be created and that would employ thousands of Americans whose families rely on them.

*And think of all the money that could be made fining people who get caught having sexual recreation without the proper forms and permits. A bloody fortune!

The economy could really benefit from this.

edit on 25-9-2010 by Exuberant1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by jheated5

The only truely troubling aspect in the form (which could be quite romantic to complete) is the "witnessess".
I wonder if that's really necessary.
I suppose it's worth ringing a doorbell or waking up a parent or room-mate.
It gives that extra formality.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:10 AM
There is enough red tape in this country to cover the world, this would add to it and that's what we are trying to get away from.

People must learn from their mistakes and if they don't its on them when the time comes.


posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by Exuberant1

Yeah, maybe so!
Jobs are sorely needed.
It would be great for recovering sex workers or offenders (not peadophiles).

However I see it more for a clued up elite (at first). It's to stop people from facing other legal issues that could employ many other legal workers and officials. So the people who normally benefit from child-support, stalking, HIV infection cases (increasingly) will not be very happy.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by SkyMarshall

And yet there are all kinds of warnings and precautions on the Internet about predators and stalkers.
Just typing in your bedrom or office is fraught with warnings and legalities.
So doing the real thing has far worse consequences, but people only realize it when it's too late.
The aim is for both partners to play open cards.
You won't harass me, and I won't harass you.

edit on 25-9-2010 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by SkyMarshall

It shouldn't be prescriptive, as in the clinic ran out of forms so now we can't do it until next Tuesday.
It is to protect yourself, so one would want to use it every time.

Nobody can come and accuse anybody of anything afterwards.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by halfoldman

This see the twentieth century, witnesses aren't necessary. Just video tape the signing and email it to the Department of Procreation and Sexual Recreation..

Everyone has video on their cellphones now so this is easy as heck.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:27 AM
It's a great idea to just make sexual responsibility part of our culture.. thing is media is what controls cultural attitudes and there is no money in people taking responsibily for their own actions. Unwanted children also helps keep people below the poverty line. Need a decent supply of wage slaves to keep the machine going.

edit on 25-9-2010 by riley because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 10:01 AM
Isn't it just a lot easier to use a condom?

If one really wants to fix things...

1) Make prostitution legal, safe, and accessible (victimless crime, potential tax revenue, and cleaner streets, less sex and violence-related crimes)

2) Make marijuana legal (potential tax revenue, cleaner streets, less related crimes, less use of heavier drugs, less addictive than tobacco or alcohol)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

Condoms are easier to some, and a turn-off to others.
A male condom or female condom? And condom negotiation should take place when such a form is considered and witnessed (or filmed), and not during the height of passion.
There is no law on condoms, as long as both partners sign, proof and adhere to the conditions on the form.
Condom use may also be dependant on other documentation proving contraception or HIV-status, but ultimately it is a chance partners are willing to take.
There is also a risk of "condom failure', which might be slim, but does happen, and that must also be considered.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 03:08 AM
Oh, since one poster mentioned filming the contract's signing to be uploaded on a special site (a good idea instead of witnesses), perhaps one should add (sarcasm) a clause for aspiring Hollywood or Reality TV starlets: 'In case this encounter is filmed I reserve 90% of the copyright!"
But jokes aside, for many that is traumatic, so it would be one of the first things to point out as not-consented to.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 12:57 PM
reply to post by halfoldman

It's all about consent.

If the couple doesn't want the risk of STDs or pregnancy, then one party (doesn't matter which one) must use protection. EITHER party can deny sex if this condition isn't met, or they can do the deed without protection, and then BOTH parties have just accepted responsibility for the consequences.

And no form is's simply understood.

If instead, you're proposing that there should be a way for the male to absolve himself of any responsibility of not using protection, just because both parties signed a form, there is always the possibility of creating such a contract between the two parties, but I doubt any woman would sign it.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Gazrok

The problem is that condoms may not be discussed before the time, or things happen in the height of passion which one partner did not want at all.
If one partner then trurns out to be HIV-positive he is at risk of being investigated for delibarately spreading HIV through unsafe sex. Or she's preggies, and it's a case of "I thought you were using contraception, oh no I thought YOU were using it".
Perhaps one partner is a bit mental and spiteful and agrees to barebacking before sex and changes her mind afterwards. It is the man's reputation that goes in such a he said, she said scenario - I mean who will believe him?
So, a form is a better idea.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 01:21 PM
I kind of agree, and this is what I have taught my kids, that to have consensual sex there should be a clearance first, it actually made them all abstain instead, lol, true.

edit on 30-9-2010 by antar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:46 AM

The problem is that condoms may not be discussed before the time, or things happen in the height of passion which one partner did not want at all.

Then that partner has the OBLIGATION to refuse the act. If that person lets their passion override their common sense...well, up to them to pay for that mistake and it's consequences.

Takes two to Tango, and all of that... If you want to go on the ride, have to buy a ticket. In this case, the price of admission is taking responsibility for your actions.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:46 AM
double post...oops

edit on 1-10-2010 by Gazrok because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 11:43 AM
I am not sure if this thread was a joke, but what is more unnerving is the postings that generally agree in all seriousness.

I will not be filling out a form before bedding someone. I will not be giving the other someone a form to fill out before bedding them either. simple as that.

I have whats known as common sense..I get to know a person first off and all those questions listed are simply answered in time through conversation...and for the occasional fling I have had in the past, it comes right down to simply wrapping up and risk assessment.

If there was a actual form, I would expect it only in one way...that comes from a camera at your front door that a new face looks into and simply says "I consent"...something locked so it is not to be tampered with and only opened up and reviewed should a rape charge come up...very strict guidelines on when it can be opened..

think your spouse is cheating on you and want to check the tape? too bad. Think your elected offical is banging a intern when they should be doing their job and want to check the tape? too bad.


now, on the flip side..this would cut down on illiterate people from breeding

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