After reading and hovering over several lengthy threads on ATS, I've now become convinced that people who play the field and sow their wild oats
should be required to sign a pre-sex consent form, thereby securing their rights and freedom from prosecution when the romantic encounter has taken
its natural (or unnatural) course.
I wonder what should be on this form?
Let's just consider that most people infected with HIV have no idea that they carry the virus, and that information given on contraception can be
highly suspect.
And then there's false accusations of rape, which are highly traumatic to the victim.
So far I'd say;
"1. Number of partners, please acquire form for each partner.
2. Two partners, type of sex:
2.1 Heterosexual
2.2 Homosexual
2.3 Not sure, other...
Please acquire relevant forms.
2.1 Heterosexual, two partners:
2.1.a I swear to be over the age of consent
2.1.b I swear to be willing to (name sex acts consented to)
2.1.c I am not willing to (name sex acts specifically not consented to)
2.1.d I am not overcome by alcohol or other substances and of coherent mind
2.2.a I understand safe sex (phone hotline if not)
2.2.b I am using contraceptives, specify
2.2.c I would like the male partner to use a condom (please examine condom)
2.2.d The male partner did use a condom (both partners sign here after act) ...
3.a I do not have a history of mental illness, stalking or criminal records, if so, specify...
3.b Do you expect love or a lasting relationship after your one-night stand?
3.c Does your partner expect lasting love or a relationship after the act?
3.d I can deal with disappointments
4.a What is your HIV/Aids status?
4.b When last were you tested?
4.c Even if there is no condom use, or in the event of condom failure do you waver the right to sue this partner should you test positive for HIV or a
list of STDs in the future?
4.d Please sign.
5.a In event of condom failure, if you are male do you forgo any right to interfere with the female partner's right to bear or abort the child?
5.b If you are female do you release this male partner from any any hassles concerning DNA tests, and allow him your freedom of choice to either
embrace or reject the child?
5.c Please discuss and sign ...
5.d Do you exempt all the family and friends of the other partner from any gain, monetary or otherwise, whatever the consequences of your
Name of male partner:
Name of female partner:
Thank You. Your data will be saved for legal pruposes.
Enjoy your day."
Well that's off the cuff, but something like that is sorely lacking.
Or am I totally off the mark?
The main interests would be the risk of disease, pregnancy and social rights.
It is not necessary to go into actual sex acts or childish things.
It could be a great idea.
edit on 24-9-2010 by halfoldman because: (no reason given)