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Here's The New Coffee Party

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posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 10:50 PM

Building a Sustainable Movement
Americans are longing for an energetic, non-partisan, and solutions-oriented approach to political discourse and civic participation. The Coffee Party is a rare achievement of all three ideals. That is why our unplanned, all-volunteer movement went viral so quickly, attracting nearly 300,000 active participants on Facebook, where our on-going virtual town hall receives nearly 4 million post views per day. Our message of civility and trans-partisan dialogue has allowed us to create an email list of over 65,000. Our YouTube channel has attracted 275,000 viewers. We've just launched a LiveStream channel, which has already registered 73,754 viewer minutes. And our Flickr page has nearly 2000 photos posted by Coffee Party members across the United States. When a movement is truly of, for, and by the People, billionaire sponsorship is not required. All of our methods of communication are free, or almost free, on the Internet.

As we enter our eighth month, the Coffee Party's long-term focus is to develop, replicate, and sustain an effective method of engagement. We are creating models of participation based on responsible citizenship — a sense of civic duty, patriotism, and a respect for our democratic system of government. Our goal is an informed and involved electorate that takes seriously the responsibilities of citizenship, not only for the purpose of winning elections, but to effectively govern our nation on behalf of The People, and no other interest.

Yes, we are non-partisan, but being non-partisan does not mean we will not take positions. It means that Coffee Party members will arrive at positions based on principles and facts; not based on party affiliation and ideology. It takes more time, it requires more work, and it requires more discipline. But it is what our country needs. Responsible citizenship is required to save our republic. Too many Americans simply adopt the rhetoric, and thus the agenda, of institutions wealthy enough to afford the tools of mass communication. A nation that is self-governed calls upon its citizens to make judgments and decisions for themselves. Thanks to technology available on the Internet, we believe that Americans can meet the challenges of self-governance in the 21st century by becoming active citizens rather than periodic consumers of partisan entertainment.

As members of the Coffee Party, we have found that the practice of responsible citizenship in a creative, collaborative environment fosters a sense of community and civic pride that is its own reward. Love of country is not based on shared resentment, anger, or fear. Love of country is based on shared values and ideals that define us as a people. The accomplishments of our first 8 months, and our future endeavors and future accomplishments, are founded in these ideals. That is what makes our volunteerism worth while. That is what powers our movement.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

I think I'm interested in this! It has the appearance, at least, of a real grass-roots movement, brought together by the internet. It looks like an effort to approach our politics in a rational and democratic way, and reject the shrill slogans, name-calling and slander that passes for our political discourse today.

If there are any Coffee Party members, I'd like to hear from you.

Otherwise, I'd like to hear others' response to this proposed new movement.

Otherwise, I'd like to hear your responses

edit on 24-9-2010 by Sestias because: embed yvid

edit on 24-9-2010 by Sestias because: Add link

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 11:29 PM
Here's more from the Coffee Party's manifesto on their website:

What ails our democracy, and what will cure it?
We believe that powerful special interests are employing deliberate tactics to divide and distract the American public, making us more susceptible to ill-considered proposals. Critical policy discussions are subjected to a perpetual cacophony of misinformation designed to breed cultural resentment, and sound policy decisions are undermined by the temptation of our elected leaders to play to this noise instead of the substance of a debate. The ugliness on television, on talk radio, and on blogs and conspiracy emails is alienating to the vast majority of Americans. Alienation breeds apathy. It shrinks participation, and leaves our democracy vulnerable to manipulation by the very special interests who fund and produce this alienation.

We need to learn to recognize and actively resist these tactics. We need to have a good understanding of Constitution and American history, and not allow the Constitution to be appropriated by vocal minorities seeking to advance a narrow, radical agenda. This is why we like to quote the Founding Fathers, Declaration of Independence, and other founding documents. This is why we are hosting a ground-breaking Mock Constitutional Convention. The values and ideals that inspired this country belong to us all; not just those who have the money and the motive to game the system. The only cure for the ailments of partisanship, special interest manipulation, and divisive tactics is active citizenship and informed participation from the American public.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 11:37 PM
Actually, I have a few friends who are members down here in FL. Very cool stuff actually, and something I can subscribe to.
I am semi-Libratarian with definite "left" leaning social views (of course, more in line with true Lib. philosophy if you ask me!).
The CP seems to attract the same. They obviously find the GOP distasteful, as well as the tea-partiers. I'm so sorry, but truly we do find, at least where I am, so many intolerant, negative qualities in the TPers. I mean you can read a manifesto about all you want but when you see them in action it truly is sad.

Freedom: monetarily and socially is totally groovy. So is thinking outside established party lines.
The coffee party really attracts many college kids and is growing rapidly in those sectors.

posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 11:52 PM
They got a chance. People are not content with the current party system is, so fracturing is bound to happen and the most successful one's will be the first one's to do so.

What kind of party do you get that is started by Mark Foley, Ted Haggard and Bob Allen? A Lemon Party!

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 12:04 AM
Now this is something I can get my back into!

Seems very grass roots and not thought up by some corporate think tank. It seems to be the movement I have been waiting for. Think about this metaphor: Tea is kind of a watered down drink, like koolaid. Coffee is a robust thick drink that has body and is very complex, it is the opposite of koolaid.

Thank you OP for bringing this to our attention!

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by awake_awoke

Hey I am a Libertarian too (the true form, not the party form). I believe in the collective good being the role of government. Government is the vehicle that allows many viewpoints to live together peacefully. That said I think government should be really much smaller than it is now, and only focused on the needs of the collective...kind of like how it originally was designed.

I dropped from the TP movement when I saw a bunch of old people enter it, shouting FOX news slogan's. It became hi-jacked now as a patriot USA, USA, USA type of movement. More wars, more money for corporations, keep the government out of them corporation pockets, poor people go to hell and be satisfied with the minimum wage job you have is what the TP movement seems like to me now. It used to be much more refined and focused, now just a mouthpiece for FOX and the Republicans.

The CP sounds up my ally. I am not a member; however, I could easily see myself become a member if I thought it could help. We are a nation rich with ideas, but currently, have no outlet to express those ideas. Our leaders would not listen. They have an agenda and like the lady says in the video the machine is broken. Even the TP's will not be able to get through to Washington. When it's broken it's broken and doesn't serve our needs any longer.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:07 AM
I love the Coffee Party, they seem to be more educated and more free thinking than the sheep of the tea party Hopefully the Coffee Party can bring sanity back to America.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 02:33 AM
To the coffee party and those interested in it, I would say:

Be prepared to be ridiculed. Be prepared to be berated, looked down upon, and under-estimated.
Why? Because (it seems to me) that you are very angry; much like the tea party movement. However, as of now you are able to see through your anger and think rationally. This makes you truly dangerous.

Do not let your anger get the best of you, do not let another incite or inflame your anger past its reasonable amount - this was the downfall of the tea party movement. It may seem hard to believe, but they once began with the exact same ideals based upon intellectual discourse.

You see, when you become blinded by your anger, only then do you need someone to lead you...

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 04:34 AM
Coffee Party Platform-

Higher taxes
More central government
Less individual privacy

Created by an Obama campaigner. YEAH, really grassroots.

Nice, another "supposed" grassroots movement when in actuality it is under the umbrella of the astroturf that Pelosi likes to project.

Can we check on funding? George Soros?

How bout the grassroots organization?

Sabina Virgo -- Chair
Rebecca Baird -- Secretary
Eli Regalado-- Treasurer
Annabel Park
Zephyr Teachout
Teri Hart
Bahiya Cabral Johnson
Advisory Board

Frances Moore Lappe
Lawrence Lessig
Alex Rigopulos
Jimmy Wales
Jason Rzepka
Archon Fung
Mark Zaifman
Interim National Team

Operations Manager --Brian Endicott
Online Technology Director/Webmaster -- Eric Yao
Director of Planning -- David Overcach
Director of Communications -- Eric Byler
Director of Grassroots Lobby Campaigns -- Stewart Snider
Director of Local Support -- open
Voter Engagement Coordinator -- Billy Wimsatt
Director of Development -- open

Grassroots I am SURE.

Government not big enough? Taxes not high enough? Are you too free? Want Global Government? Want Carbon Credit scam enacted? Want preemptive war? Want a nanny state?

Then the coffee party is for you.

Have you figured out what coffee stands for yet? I know Taxed Enough Already. What is coffee?

Communists or Future Fascists Engaged Everywhere?

Come on, let us attempt to find out what it stands for.


I think mine is the best.

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 05:08 AM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower
Coffee Party Platform-

Higher taxes
More central government
Less individual privacy

Created by an Obama campaigner. YEAH, really grassroots.

Nice, another "supposed" grassroots movement when in actuality it is under the umbrella of the astroturf that Pelosi likes to project.

Can we check on funding? George Soros?

How bout the grassroots organization?

Sabina Virgo -- Chair
Rebecca Baird -- Secretary
Eli Regalado-- Treasurer
Annabel Park
Zephyr Teachout
Teri Hart
Bahiya Cabral Johnson
Advisory Board

Frances Moore Lappe
Lawrence Lessig
Alex Rigopulos
Jimmy Wales
Jason Rzepka
Archon Fung
Mark Zaifman
Interim National Team

Operations Manager --Brian Endicott
Online Technology Director/Webmaster -- Eric Yao
Director of Planning -- David Overcach
Director of Communications -- Eric Byler
Director of Grassroots Lobby Campaigns -- Stewart Snider
Director of Local Support -- open
Voter Engagement Coordinator -- Billy Wimsatt
Director of Development -- open

Grassroots I am SURE.

Government not big enough? Taxes not high enough? Are you too free? Want Global Government? Want Carbon Credit scam enacted? Want preemptive war? Want a nanny state?

Then the coffee party is for you.

Have you figured out what coffee stands for yet? I know Taxed Enough Already. What is coffee?

Communists or Future Fascists Engaged Everywhere?

Come on, let us attempt to find out what it stands for.


I think mine is the best.

Care to have the same analysis on the Tea Party???

Funding Koch Brothers

Love Dick's Army do we foam?

Want war with Islamers, want an oligarchy, more magic freedom on wallstreet, definitely want the first Trillionaire, want state religion, want more defense, want the middle class to disappear, WANT SCOTUS NOMINEES WHO HAND OVER OUR ELECTORAL PROCESS TO CORPORATIONS AND UNIONS
oh wait, check that one off

Of corse the






is not the same shiz as the GOP

as you have assigned to the coffee party

Conservatives crap golden statues and never have to wear deodorant, thats a FACT, Period!!!

edit on 25-9-2010 by Janky Red because: (no reason given)

edit on 25-9-2010 by Janky Red because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 06:57 AM
Another movement that will soon be, if it has not already been co-opted by mainstream interests. The Tea Party started out as an actual independent movement that called for nothing more than smaller government and less taxes and now look at it. Ridiculed originally as extremist, then the Glen Becks of the world began to see their opportunity and slipped right in.

Their mainstream influence sent hundreds of so-called disaffected to the new movement and the Tea Party began to twist under itself as its majority opinion changed from libertarian ideas on governance to "Rah rah GOP!" With that, the media successfully destroyed any chance of your average American identifying with the Tea Party.

Your Coffee Party sounds good now but how long will it last? How long until it's another partisan lie dangled out in front of more supposed disaffected Americans to placate their hunger for freedom from their chains? How long until the next party after that? How many more times will this cycle go before it's obvious that all the parties and rallies are for shmucks?

You could hold a million symposiums on smaller government; as long as you keep putting the same party-line zealots into office you'll never see the action you want taken.

Either cut your puppet strings or just stop denying that you are what you are: dance puppets dance.

edit on 9/25/2010 by eNumbra because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 10:15 AM
Another name for the same old corruption ... New name.. New face... Same old #...

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by saltheart foamfollower

Created by an Obama campaigner. YEAH, really grassroots.

Nice, another "supposed" grassroots movement when in actuality it is under the umbrella of the astroturf that Pelosi likes to project.

I, along with a few million others, rang doorbells and made phone calls for Obama in 08. A lot of us "little people" were motivated to pitch in. That would make me, I guess, an "Obama campaigner" too. I am hardly a major mover and shaker on the American political scene.

I'm not a business, corporation, or millionaire. I am on a modest pension. I am as grassroots as they get. I'm not even a member of the Coffee Party, but if I were I would hope they would accept a lefty among their ranks (unlike the Tea Party).

BTW: What is the big stink the right is making about Nancy Pelosi? She's the Speaker of the House. Of course she's going to vote with the Democrats. She is one.

If the Republicans succeed in taking the House in the next election (which I seriously doubt they can) then John Boehner would be Speaker of the House. Of course he would vote with the Republicans. He is one. The Speaker always is of the majority party. That's the way the House works.

If one's only objection to a person is the fact that they are a Democrat or Republican then one is definitely too partisan to be objective.

edit on 25-9-2010 by Sestias because: composition

edit on 25-9-2010 by Sestias because: punctuation

posted on Sep, 25 2010 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Sestias

Pelosi COINED the AstroTurf saying.

That is why I said she likes to PROJECT.

Projection-when you do something yourself and accuse others of that attribute.

Sorry, you may have been just a small door knocker, but the creator of this AstroTurf was not.

Just another component to the machine.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

Do you deny that freedomworks and some other well-funded, supposedly "grass roots" organizations are billionaires and corporations behind the Republican Party and definitely the Tea Party?

I's sure if the "coffee party" gains any momentum then it will probably be co-opted by $ too.

One can dream.

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 01:25 PM
You all do realize that the 'coffee party' was started on facebook by an irate Obama supporter who only started it because she hated the tea parties, yes?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Jenna

I knew the Party was on Facebook early on.

Maybe the founder was disillusioned by the Democrats and wanted something else. Even if she's still an Obama supporter that doesn't make the Coffee Party any less interesting.

The Tea Party started with people who were basically right of center. Every movement starts with the supporters of some other movement. They have to start somewhere.

Do I hear you saying that any Party which has Democrats or leftists in it can't be any good?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 05:17 PM
The Tea Party is fake, it's the FOX News/Republican Party. Makes me want to puke. The Coffee Party makes me want to puke even more since they are nothing more than a response to another dumb party. Democrat and Republican parties both make me want to puke in equal amounts for different reasons.

Can we please stop the lame political party clique shtick and instead maybe just focus on what is truth and what isn't?

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 05:28 PM
If you believe the Tea Party is full of Redneck Astroturf then you are probably stupid enough to believe the Coffee party wasn't created by the Democrats to offset the Tea Party... and is a grass roots movement...

posted on Sep, 26 2010 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by Sestias
Maybe the founder was disillusioned by the Democrats and wanted something else. Even if she's still an Obama supporter that doesn't make the Coffee Party any less interesting.

Quite the opposite actually. Have a look here if you care to find out how it really got started. I'd quote it, but some of it would require me to break the T&C. The woman behind it campaigned for Obama.

Do I hear you saying that any Party which has Democrats or leftists in it can't be any good?

Nope, and I honestly have no clue how you could have gotten that from my post. I agree with Democrats on some things and Republicans on others.

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