posted on Sep, 24 2010 @ 10:12 PM
Dissent from government is now a crime against the state, just as it was in the USSR, though at least the Russians and other Bloc citizens knew that
they weren't free. Sadly, until they come for you, most Americans will stay under the illusion that they still live in a free state, focused
on liberty. Unfortunately, Americans don't even know what liberty is, as we have never gotten a taste of it and we have been indoctrinated to define
liberty as what we have. Most Americans don't even think twice at allowing government to make our choices for us and in fact, we try to deligate as
many choices as possible to government, almost as if government is living our lives for us, in complete control. Scary, I know.
Now, it is becoming illegal to even question the state and that is the most clear sign that tyranny and authoritarianism has already infested
government. No longer are we in danger of becoming an authoritarian state, we are already there, knee deep, only we are in some drunken stupor and so
can't even see it for what it is, which makes it all the more dangerous. Again, we aren't in danger of losing our freedom, it's already gone.