Mark Twain remarked that some of the stupidest words he had ever heard spoken were "my country, right or wrong".
As I study the concept of patriotism and its practice down through the centuries, certain things become clear. First and formost among my
observations is that : Patriotism is ALWAYS practiced like a religion, until like a disease it ultimately results in getting people killed.
Patriotism is a marvelous tool for politicians, as it enables them an excuse to raise taxes necessary to pay rich defence contractors (also known as
"Death Merchants") to build weapons that maime and destroy life in ever more gruesome and indiscriminate ways.
The Merchants of death, who are all guaranteed a 25% profit margin for every year they continue supporting the killing of others, are all too willing
to kick back a few million for their favorite politicians...who, having remained in power by starting or continuing the spread of the empire, are
eager to do it all again.
And where should they go? Lets see... there's a lovely little asian country with a HUGE resource of exotic woods right over there... Once we take it
over, we can give control of it over to Brown and Root or one of the other major companies. We can even force them to take out loans from the world they can never possibly repay...and then we drain them all right down to the last droplet of water -- even the water that falls from the
sky. Yeah, we'll make em pay us for everything they've got. Its a beautiful plan...and lets face it...10 years from now, nobody will ever remember
a tiny little country with a wierd name like....Vietnam
Hey! The commie's are coming... Send your kids to help us fight em off ! Be afraid ! Be afraid !
The same old song gets played out over and over again. Vietnam, Guatamala, El Salvador, Nicaragua , Iraq, Afghanistan and on and on and on.
And every time...the flag of "Patriotism" is leading the parade...marching side by side with "Fear".
We have a nation that is capable of amazing things... if only we could ever allow ourselves to drop the fear and forget all about "Patriotism"
least when it is asking us to kill.
Of course, thats just my opinion...
Originally posted by OldDragger
What ever happened to patriotism in our country?
I don't mean mindless knee jerk jingoism. Rah rah, love it or leave it.
I mean trying to contribute to the nation. Trying to do what's best for all of us.
It's easy to crticize , but does anybody, Congress on down really care about the nation ( as a nation) anymore?
Is anyone willing to work through our differences, compromise and solve problems?
Are you willing to help, or is everyone just in it for themselves these days? Is money ALL that matters?
Your thoughts?